There’s No Excuse For Genocide

1 min readNov 17, 2023



Today someone came up to me in a library and told me that genocide is a part of life. And that it’s how things get done. And that I need to live with it, or else.

I have no idea who that woman was, but clearly she knew that I was Arab.

It’s a messed up inexcusable thing to say.

Sure in the past humanity was barbaric and genocide was common. But that was before we experienced horrific world wars that destroyed humanity.

We learned from the mistakes of our ancestors. We know that genocide and murder is bad. We’ve evolved.

We’ve evolved.

So the fact that this woman so brazenly made that claim, endorsing the murder of thousands of innocent civilians (most of which are children) in Gaza, is a memory burned into my brain of a person who has no problem with murder.

I have her face memorized. I alerted the police. I’ve alerted all of my friends and everyone I know.

I just met a woman who to my face endorsed murder, genocide, and threatened me directly.

I am outraged. In pain. And afraid.

There’s no excuse for her behavior. Or anyone’s behavior that is similar to hers.

If you or anyone you know approves of genocide, in any country or location regardless of history or whatever, then shame on you.

There’s no excuse for genocide. Period.

