The BEST Advice for Calling in Your Soul Mate Partner

Dandelions and Dragonflies
2 min readFeb 24, 2023

Radical. Self. Acceptance. (No, this isn’t the advice. Or is it?)

Image by José Miguel from Pixabay (definitely not as romantic as old school phone images)

I’ve been following the teaching of Halae for ….hmmmmm, almost 2 years now. (Nothing like a pandemic to cause you to go out and meet a bunch of like-minded people [via Zoom], or is that just me?)

I’m on the email list to receive their daily inspirational message. I highly recommend it.

Earlier this week the daily message felt like it was directly for me. It was about calling in my soul mate partner.

The gist of the advice: Think about the soul mate partner that I currently am. Do I like it? (I’ve seen a lot of advice out there to contemplate this.) However, then Halae takes an unexpected twist.

Halae says - if you don’t like the soul mate partner that you currently are — FORGIVE YOURSELF. Forgive yourself for anything that you feel wrong or broken about (and trust me, I’ve got my list).

The reason provided for forgiving yourself, is because if you CAN accept yourself AS IS, without having to change yourself, you will be better able to call in someone without feeling like you will need to change or fix them.

Sounds like a much healthier basis for a relationship, no?

It also sounds like Radical Self Acceptance. This advice is so good, however I’m struggling to implement it (because as I wrote before, Wherever I go, There I am, dammit).

But this is a very good struggle for me. One I am happy to be consciously engaged in.

Somewhere on Medium I saw someone recommend the book, “It’s Not Me, It’s You: Break the Blame Cycle. Relationship Better” by John Kim and Vanessa Bennett. I picked it up and have been reading it lately. (I also highly recommend!) It’s about 2 therapists that are a couple, and their very real struggle to create a healthy relationship. Even for 2 people in relationships, they talk about how hard it is to apply what they have studied. They also provide great insights into relationship patterns.

The Loving Universe is telling me to accept myself. To wake up and pay attention to my patterns. It’s ALSO telling me — Yes, I am worthy of love, right now, as is, imperfect as I am. And that my struggle to accept myself AS IS, is worth it, and will also be helpful in calling in the soul mate partner I am hoping for. (Because truly, I don’t want a relationship where I try to fix the other person or they try to fix me.) Radical Self Acceptance — that must be what I am aiming for.

Wishing you success in accepting yourself AS IS. Some days it’s far more of a struggle than others, ain’t it?



Dandelions and Dragonflies

Interested in all things love, time, trees, romance and relationships. Releasing religious programming from childhood. Enjoying the unfolding of my own self.