How Do People with Cluster B Disorders Perceive the Feelings and Emotions of Others?

Melody Thomas
4 min readFeb 28, 2024

We perceive so much more than we think we do.

Not just the Cluster Bs. Everybody. We perceive and understand —

So much more than we know.

I’ve always been a big fan of Miss Marple. How someone would come to her with a mystery, she’d pull out her mental Rolodex, relate it to some seemingly unrelated resident of her very small town and —

Ta da.

Mystery solved.

And I think we’re all a lot like that.

So, this morning, someone made a comment on one of my comments. My comment had been a good one, even the post’s author had liked it. And it had meant something to a lot of people because it sort of stuck up for someone a lot of people might not have found terribly sympathetic. And then comes along —

A wasp.

And I don’t mind someone disagreeing with something I say. But wasps have a way of doing it —

In a very specific way.

So, it bothered me —

In a very specific way.

That I recognized.

So, I looked at this person’s profile and there were some red flags. And then I consulted my —

Mental Rolodex.

And there it was.

Aunt Edna.

Covert malignant narcissist.




But in a covert way.

So, she’d sort of sting and run. While her overt malignant narcissist brothers —

Never ran.

They stuck around.

For the fun.

She was a sniper.

They were the front lines.

And they were all different from the sociopaths. Who were almost —


But don’t cross them. Because —

And they would.

So, I recognized the pattern. But I also recognized the feeling. Because as I was reading this person’s answers, my chest was tightening up. And there was a clenching in my gut. And I felt like I was —


My body was —


Pulling away from my phone.

So, my mind knew.

But my body knew too.

And that’s what I mean when I say —

We perceive so much more than we think we do.

And I was right. My mind and my body were right. As I investigated further. And at least on paper. This person seemed very much like a covert malignant narcissist. They had the family history. They had the attitude. They had the attitude toward their family —

Both past and present.

They fit my perceptions of what a covert malignant narcissist is.

And my mind —

And my body.

Perceived that from two sentences.

They had written as a comment.


My experience with a particular type of person prepared me for encountering that particular type of person again.


It also made me hypervigilant to that particular type of person.

In a way that probably isn’t useful.

Because it was a comment. A throwaway comment. On a comment. On a Quora post. And —


But that’s the way Cluster Bs perceive and understand the feelings and emotions of other people. In a way that’s —


Too much.

And too personal.

The people with ASPD are always looking for someone to —

Get one over on them.

The narcissists are always looking for someone to dominate them.


Hurt their feelings.

And the Borderlines are always looking for someone —

Not to like them.

Which makes them supersensitive to slights.

And —


Although correct about underlying motivations.

Too sensitive to those motivations.

And so constantly overreacting.

To things that don’t really matter.

This article originally appeared on Quora.

