Dacia Braxton
10 min readOct 6, 2016


women bodybuilding

It’s time to choose the mind of one of the hot new physical fitness trainers on the scene, Gregory O’ Gallagher from Kinobody.

I satisfied Greg a few months ago when he connected to welcome me onto his Road to Ripped podcast, as well as we right away clicked. He not only actually understands his stuff and also obtains excellent outcomes with his customers, he’s a very amazing, realistic guy.

I wish you appreciate the interview!

What is your age, height, and also weight?

I’m 22 years old, 5' 10, as well as 185 lbs.

What motivated you to get fit?

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There was a minute when I was 6 years old, when I had among one of the most great realizations of my life. I was playing with my Brick Bazooka action number as well as I could not aid yet assume exactly how awesome it would certainly be to have a rock hard muscular physique like the toy action number I was mirin.

I remember asking my papa if I can ever before resemble that. My papa’s solution was valuable, “Gregory, if you work out and consume right, you can boost your physique.” I was blown away! At the time, I had no idea that you had any kind of control over just how you looked. And also from that minute onward, I devoted myself to exercise and healthy eating.

What were the most significant challenges you’ve dealt with in accomplishing your fitness goals? What helped you get rid of them?

To be truthful, I never ever had any trouble making regular progress in the fitness center. I have actually always been incredibly constant, hard working, objective oriented and patient. I’ve been recording all of my workouts given that I initially stepped foot in the weight room at 15 years of ages. When I hit plateau’s I change my regular, differ the workouts and/or change the set/rep scheme to maintain progress coming along.

With that said, the greatest difficulty I have actually faced is most likely diet regimen. To me, it is very important that I preserve a sensibly reduced body fat for that lean and also ripped appearance. This requires a wonderful emphasis on dietary consumption. Having to limit calories is something that would have freaked me out in the past. The moment I choose I’m going to go on a ‘cut’ to drop fat, my appetite instantly goes via the roof. This makes weight loss quite futile.

Being miserable to obtain in wonderful form runs out the concern. I see nutrition and training as a method to enhance your life, not take away from it. Fortunately, I have revealed a dietary approach that permits me to really feel great and almost easily consume at a calorie deficit to drop body fat.

What drives you to proceed placing in the job week after week?

I love lifting. I definitely enjoy it! I don’t assume I have actually ever before gone an entire week without toughness training in the last 5 years. I love hitting it hard in the fitness center, and I like establishing objectives as well as knocking them out of the park.

I need to also keep in mind, I believe in a minimalistic method to training. I raise 2 to 3 days each week while making continuous progression on my ‘essential lifts’. Due to the fact that of this, the time financial investment to understand the extraordinary benefits of proper training is minimal.

Beyond looking excellent, just what do you feel are the most significant advantages of being fit?

The reality of the issue is that virtually everyone wishes to be in great shape, but so couple of are. The attitude, overview and also ability it requires to prosper in health and fitness is easily negotiable to everything else in life.

When you established an objective on your own and make a decision that you wish to construct 20 lbs of muscle mass or fall to 10% body fat, and you conquer that goal, you learn so much and a lot more notably, you establish a solid feeling of self-belief. All of the sudden, absolutely nothing else appears out of grasp. Discovering a new ability, developing a business, satisfying a stunning lady … All things that when terrified the hell out of you suddenly begin to excite you. Why? Because you’ve purchased right into yourself, you think that you can succeed.

What is your present exercise routine (both weight training and also cardio)?

My existing objectives are to keep a lot of my toughness as well as size while adding some even more muscle into my arms, specifically my arms. So I’m maintaining the quantity reduced on a lot of activities by only doing 2 work sets.

I’ll also mention that a good exercise is one that enables for a great rate of progression on your major lifts. The following program has actually led to some incredible stamina gains in the last couple of months so don’t ignore it due to its simple nature.

If you accumulate to doing heavy chins with ONE HUNDRED+ pounds for 5, incline benching 245 pounds for 5 and also performing dips with 150 pounds for 5, you’ll have a hugely created body. This is the kind of strength achievable with such a program. My finest personal documents consist of incline benching 260 pounds for 6, weighted chins with 115 lbs for 6 and bar dips with 180 lbs for 6.

Monday — Back, Shoulders as well as Arms

Weighted Chin ups: 2 collections — 6–8, 8–10 (RPT)

Standing Weights Press: 2 collections — 6–8, 8–10 (RPT)

Incline Pinhead Curls: 3 sets — 4–6, 6–8, 8–10 (RPT)

Skull Crushers: 3 collections — 6–8, 8–10, 10–12 (RPT)

Lateral Raises: 2 collections — 10–12, 12–15 (RPT)

Wednesday — Legs and Abs

Box Jumps: 3 sets of 3–5 jumps

Pistol Bows: 3 collections of 3 eruptive reps

Calf Increases: 2 collections — 10–12, 12–15 (RPT)

Hanging Leg Increases: 2 sets x 10 representatives (sluggish)

Abs Wheel Roll outs: 2 collections x 10 representatives (slow-moving)

Friday — Chest and Arms

Incline Barbell Bench Press: 2 sets — 6–8, 8–10 (RPT)

Weighted Bar Dips: 2 collections — 6–8, 8–10 (RPT)

Barbells Curls: 3 sets — 4–6, 6–8, 8–10 (RPT)

Rope Pushdowns: 3 sets — 6–8, 8–10, 10–12 (RPT)

Hammer Swirls: 3 collections — 4–6, 6–8, 8–10 (RPT)


I rest 3 minutes between collections and reduce the weight by 10% on each succeeding set for RPT (reverse pyramid training).


For cardio I prefer to do quick walking for 40–60 minutes on rest days. This is my recommended technique. Strolling improves recovery, has a neutral result on cravings and also is fairly enjoyable. I’ve done a great deal of interval training as well as tactical cardio in the past, and it functions, yet it’s absolutely not necessary.

How do you deal with the nutrition side of the game? Do you comply with any particular dietary protocol?

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I think in recurring fasting, a technique I have been doing for over 3 years now. I keep it reasonably easy and versatile and do not embrace any precise fasting/feasting home window. My technique is to just rapid for 5–6 hrs upon increasing and after that eat a large lunch as well as supper, followed by a smaller dish at some point prior to bed.

Depending on my objective of weight loss, muscle mass gain or maintenance, my calorie intake and also macros will certainly be adjusted accordingly. During reducing stages, I like to use a reefed week every 4–6 weeks. Similarly, throughout lean bulking I prefer to stress lower calorie days every now and then. This has been a superbly effective protocol at maintaining muscular tissue as well as controling cravings when cutting and also staying lean while bulking.

What’s more, underfeeding substantially boosts the results of subsequent overfeeding by up controling various anabolic receptors. Overfeeding increases leptin, which maintains your appetite under control and also metabolism strong. This makes dieting efforts more satisfying as well as effective.

What do you feel are the 3 greatest physical fitness lessons you’ve found out over the years?

1. Stick to your workout program … No program hopping

If you’re regularly jumping from one program to another, you’ll never obtain any type of solid outcomes. You need to dedicate to adhering to a program for enough time to experience long lasting outcomes. Just when you have gotten to a plateau, should you also consider transforming your regimen. Or even after that, it’s best making a refined change.

2. Track your progress

Building an excellent figure boils down to obtaining stronger on essential movements. If you’re not tracking your workouts, it will certainly be hard to recognize just how much you have to raise each session to advance. Exactly what’s more, when you are tracking your development you know which programs work and also which are not.

3. Less is more

I’ve constantly made my ideal strength as well as muscular tissue gains restricting my training frequency to three sessions each week, carrying out 4–5 exercises per session of 2–3 work sets each. Whenever I try to enhance training regularity and/or volume, I inevitably delay on my lifts. With heavy training, your main nerves needs approximately 48 hrs for full recovery. If you’re educating heavy on successive days, your toughness capacity will certainly be limited.

Who do you look up to a lot of in the physical fitness industry, and also why?

I respect as well as have been influenced by several different individuals in the physical fitness industry, developing my own special technique to training as well as nourishment. If I had to select a single person as being one of the most influential, it would most likely be Rusty Moore. It wasn’t till I started reviewing his website as well as his programs that it lastly dawned on me why I was training.

I started to relate to Rusty’s message. In training for the streamlined, lean and muscle Hollywood look. This influenced me to create my own brand name, kinobody, devoted to my technique for accomplishing the different kinobody kind physiques, warrior, greek god and superhero. Each of these classes has a differing level of muscle mass development and definition, with a lot of sex appeal.

I’ll additionally mention Mike Matthews here quickly. It’s unusual that I stumble upon a physical fitness blog site that I really bookmark. MFL is most definitely one of those. I have actually had Mike on my roadway to ripped podcast twice, because, well, he’s in superior form and he has a scientific research based as well as real world approach to physical fitness and also nourishment. And also, he’s a quite awesome, down to planet guy.

Where do you intend on going away? What are your future physical fitness goals?

I really feel as though I have actually achieved a high level of strength and also muscle mass growth. It’s alluring to push it additionally as well as see how much I could take it, but I believe I’m merely going to preserve away on out.

It truly comes down to the law of reducing returns. I’m close to my optimum muscle potential while surrounding on elite degree lifts. Boosting it from right here is a really, extremely slow road and injuries and held up end up being more common.

Plus, it’s enjoyable to be able to pump the brakes on training as well as really delight in all the effort you have actually done. Most individuals can preserve stamina and muscle with quite little quantity. In the last month I’ve preserved everything training one to two times each week while I was staying in LA.

What example do you enjoy beyond fitness? Preferred books, movies, hobbies?

I’ll beginning by claiming that I assume it is necessary to have a life outside of job as well as physical fitness. Amusing sufficient, in the health and fitness and muscle building community, I obtain the idea that some people believe it’s respectable to dedicate themselves entirely to their training as well as nutrition, as well as to compromise their convenience as well as socializing altogether.

To me, this is absolute nuts. Fitness and also nutrition must boost your life, not consume it. Therein exists the appeal, when you could get in excellent shape while having a life too. Talking of, with a fantastic figure comes wonderful duty. It is your absolute obligation to discuss your tough work with several lucky women.

My hobbies and interests outside of work and health and fitness consist of, hanging out with my pals and family members, watching terrific movies and reveling with attractive ladies. I would certainly additionally like to discuss that in the last year, I have actually been involving myself in the spiritual teachings of Eckhart Tolle.

This has had an extensive impact on my general lifestyle. As opposed to living for the future, I’m finally able to accept today moment, which is all there ever before is.

Do you have a favored inspirational quote or story?

“Make No Small Plans.”

It’s a personal favorite quote of my papa, who past away when I was 11. Make No Small Plans represents the means, in which my dad lived his life. Never ever when setting and never ever when allowing anybody inform him exactly what he might or couldn’t do. My dad’s life will surge on for lots of, a lot more years ahead and also I am absolutely blessed to have been his son.

When I was 19 years of ages I had ‘Make No Tiny Plans’ tattooed on my left shoulder as a consistent reminder to live my life with my fathers tenacity as well as impregnable self-belief.

Is there anything else you wish to provide the Muscle mass permanently readers?

I am honored to be featured on MuscleforLife, one of the few fitness sites I really frequent. If you desire to locate me, I’ll be blogging over at Kinobody.com as well as you can download my totally free record the Kinobody Plan here.



Dacia Braxton

Physical Therapist and Fitness Consultant. I bring you some Amazing Bodybuilding exercises along with high protein tips and workouts for health and weight loss