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Referrals — Truth or Lie? “Your best source of referrals is your customers.”

Melody Campbell
Get More Business


Let’s just say it’s possible that your happy customers are your best source of referrals but not likely unless they are trained and have the opportunity to be a good referral source.

Why not Happy Customers?

For some people, it’s not in their nature to tell other people who they love doing business with. Some of your happy customers don’t socialize enough to be your “best source” of referrals. Others are just very private people and depending on your product or service don’t want everyone to know they use your product or service.

Your “Best Source” of referrals is a network of trained and committed referral partners. Even better if your referral partners have also experienced your product or service as a customer. Committed and trained referral partners have several advantages.


My definition of a committed referral partner is the business person or team of businesspeople who invest money to belong to a networking group that is committed to sharing referrals. BNI is one example. This group of dedicated professionals invest their money to belong to the group with annual dues. People who pay, pay attention. Each member of the group agrees to be accountable through systematic reporting to at least one…



Melody Campbell
Get More Business

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