Israel’s Self-Defense

3 min readFeb 6, 2024


This should go without saying, but what happened October 7th was a tragedy that should not have happened. Murder is never okay.

But the tragedy after October 7th is much worse. Again, murder is never okay. And that’s all Israel’s been doing.

But let’s break this down some more. It’s very nuanced. After all, Israel’s just defending itself.

Israel’s defending itself after hamas attacked its people.

Israel’s defending itself after hamas attacked its people, even though Israel knew that was gonna happen.

Israel’s just defending itself from the crime that it enabled. Israel enabled it because they knew hamas’ plan and they let it happen. All for self-defense.

Israel did nothing wrong in letting its people die, even though they knew when, where, and how it would happen.

Israel did nothing wrong, it just ignored the intel it had about hamas and intentionally didn’t stop the October 7th attacks.

Israel’s just defending itself.

By shooting anyone and everyone indiscriminately, including other Israelis.

Israel’s just defending itself from those thousands of dead babies and children.

Israel needed to kill them, to defend itself from the crime that it knew would happen, that it then allowed to happen.

Israel’s gotta protect itself from the innocent civilians who weren’t involved in the attack that Israel knew about.

Israel’s gotta defend itself by committing illegal war crimes. It needs to commit those war crimes on children as part of self-defense.

Israel needs to defend itself by bombing refugee camps and hospitals and places of worship. All places that are against international law regarding war.

Israel needed to violate that law and kill civilians to defend itself, after it let its own people die.

Israel needed to use white phosphorous that melted off the flesh of babies and children, to defend itself, against those babies and children.

Israel needed to tell people to evacuate to areas and then bomb those areas, as self-defense after it let its people die.

Guys, Israel’s just trying to defend itself!

It just wants to avenge the death of its people. That it let die. Israel just wants to avenge the deaths of its own people that it helped kill.

Israel just wants to kill as many people as possible as retaliation for killing its own people. You know. Self-defense.

Israel just really needs to make sure it’ll never be blindsided. Israel didn’t like it when hamas did exactly what Israel knew hamas was planning. Israel did not like being blindsided when it knew EXACTLY what was about to happen.

Israel just really needs to kill thousands upon thousands of people as self-defense after murdering its own people.

Self defense you guys.

Brb, I gotta practice some self-defense myself. My city told me to move my car on street cleaning day. I didn’t, and now my car is towed. It’s the city’s fault. Those sons of bitches. How dare they tell me what they’re gonna do, then follow through and do it, and now I’m getting punished because I’ve ignored them. I gotta go burn down the city now.

A final note, re-emphasizing the importance of respecting the dead. The Israeli’s that died did not deserve that. It was not okay.

It was not okay for Israel to let that happen. And it was not okay that hamas did it.

The thousands of deaths of Palestinian civilians is not okay. They did not deserve that at the direct hands of the IDF.

It is not okay that both Israel and Hamas have found a way to work together and start and continue this genocide.


