
Melodi Holago
3 min readJun 23, 2023


Isn’t it simple? No, it’s not. Being human is not a concept that can be reduced to simplicity. Yes, a concept. Being human is now a concept. There are so many people around us, and we are constantly interacting with them. I don’t say communication because I can’t say it. Communication is also a concept. In fact, it’s a much bigger concept than being human in today’s world. I’m not obsessed with concepts. Or at least I don’t think so. The point I want to emphasize here is this: the important definitions that exist in our lives now serve much greater purposes, and we are not aware of it. I’m writing because my mind is confused. I know very well that all of our minds are confused. Maybe I can find a solution for us because I can only find time to write. We don’t need to come up with something together. I’ll talk, you’ll approve, and it will encourage you to think a little. It will help you escape the rhythm of the day. If we look at examples, we are all human. Our troubles and joys are shared. There is something else that is shared. We all think we are special. From the outside, we don’t look that way at all. Yet, I know that we are all special. So, I will narrate what I am experiencing as if I am the only one going through it, but deep down I will know that the same things happen to you too. I am fixated on relationships. Now, when I say that, please don’t just think of romantic relationships. Let’s surpass certain things. I don’t understand human relationships. This is not a victimization cliché. I do it too. One day I’m fine with someone, and another day everyone can go to hell. Yet, when the same thing is done to me, I go crazy. Have we all gone mad, really? Are we all hopeless? Or did the age we live in lead us to this? And why the stubbornness, even when we know better?

Why can’t we empathize when someone behaves badly towards us? Why does the world constantly revolve around us? How old have we become, and have we failed to fulfill ourselves to this extent? Why can’t we just think about ourselves and ignore all the communication problems? Maybe some of us can do this beautifully, and I believe I am among them. However, unfortunately, no one is perfect. Sometimes we can step out of our bubble and get caught up in unnecessary details. We can worry about things that we wouldn’t normally care about. Here, I have realized something new. In fact, we can say I have made a discovery about myself. A person should not be idle. The reason behind most of the problems we create is emptiness. That’s why we should always be involved with whatever is relevant to us, constantly. The phase of “let me have some time to myself” should only be a reward for a great achievement, which I don’t fully agree with. Stopping doesn’t just slow us down, it also pulls us down. In conclusion, if we are experiencing problems in communication or relationships and we are not inclined to solve them, we should immediately occupy ourselves, in my opinion. Our mental, physical, and emotional health depend on it. We are all happy with ourselves. We just need to realize it.

