Ionic Socket.IO Chat Application

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a chat client that communicates with a Socket.IO Node.JS chat server, using Ionic!

Melvin Philips
6 min readAug 17, 2016
Android Demo
iOS Demo

If you want to jump straight to the code, it’s on GitHub. Otherwise, read on!


To follow along, start by cloning the repository:

The app has the following features:

  1. Sends a message to all users joining the room.
  2. Sends a notification when a user joins or leaves.
  3. Sends a notification when a user starts typing a message.

Before we explain how it is built, let’s get familiar with the technologies used:

  1. Ionic: The beautiful, open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5. It offers a library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components, gestures, and tools for building highly interactive apps.
  2. Socket.IO: Socket.IO provides an event-oriented API that works across all networks, devices and browsers.

Installing the Dependencies:

Install Ionic from this link.

npm install -g cordova ionicbower install cordova ionic

Create a blank project.

ionic start chat-app blank

As Ionic apps are written in Angular, get the Angular Socket.IO library

bower install angular-socket-io

Create new folders and new files, so that the structure of the www directory matches the structure in the image below:


The www folder in the chat-app directory contains a boilerplate to start coding. The index.html is the main file that bootstraps your entire application. Whenever you add a library, do not forget to add a link to this file. The app.js file is where you register different modules to create your main module.

Starting with app.js and index.html:

First, register the btford-socketio module in app.js.

Add the newly added libraries to index.html before the link to app.js.

Add the controllers, services, and directive files you just created to index.html after the link to app.js.

Also replace the body tag of index.html to reflect the module name in ng-app.

Ionic framework uses ui-router library for routing between different states of your application. Configure your states in app.js.

For our app, we will define two states.
1. Login
with url “/login” and templateUrl “templates/login.html”

  1. Chat
    With url “/chat/:nickname” where nickname is a parameter. and templateUrl as ‘templates/chat.html’

Each state has many parameters. We will be using the url and templateUrl parameter. To know more about the other parameters, please refer this link.

After the changes, your app.js file should look like this:

Write your login template:

The ion view tag is container for view content and any navigational and header bar information.

The ion-content directive provides an easy to use content area that can be configured to use Ionic’s custom Scroll View or the built in overflow scrolling of the browser.

We will be using the Login Controller, which we will define in LoginController.js.

On Click of the button named JOIN, we call the function join defined in the controller.

In the Login Controller, we define a function named join.

We first sanitize the input entered by the user using Angular’s two-way binding. We will use Angular’s $sanitize for this.

After this, we change the state to chat using :

Your Controller should like this after the required changes:

Integrating Ionic with SocketIO:

We can use the factory design pattern to create a service that will create a server and connect with the required host.
For this example, we will be connecting with The backend for this link is written using nodejs, and if you’re interested as to how it is, you can follow up at this link.

We will create a service named socket in the file socket.js in the services directory.

We inject socketFactory, which is an API for instantiating sockets that are integrated with Angular’s digest cycle. To learn more about the different parameters, check btford’s library.

Writing the Chat Template:

We will be using the ChatController for this template.

We check whether the the connected property is set to true. If it is, we will display the welcome message.

For all the other messages, we will be using the ng-repeat directive to iterate over the messages object.

At the bottom, we have a fixed message box. We use the ng-change directive to detect changes in the message. If the user inputs text or makes changes, the updateTyping() function is called.

We can add icons to buttons very easily in Ionic. The button next to the message box contains an ion icon.

We can also write a directive to call a function on enter rather than using ng-click. This improves the user experience. To add a directive, add the following to the directives.js

We call the sendMessage function defined in the Chat Controller on ng-click or the above directive.

Adding Custom CSS:

You can add custom CSS in the file added in index.html .

In our example, we added style.css which is in the www/css directory.

Please refer style.css for this project. This contains CSS for the Chat Tutorial.

For the messages to be displayed in different css we use ng-class.

In the tutorial, we use the log class to display the messages that are used when a user joins or leaves a group.

We use the message class if a user enters a message and also when the user receives a message.

If the CSS is redundant, please ignore it.

Writing the Chat Controller:

We can use the socket service created above to perform chatting operations.
Inject this service in controllers and use socket as you will have in any other JavaScript projects.

Emitting Events:

The main idea behind Socket.IO is that you can send and receive any events you want, with any data you want. Any objects that can be encoded as JSON will do, and binary data is supported, too.

For example, let’s emit a message to all the users at

Listening to Events:

Socket.IO is bidirectional, which means we can send events to the server, and the server can also send events to us at any time during the communication.

These events will be sent by the server with which you are communicating. As we have connected to the, we will be receiving events defined in the server side node script.

For example, let’s listen to a new event called ‘new message’ . This event will be sent by the host to which you are connected.

When the user hits send message, we first emit an event with a ‘new message’ and then add the message to our list of messages (i.e., display on the client screen).

This is what the function addMessageToList looks like. You can customize it as you want.

We will add content, style , username and color to the message list, which will be displayed using ng-repeat directive.

To set the message style class, we send true for message and false for log messages.

We use $ionicScrollDelegate to scroll to the bottom, so that the user reads the latest message.

For user joined and user left, we define two functions:

Similarly, we listen to the ‘user joined’ and ‘user left’ event.

For user typing messages:

We listen to ‘typing’ and ‘stop typing’ events to perform the action. This is again done using socket.on(event name).

These functions are fairly straightforward.

In the removeChat typing function, we use a javascript filter to filter out messages from the messages list to remove the is typing message.

We also need to emit a ‘typing’ event to the server when the user is typing.

We use the ng-change directive defined in the chat.html template. On every input changed, the above function is called. We set a timeout so that we can remove the typing message when the user stops typing. To get the entire ChatController.js, please refer the link on github.

Final Build:

After you have done everything as mentioned, you can build the project.

For Android check, the setup on this link.

For iOS, check the setup on this link.

cd into your main project folder.

Add platform :

ionic platform add android or ionic platform add ios

Run ionic build:

ionic run android or ionic run ios

To learn more about it check the socketio rooms and namespace feature.

Originally published at



Melvin Philips

Developer ! Football fanatic ! Love to learn everything ! Y.N.W.A