Mel Ratliff
2 min readAug 9, 2020

What is GISH?

GISH is for all those who think differently. Who aren’t afraid to dress up in public, burn their fingers on hot glue, ask random people for random things, and take ordinary objects and experiences and turn them into extraordinary memories. It’s for those that laugh out loud, fight for injustice, and get way too little sleep.

While there will surely be unreasonable pain and suffering (especially for those of us who take it way too seriously, even if not “in it to win it” — one round of HARSH will make you realize you have to step up your game), the things that will be accomplished will bring joy to all those around you. And remember, they are laughing with you, not at you (repeating the mantra helps). True there will be moments that go a little like this:

Me: I am so clever! This will be amazing!

(An hour passes)

Me: I’m such an idiot! Why, oh why did I think that would work?

(Another 3 hours pass with several more adjustments and fails)

Me: Well…that will have to do. Funny that it doesn’t look at all like I envisioned. But I have to move on to the next item!

It’s important to note that this conversation, while entirely with yourself, does happen to take place outside and out loud, NOT in your head. Again, those around you are laughing with you, not at you.

Then you text without context, “I just made my appliances talk” to which a teammate responds, “Normal GISH sentence.” Exchanges like this only work with fellow GISHers making you realize that the rest of the world must think you’re insane. But if this is insanity (which it totally is), then I would rather be that than normal any day of the week.

But perhaps you should take what I say with a grain of salt. There’s less than 30 minutes left and I’m trying to figure out what else I can possibly do with so little time (damnit Misha!). Alas, it seemed like a good idea at the time.