Using AI in your favor

Men's Grooming Channel
1 min readJul 26, 2023


See world is growing fast, faster than ever before and many of you or most of the people who don’t know what to do might be getting feared by this growth- Ai is taking over — in every industry you can think of and many people don’t know what to do in this situation.

Let me share a one most definite thing with you that the Ai’s role is just to make a work faster and easier it doesn’t build the core parts, it’s just a tool to make that work faster and you have to understand it as soon as possible because it will help you grow in the fast tracked growth of ai.

Use ai to that work faster, for example in entrepreneurship we use ai to do that work that is not that important to create something that matters to finish that work faster that’s it, Ai could’nt create the feeling that we entreprenuers do- with our commitment of helping people become who they want to become, to make a change that matters to you and to people we seek to serve so don’t be feared of Ai it’s just a tool to do that work faster.

