Indonesian Internet User Based On Age Range

Aphine Lavigne
2 min readOct 20, 2019


We all know now that the age range of internet user is getting wider nowadays. Both young and old, all use the internet. As we can see from that data above, internet user in Indonesia reached 132,7 million of the internet user. that number is approximately a half of the population of Indonesia itself. That number will always increase year after year. The most internet users are in Java with a total of 86,339,350 users, or about 65% of the total Internet users in Indonesia. That’s normal, because of the java population itself is a quite large in number.

Discussing about Indonesia internet user based on age range, the most internet users are in the 35–44 age range (29,2%). The second number is the age range of 25–34 years old (24,4%) the third number is the age range of 10–24 years old (18,4%), the next number is the age range of 45–54 years old, the last number is the age range of 45–55 years old (10%).

  • From the data above, we can conclude that 29,2% (reached 38,7 million) users are in productive age. At that age range the internet needs more needed.
  • The second number, there are in the age range of 25–34 years which reached 32.3 million users. That number is slightly below the number of first age range users. Users in this age range are teenagers and adults.
  • In the third age range (10–24 years old), reach 24,4 million users or 18,4%. Users in this age range are children and teenagers. this number is almost half of the first age range.
  • The fourth number is just under the third, its 18% or 23,8 million users. Users in this age range is adults and olds. In this age range, are just little in productive ages.
  • The last number is well under from all the previous age range number, it just 10% or reached 13,2 million. Users in this age range is only the olds.

