1 min readJul 11, 2017


Yes, our military always wins. Vietnam and Afghanistan are great and historically distant examples how how a technologically inferior force always loses to the more advanced. I can’t decide if you are ignorant or deliberately obtuse.

In the 18th century, the British armed forces were the pinnacle of military technology. Massive, well equipped and supplied ground armies. Numerous well-trained naval vessels. The colonists were annoying enough to the kingdom that it was easier to give up than commit the forces needed to fight them

A little secret about those drones…they launch missiles that kill everything in a couple blocks. They also work really well at making new people who want to fight. I’m a little dismayed by how quickly the disarmament crowd wants to sign up our friends and family to start rounding up other friends and family to get their own version of utopia started. It’s an extreme form of authoritarianism. You aren’t removing *all* the guns, just the guns from people who you don’t think are on your side. Leave me and mine alone. We have not hurt anyone and barring an outside influence(aggression and clear threats, since you are going to try to seize on a couple words with multiple definitions to clutch more pearls), we shall continue to do so.

Nope, I decided.


