My Vision 2030 for India

4 min readMar 30, 2020


Bharat (India) is 72 years old, since its independence from the British. During this relatively short period in time it has evolved into a nation of 1.3 Bio people. The vast majority of Indians reside in the 600,000 villages and are dependent on agriculture and rural economic activities. The development of our nation can truly begin only if we design a model SMART VILLAGE and implement on war footing with all the brightest minds in the world, thinking and executing at an unprecedented scale, frugal engineering solutions that address the bottom of the pyramid. If every Indian NRI and domicile millionaire were to adopt a village in India, we will be able to ensure advancement of the upcoming generation.

India Should Run on Sun, Powered by Blockchain & A.I.

Tropical location on Earth provides India a distinct advantage in the number of ‘Sunny Days’ in a year. We should utilize this to create micro Solar grids that power communities and these micro grids will be able to aggregate over a peer-to-peer Energy sharing infrastructure powered by Blockchain to ensure flow of energy based on dynamic demand and supply sharing frameworks that also utilize A.I. to predict energy needs based on insights derived from usage data patterns.

Acquiring this ability to generate Solar Energy at the location where it is needed (micro-grids) will reduce the cost of ‘battery-based storage’ and ‘transmission loses’ which are critical factors that impact the ‘price-per-unit’ of energy. In order to enable Solar Micro Grids, the Govt. of India should apply a ‘cess’ on Fossil Fuels and utilize the revenue generated to cross subsidize, provide incentives to all individuals entrepreneurs and companies to design and deploy Solar micro grids for villages, urban communities, factories, industries and residential units across the nation. The economic viability in the short term, needs Govt. financial investment and focus. It will create a strong “Make in India’ opportunity for private investors to venture into the Solar Energy value chain, thereby, further adding to the impetus of affordable growth that is the core of success of any ‘Sunrise Industry’.

Rural Jobs in the Global Internet Economy

Achieving energy self-sufficiency will ensure growth in internet based economic activities; it will enable digitalization in rural areas of India. For example, rural jobs can be created based on deployment of remote working capabilities, thus, allowing Indian as well as Global companies to access rural talent pool to fuel innovation as well as execute operational tasks on Software Platforms that are available today! This will reverse human resource migration from rural economies to urban areas, thereby reducing the pressure caused by over population of cities, which has led to severe social, ecological and political problems that we encounter today.

Rural Remote Healthcare powered by Internet & A.I

Solar micro-grid will enable us to set up reliable healthcare clinics that have ability to power medical equipment, refrigeration and computing systems required to operate healthcare services in rural areas. If the energy factor is guaranteed, remote healthcare systems can be deployed to allow global physicians the ability to volunteer and contribute towards upliftment of rural population and eradication of deadly diseases, such as TB that continue to kill human beings in these areas due to lack of awareness and access to free timely healthcare service providers. Vaccinations against preventable diseases will help improve child health. Training and access to standardized healthcare systems will help reduce infant mortality in rural areas of India. If healthcare systems are digitized in rural areas, we can build data driven insights using A.I and improve healthcare service levels though predictive prevention and prognostics system deployment.

Rural Remote Education powered by the Internet & Open Schooling

If every rural community has Solar-based micro grid, community learning can be deployed using tablets, smartphones and laptops that can access the internet-based e-learning systems and tools that are widely available from open source databases and apps. Overtime, rural students will be able to compete with the best in the world over educational tests and competitions that are conducted over e-learning platforms. It will also create an opportunity for ‘content creation’ in the myriad languages of India that will enable effective communication and delivery of e-learning systems to student population in the rural segment of the Education market.

The present generation can contribute to upliftment of India by creating conversations and dialogues that bring about change. Be that change and ensure a legacy of peace and prosperity for our future generations to come.




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