My Tongue, My Shield

2 min readDec 26, 2019


Exposing the very thing that makes me uncomfortable

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Growing up, as stated before, I have a tongue-tie. Coupled with rapid speech ala Rory Gilmore, it rendered me incomprehensible. I’m still hard to understand today.

But because of the tongue-tie, people open up to me and think I’m sincere — I am, but this is different. The sincerity comes from the fact that I have something I struggled with my entire life.

Unlike other ailments, like Chron’s Disease, I could not hide. I mean, I did hide by choosing not to talk for so many years. But they knew something was up with how I talked.

But it was sometimes so sweet and welcomed though:

“Oh, you’re a foreigner, you speak Arabic so cutely!”

(أوه ، أنت أجنبي ، أنت تتحدث العربية بلطف)

“Oh, look at you trying to pronounce that word, it makes me appreciative of you trying my language.”

( Oh, regardez-vous essayer de prononcer ce mot, ça me fait plaisir que vous essayiez ma langue.)

And then a discussion happens. They appreciate the fact that I was so willing to try and not hide behind the impediment. Most people would cower in fear instead of trying to communicate.

I cowered in fear for years, I will not stop trying to communicate.

I’m making up for the lost time.

It’s okay, this is my weakness, but it became my strength.




An American of Asian descent who grew up in Europe. I'm a little person in a big world with my best friend, a dog named Miel.