New Study Details Alarming Disparities Between Mental Health Coverage and Medical/Surgical Coverage

Mental Health for US
2 min readNov 22, 2019

By Patrick J. Kennedy

We know that insufficient access to mental health and addiction care is dangerous and life-threatening. That’s why the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (Federal Parity Law) mandated insurers to cover treatment for mental health and substance use disorders no more restrictively than treatment for illnesses of the body, such as diabetes and cancer.

Despite this, a new report from independent actuarial firm Milliman shows that Americans continue to experience greater difficulties in accessing affordable mental health — with out-of-network utilization disparities between coverage for mental health/substance use disorders (MH/SUD) treatment and medical/surgical treatment growing.

This means people are paying more out-of-pocket, largely because insurers still reimburse mental health and addiction treatment providers far less than their primary care or specialist counterparts. Consequently, many providers stop accepting insurance altogether, leading to people depleting retirement accounts and taking out second mortgages to cover costs on their own. Frustrated families are often forced to give up and just hope for the best.

Given the stark disparities in coverage between mental health care and physical health care, it should come as no surprise that insurers spent a paltry 1% of their total health care reimbursement on substance use disorders in 2017. The same year more than 70,000 Americans died of overdoses.

As the new data point out, we need change. And we need it now. It’s time for everyone to come together to find solutions: policymakers, health care and insurance leaders, advocates, and the business community. We must do whatever it takes to increase access to lifesaving care.

You can make a difference, too. I urge you to sign the Mental Health for US statement of support today. There’s strength in numbers. Join us and make your voice heard!



Mental Health for US

Mental Health for US is a nonpartisan, educational coalition elevating mental health and addiction in policy conversations around the country.