Meme Force is here, so get ready for some epic meme action!

Meme Force Official
3 min readOct 22, 2020


Have you gotten on board the mean train yet?

Memes have exploded in popularity over the last few years, they are a powerful, universal, creative, and fun form of messaging.

Recently memes have really taken the crypto space by storm, as well as having some deep roots planted in the space, like doge coin.

There are well known Crypto artists making meme NFT’s, collectible meme art cards, promotional meme materials, etc.

Oh and if you’ve been living under a rock, the rise of $meme coin, and defi meme farming should be a strong signal to everyone in the space to pay attention to the memesphere!

There really is a huge meme culture ever growing and expanding, finding new ways to harness the power of memes throughout many platforms and mediums.

We created Meme Force, because we believe in the strength, and community benefits, of organically growing an army of meme makers to take the space by storm.

Blending the opportunity for meme makers to earn money, while marketing great projects seems like a great fit for the blockchain space.

With the rapid growth, excitement, and success of our competitions, the Meme Force community can really bring a lot of eyes to projects of value in the space, and importantly have a lot of fun doing it!!!

(We just finished up a little mini emoji making competition for the server, and a community member made this one for fun)

From onboarding and educating new people in the space, hosting interviews, having musical guests from around the world, throwing epic parties, and of course having great rewards for our contests, as well as nice tips, and fat drops for the community, we have created a great atmosphere for our meme competitions.

We are happy to be collaborating and building relationships in the space, promoting sponsored projects, offering amazing rewards for our community, and bringing everything we can to the table, for participants and sponsors alike to get the most out of Meme Force!

If you are interested in either promoting, or learning about, social currencies, crypto art platforms, crypto exchanges, dapps, metaverse events, discord communities, games, blockchain media, and more, come join us!!!

Everyone is welcome, if you are a master meme artist, or a first timer, never having memed before.

Besides the sweet rewards and the creative outlet, it’s really just a lot fun making and sharing memes, and getting to know the awesome community members.

There is such a wide range of topics and content for memes that pretty much anyone will be able to relate to them.

We can recommend tools to help community members make memes, and of course the Meme Force crew is very approachable, we will help all we can to welcome you in, and get you started.

We look foreword to rewarding and sharing the positive vibes with new community members, while promoting valuable content and projects in the space!

We are also willing to work with smaller projects, that may not have big budgets for promoting their platform, social currency, events, etc, if the passion is there we want to hear from you.

Rewards can be in multiple forms, popular crypto currencies, NFT’s, social currencies, stable coins, etc.

We hope to see you in the discord, and always appreciate a follow on Twitter!

You can reach out to Ezincrypto through social media, join the discord, or message Meme Force on Twitter, for more information on sponsoring a MemeForce competition.

You can also fill out this form, and I will reach out to you.

May the Meme Force be with you!


