6 Reasons Why Your Email List is Key to Making Money Online

Men's Wealth
5 min readNov 30, 2022


7 Reasons Why Your Email List is Key to Making Money Online
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

We all know that there are many different ways to make money online, but one of the most reliable ways to earn passive income online year after year is through email list building and email marketing, otherwise known as affiliate marketing. But how exactly do you build an email list? How do you grow your email list? And how can you convert that email list into customers and profit? Well, keep reading and we’ll show you!

Here are 6 reasons why your email list is key to making money online.

1) You Own Your Email List

Your email list is the single most valuable asset you have as an online marketer. This group of people who are interested in what you have to say and share your values is the key to your success. If they like what they see, they’ll sign up for your offers and refer others.

They’ll also be a great sounding board when you’re looking for feedback on new products or services. The big advantage of this relationship is that it’s one-sided: You provide the value; they give you their money. Make sure to spend time building your list before you even think about monetizing them with paid offers.

2) Email Lists are Easy to Grow

If you’re looking for a way to grow your email list, it’s actually easier than you think. Here are five ways to do just that.

  1. Create an opt-in form on your website and promote it in relevant blog posts, Youtube, or social media posts.
  2. Offer content upgrades and bonuses for subscribers only, such as PDFs, eBooks, checklists, or videos.
  3. Use your freebie to offer a free trial of a paid course or product and ask them to sign up.
  4. Ask people to share their email addresses when they subscribe via social media.
  5. Include a contact form with all the necessary fields including name, email, phone number, etc. Offer prizes to entice people to give out their info too!

Email lists can be grown through any number of channels; you don’t need to be marketing directly through emails!

3) Email Lists are More Engaging than Social Media

Email marketing is a tried-and-true marketing strategy that has been around for many years. And while social media was once thought of as the next big thing, email marketing continues to be more engaging than social media. It’s also much easier to measure the effectiveness of an email campaign than it is a Facebook or Youtube ad.


  • The engagement level of subscribers on your email list will almost always outrank engagement on other platforms.
  • You can easily measure the success rate of any email campaign by tracking how many people clicked on links in each message, which enables you to make data-driven decisions about future campaigns.
  • Email lists are inexpensive compared with other digital advertising options like Facebook ads.
  • Customers who have subscribed via email will receive updates from your company whether they like them or not, meaning they’ll see what new products and promotions you offer without having to go hunting through their inboxes for them — a major win for customer retention.

4) You Can Make More Sales with an Email List

Email lists are a great way to stay in contact with your followers and make more sales. When you maintain an email list, you can segment subscribers into groups of people who want the same things as you. This means that when it comes time for your new release or promotion, you can send targeted emails out to just the people who will be interested in that particular piece of content.

The benefits of having an email list go beyond just making money though. You’ll also save time by not having to spend hours each day trying to find potential customers on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram.

5) You Can Build Better Relationships with an Email List

Email lists are one of the best ways to build relationships with your audience. Plus, you can use an email list for a variety of purposes, such as building trust.

How can you build trust with your email list?

  • You can send out information about products or services you think will be useful for them.
  • You can remind people about old content that they might not have seen.
  • You’ll get feedback from your customers.
  • Do not expect them to buy every product you promote.
  • Help people! If someone needs help in their business, help them!

6) You Can Increase Traffic to Your Website with an Email List

Your email list is your number one tool for increasing traffic and sales.

Here are five ways to do it:

  1. Reminders — You can schedule emails so that they send at regular intervals. This way, you’ll be in the inboxes of your subscribers on a regular basis with reminders about new products, promotions, videos, and blog posts.
  2. Newsletters — Newsletters are an effective way to share recent updates with your readership and offer them exclusive content they won’t find anywhere else.
  3. Rewards — By offering exclusive discounts or freebies to subscribers, you’re giving them something of value that only they get access to.
  4. Testimonials — The power of testimonials cannot be overstated! Testimonials from satisfied customers will help build trust between you and future prospects.
  5. More Loyalty — When people subscribe to your list, you know exactly who your loyal customers are. They’ve signed up because they want to hear from you and support what you do.

Final Thoughts

The email list can be an invaluable asset in your online business. It should not be underestimated or taken lightly, so take time to build and nurture it.

The more you put into your email list, the more you will get out of it. It’s important that you keep your email list members happy with engaging content because they are what drives revenue.

When people see a pop-up asking for their opinion, they’ll usually do it because they feel like they’re part of the club. For example: Do you love pizza? With this question, people are much more likely to answer yes than if asked: Would you like some pizza?

Thanks for reading!

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