WTF did Covid do to my body?

cody lee
7 min readFeb 16, 2022

I’m normally a private guy, but I’ve had a really wild post-COVID experience and I wanted to share it. I don’t think enough people are aware of the serious, long-term effects of this virus.

It started with a leg cramp

I got COVID in late February of 2021. I didn’t get any of the respiratory/lung stuff (thank goodness), but my body felt like I had been hit by a bus. It was easily the weakest and sickest I had ever been, and it took about 10 days for me to return to feeling somewhat normal. I had lingering effects — no taste or smell, frequent headaches, etc. — but compared to what others were going through, I felt like I had gotten off easy.

Fast forward about 6 weeks. I was out walking my dog one morning, when I felt a cramp in my right leg. I initially shrugged it off as a byproduct of my post-COVID fitness level, but after a few days of pain and swelling, I decided to get it checked out. The local hospital scanned my leg for a blood clot, which came back negative, and the PA on duty said “maybe it’s shin splints” and sent me on my way.

The pain eventually dissipated, and I was fine for a few days, until one night while standing in my kitchen my left leg fell asleep. It was the familiar pins-and-needles feeling you get when you sit in an awkward position for too long, but when my leg was still numb…

