Incomplete Thoughts

Jul 11, 2023


This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E 2.

Constantly, incomplete thoughts grip my mind
Can’t shake the feeling that I got left behind
Another day comes with more loss of shine
When my light rebounds I live in the fight
Inevitably succumbing to the darkness of strife

Where are my friends, when is my time?
Time for it to end or time to start to thrive?
The world isn’t compatible with the likes of mine
A harmful truth or motivation to refine?
Unanswered questions leave me no will to try

Only the world can show me what’s right,
But am I capable of having true sight?
How much of this world, for my eyes, is too bright?
What is the difference between the day and the night?
What does it mean when love leaves me in fright?

I’m exhausted existing in this limbo of plight

