Menshikova School
2 min readApr 25, 2024


The origin of the god Kvasir is entirely mythical and magical; he was not born, but created. The material for creation were the parts of life activity of gods-Aesir and gods-Vanir, combined magically. This is exactly what makes it possible to determine his initially divine origin, albeit in a somewhat unconventional way.

In the myth, the god Kvasir, the wise man Kvasir, is firmly connected with the magical ability to poetry, although he was not a poet himself. It was his blood that was poetically creative. But first things first. Let’s turn to the Younger Edda, part 2, “The mead of poetry”:

The creation of the Suttungr’s Mead.

And again said Aegir: “Whence did this art, which ye call poesy, derive its beginnings?

Bragi answered: “These were the beginnings thereof. The gods had a dispute with the folk which are called Vanir, and they appointed a peace-meeting between them and established peace in this way: they each went to a vat and spat their spittle therein. Then at parting the gods took that peace-token and would not let it perish, but shaped thereof a man. This man is called Kvasir, and he is so wise that none could question him concerning anything but he knew the solution.

He went up and down the earth to give instruction to men; and when he came upon invitation to the abode of certain dwarves, Fjalar and Galarr, they called him into privy converse with them, and killed him, letting his blood run into two vats and a kettle. The kettle is named Odrerir, and the vats Son and Bodn; they blended honey honey with the blood, and the outcome was that mead by the virtue of which he who drinks becomes a skald or scholar. The dwarves reported to the Aesir that Kvasir had choked on his own shrewdness, since there was none so wise there as to be able to question his wisdom”.

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Menshikova School

Here we teach Magic, Runes, the four Elements and Tarot.