How To Create A Unique QR Code For Your Restaurant Menu

5 min readSep 17, 2021


More and more restaurants are beginning to use QR codes for their restaurant menus than ever before, for a variety of different reasons. Some venues might be trying to save money on printing menus, others may be aiming to make the ordering experience more efficient for customers, and for some restaurants, QR codes provide an opportunity to modernize their business processes and appeal to a new clientele.

Creating a unique QR code for your restaurant’s menu might sound difficult and technical. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Creating your very own QR code menu is much easier than you might think. In fact, in just a few short steps, you can create a one-of-a-kind QR code to start using for your restaurant’s menu before your next service.

Follow the steps outlined below to create a unique QR code for your restaurant menu, so you can start taking advantage of this trendy tech today.

Step 1: Decide On The Type Of Content

Quick Response codes, better known as QR codes, or sometimes referred to as a 2D barcode, can be used to promote a wide range of different content types. As a restaurant owner, you will want your unique QR code to link to your restaurant’s menu to make it easily accessible to your customers.

When you are generating a unique QR code, the first thing you will need to do is select the type of content that you will link to. If you don’t have a URL for your restaurant menu, you will need to upload it to your website or social media account so that you have a URL that your QR code will direct customers to.

Step 2: Enter The Information Associated With Your QR Code

After you have decided on the particular type of content that you will be promoting, in this case, your restaurant menu, the next thing you will need to do is to enter the information about your campaign. QR codes can be used for a range of different purposes and even collect contact information. However, in the case of a restaurant menu, the only information you will need to be concerned about is providing the correct URL for your restaurant menu.

Generating a unique URL for your restaurant menu can be done in a number of different ways. For example, if you have a PDF version of your menu uploaded to your server, simply locate the file and grab the URL that will bring you to that file. On the other hand, if you have a dedicated menu page on your website, such as “”, then simply use this URL.

Keep in mind that if you have multiple menus at your venue, for example, a brunch menu, dinner menu, and a drink’s menu, you will need to either generate one QR code that links to a page containing all three menus or create three different QR codes, one for each menu.

Step 3: Choose A Static Or Dynamic QR Code

When you are creating a QR code for your restaurant menu, you will need to decide whether you want to create a static or dynamic code. While both types of codes can work for your restaurant, there are some important differences that you should be aware of. Making the right decision now can save you a lot of headaches down the line. Let’s take a look at the difference between static and dynamic QR Codes, so you can make the right call:

  • Static QR Code
    A static QR code has an embedded URL with a fixed destination link that cannot be changed. Essentially, with a static QR code, the URL is part of the QR code pattern and cannot be changed. If you regularly update your menu, a static QR code may not be the best option. However, if you need to create a QR code for a special one-off event, such as a New Year’s Eve menu, a Thanksgiving event, or a drink’s promotion, static can be a great choice.
  • Dynamic QR Code
    Dynamic QR codes, as the name suggests, can be edited and changed once they have been created and typically offer more features than static QR codes. With dynamic QR codes, a short URL is embedded in the code, which redirects the user to the destination URL. While the short URL cannot be changed, the destination code can be changed with ease. Dynamic QR codes can also be protected with a password, and you can track the number of people that scan them. Dynamic code images are less dense and easier to scan, which can benefit customers in restaurants that are dimly lit.

Step 4: Customize Your QR Code

As every restaurant owner knows, branding is crucial nowadays in ensuring that your restaurant stands out from the crowd and is easily recognized. By default, QR codes are black and white and can be quite dull and boring. To take your QR code design to the next level, consider adding some colors, including your restaurant logo, name, tagline, or even your social media accounts. It’s important to note that while customizing your QR code can improve its appearance, too many customizations can make it difficult to scan, which brings us nicely to the next step.

Step 5: Test, Test, And Test Again

During a busy service, the last thing you want is to discover that your customers are not able to scan the QR code and access the menu. To avoid a potential disaster, make sure that you take the time to test your QR code thoroughly before you roll it out to your patrons. Check that the QR code can be scanned easily using both Android and Apple devices. It’s also worth testing the code’s scalability with multiple different readers. Finally, as many restaurants are open for both lunch and dinner service, make sure that you try scanning the code in different lighting. QR codes typically scan better in good light, so if you have dim lighting and candles during your dinner service, you will need to take this into account.

Step 6: Share Your New QR Code With Your Customers

Now that you have created your unique QR code, and you know that it is working perfectly, you simply need to share it with your customers. QR codes can be shared digitally on your website or social media channels. You can also include your QR code in printed adverts so that customers can access your menu with ease prior to visiting your restaurant. When customers are seated at their table, your QR code should be easy to find, and scan, so that they can find your menu and start ordering their favorite dishes right away.

