5 Important Reasons to Stop Ignoring Your Mental Health

Mental Physique
2 min readJan 5, 2018


1 Better Physical Health
There is a strong connection between the mind and body. If you’re in physical pain, your work and family life may be affected or you may not be able to do the activities you enjoy, which can lead to stress, anxiety and depression

2 Improved Productivity and Financial Stability
As a result of dependence on disability income, leaves of absence from work, lost earning potential and the high costs of mental health treatment, individuals with untreated mental health disorders may face significant economic struggles. Some end up foreclosing on their homes, declaring bankruptcy or homeless or incarcerated after trying to manage a mental illness.
A study in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that people suffering from a serious mental illness earned at least 40 percent less than people in good mental health.

3 Less Strain on the Family
Mental illness affects families as well as individuals. The children of people with mental illness are at greater risk for abuse, neglect, and a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues. Since they can’t look to their parents for help, and they often isolate themselves from friends, many don’t receive needed social support. In many cases, the effects carry over into adulthood, driving children to seek mental health treatment of their own.

4 Avoidance of Crime and Victimization
Some studies suggest that people with untreated mental illness, especially in conjunction with other risk factors, may be at increased risk of committing violent crimes or, even more likely, becoming victims themselves.

5 A Longer, Happier Life
According to a 2012 study in the British Medical Journal, people with even mild mental health problems may have a lower life expectancy. Those with the highest levels of depression or anxiety had a risk of death that increased a whopping 94 percent, most often related to heart disease.

So why should you prioritize your mental health? Because caring for your mind as well as your body means you’ll not only live longer but better. Just as we have effective treatments for physical illnesses, there are therapies, medications and lifestyle interventions that can ease mental suffering, especially if you get help at the earliest signs of a problem.

Care For Yourself and Others!



Mental Physique

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