The One Thing

Melody Thomas
1 min readAug 9, 2024


If Everything Ultimately Comes from One Thing, does that Mean Everything Is…The Same Thing?

You can look at it in terms of carbon.

So, all life on Earth is carbon based. Dogs, cats, humans, trees, bacteria, viruses.

Carbon based.

And if you consider a tree different than a person based on degree rather than kind —

Your answer would be yes.

And if you don’t —

Your answer would be no.

Same thing with metaphysics.

If you believe everything comes from one thing. And you can call this one thing God. Or Brahman. Or the Whole. Or What Is.

Or whatever.

It’s up to you to decide if we all are that one thing or if we’re different from that one thing in terms of degree or kind.

And some people would say that depends on dimension.

That, on Earth, we perceive things one way.

As separate.

But in a higher dimension or reality.

Or whatever.

We might perceive things as less separate or not separate at all.

And then we’re tasked with deciding whether one thing means the same thing.

Or if one thing can in fact —

Be made of many things.

