fire fighting system

2 min readDec 25, 2023


Fire system

that system providing the safty for every single places like homes, schools, factories , churches and mousques , malls and trading centers for offices and universty, for coffe and restaurnts hotels and resorts and for the places that may have a fire breakdown

The tybes of fire fighting system

There are many tybes accourding to the kind of the material that burning


the using of faom is very importint to fight the fire because it’s make the place heating calmdown and it’s prevent oxgen to reach to the flaims that why the faom is helping in fire suppression

Water pump

usinig water not new, that’s because water providing the humedty that prevent flaim growing up and akeit under control, the water pump using in fire suppression in the diffrent places like destrices water pump si it is very importanat

Fire alarm

some fires the break out in places that not apear like storage or hide parking and basment, so , the fire alarms dvices makes tow function, 1 / it helps to dedceting the fire early, 2/ it make sound of light that refering to the fire that helps to avoid the soles the dengrues

Fire hydronats

the hydronats using in fire suppression very well, maybe you fuond it in gas station or universty, its pump water to suppresssing the fire because of the water boosting

Fire sprinkelrs

water sprinklers are simulating the rains so it’s effective in fire suppression in extended places like cinema, theaters and meeting rooms

Fire suppression tools and equipments

there are many fire suppression tools and equipments like thats which holding the tools look like cabinet hoses and fire fire extinguisher the could be effective in fire sppression in everywhere because it’s easy to use and flexable to move

