AudioKit Extensive Tutorial Part 2: Implement Button Clicks!

Muhammed Enes Simsek
Huawei Developers
Published in
4 min readAug 7, 2020

If you followed the part one here, you know where we left off. In this part of the tutorial, we will be implemeting onCreate in detail, including button clicks and listeners which is a crucial part in playback control.

Let’s start by implemeting add/remove listeners to control the listener attachment. Then implement a small part of onCreate method.

If you followed the first part closely, you already have the mTempListeners variable. In onCreate, we first initialize managers and playlist.

Now that our playlist is programatically ready, if you try to run your code, you will not be able to control what you want because we have not touched our views yet.

Let’s implement our basic buttons first.

Do these in your onCreate(…) method. isReallyPlaying is a global boolean variable that I created to keep track of playback. I update it everytime the playback changes. You do not have to have it, as I also tested it with online playlists. I still keep there in case you also want to test your app with online playlists, as in the sample apps provided by Huawei.

For button visual changes, I devised a method like above and I am not asserting that it is the best. You can use your own method but onClicks should rougly be like this.

Now we should implement our listener so that we can track the change in playback. It will also include updating the UI elements, so that the app tracks the audio file changes and seekbar updates. Put this listener outside onCreate(…) method, it will be called anytime it is required. What we should do is to implement necessary methods to respond to this calling.

Now let’s understand the snippet above. Status listener instance wants us to implement some methods shown. They are not required but they will make our lives easier. I will explain the methods inside of them later.

Understanding HwAudioStatusListener

  • onSongChange is called upon a song change in the queue, i.e. whenever the you skip a song for example, it will be called. Also, it is called for the first time you set the playlist because technically your song changed, from nothing to your index 0 audio file.
  • onQueueChanged is called upon the queue is altered. I implemented some code just in case but since we will not be dealing with adding/removing items to the playlist and change the queues, it is not very important.
  • onBufferProgress returns the progress as percentage when you are using online audio.
  • onPlayProgress is one of the most important method here, everytime the playback is changed, it is called. That is, even the audio files proceed one second (i.e. plays) it will be called. So, it is wise to call UI updates here, rather than dealing with heavy-load fragments, in my opinion.
  • onPlayCompleted lets you decide the behaviour when the playlist finishes playing. You can restart the playlist, just stop or do something else (like notifying the user that the playlist has ended etc.). It is totally up to you. I restart the playlist in the sample code.
  • onPlayError is called whenever there is an error occurred in the playback. It could, for example, be that the buffered song is not loaded correctly, format not supported, audio file is corrupted etc. You can handle the result here or you can just notify the user that the file cannot be played; just like I did.
  • And finally, onPlayStateChange is called whenever the music is paused/re-played. Thus, you can handle the changes here in general. I update isReallyPlaying variable and play/pause button views inside and outside of this method just to be sure. You can update it just here if you want. It should work in theory.

Extra Methods

This listener contains two extra custom methods that I wrote to update the UI and set/render the details of the song on the screen. They are called setSongDetails(…) and updateSeekBar(…). Let’s see how they are implemented.


  • I format the time everytime I receive it because currently AudioKit sends them as miliseconds and the user needs to see in 00:00 format.
  • I divide by 1000 and while seeking to progress, multiply by 1000 to keep the changes visible on screen. It is also more convenient and accustomed way of implementing seekbars.
  • I take measure by if checks in case they return null. It should not happen except the first opening but still, as developers, we should be careful.
  • Please follow comments in the code for additional information.

That’s it for this part. However, we are not done yet. As I mentioned earlier we should also implement the playlist to choose songs from and implement advanced playback controls in part 3. See you there!

