The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

A Book Review by Kevin Freeman, Menlo Developer and Quality Advocate

Menlo Innovations
1 min readMar 17, 2020

Infinite Games, in contrast to finite games, have: no set rules, a constantly changing roster, and no fixed endpoint. This lends to a different way of valuing resources and assessing performance. Leaders who embrace this idea are not working toward a “win.” They are on a long journey toward joy and fulfillment for themselves and their teams.

Sinek uses real examples to illustrate both the benefits of pursuing a “just cause” versus the pitfalls of trying to “win” at business. The analysis of how a very high performing team (United States Navy Seals) select its members based more on trust than technical proficiency is reminiscent of Menlo’s own Extreme Interview process where culture fit always comes first.

When you play an infinite game, you are willing to take the long view, to work patiently to bring your vision to fruition. This resonated with our long term quest to end human suffering as it relates to technology.

You can check it out on Amazon here.



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