How to Make a Clickable Map for Website: Easy Guide

4 min readJul 6, 2024


How to Make a Clickable Map for Website

Have you ever wondered how to make a clickable map for a website? It’s a fun and useful way to help people find things on your site. Imagine if you had a big map on your website, and when someone clicks on a part of the map, it takes them to a new page with more information. Sounds cool, right? Let’s dive into how you can create this awesome feature for your website.

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How to Make a Clickable Map for Website: Easy Guide

Why Create a Clickable Map?

Creating a clickable map for your website has many benefits:

  • Easy Navigation: Visitors can find what they are looking for quickly.
  • Interactive Experience: Makes your website more engaging.
  • Visual Appeal: A map can make your site look more attractive.
  • Local Information: Great for sites that provide location-based services.

Steps to Create a Clickable Map

Here is a simple guide on how to make a clickable map for a website:

1. Choose Your Map

First, you need a map. You can create one yourself using graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator, or you can find a free map online. Make sure the map you choose is clear and easy to understand.

2. Add The Map To Your Website

Next, you need to upload the map to your website. This is how you can do it:

  1. Save your map image as a .jpg or .png file.
  2. Upload the image to your website’s media library.
  3. Insert the image into the page where you want the map to appear.

3. Use Html Image Maps

Now, let’s make the map clickable. We will use something called an “HTML image map”. This allows different parts of the image to link to different pages. Here’s how to do it:

In this code:

  • The
  • tag displays your map image.
  • The usemap attribute links the image to the map.
  • The tag defines the clickable areas.
  • The tags define each clickable region.
  • The shape attribute can be “rect” (rectangle), “circle”, or “poly” (polygon).
  • The coords attribute specifies the coordinates of the clickable area.
  • The href attribute specifies the link for each area.
  • The alt attribute provides alternative text for each area.

4. Define The Clickable Areas

Let’s break down how to define the clickable areas:

  • Rectangle: Use the top-left and bottom-right coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2).
  • Circle: Use the center coordinates and the radius (x, y, radius).
  • Polygon: Use a series of x, y coordinates for each point of the shape.

For example, if you have a rectangular area, you might use:

Here, “34,44” are the coordinates of the top-left corner, and “270,350” are the coordinates of the bottom-right corner.

5. Test Your Map

Once you’ve added all the areas, it’s time to test your map. Click on each region to make sure it takes you to the right page. If something doesn’t work, double-check the coordinates and href links.

Advanced Tips

If you want to make your clickable map even better, here are some advanced tips:

Use A Map Generator Tool

There are online tools that can help you create image maps more easily. These tools allow you to upload your image and click on the areas you want to make clickable. The tool will then generate the HTML code for you. Some popular tools include:

Use Css For Styling

You can use CSS to style your map and make it look even better. For example, you can change the color of the clickable areas when someone hovers over them. Here’s a simple example:

This code will change the background color of the area when someone hovers over it.

Responsive Maps

Make sure your map looks good on all devices, including tablets and smartphones. You can use CSS to make your image map responsive:

This code ensures that your map image scales properly on different screen sizes.

Use Javascript For More Interaction

If you want to add even more interactivity to your map, you can use JavaScript. For example, you can display a tooltip when someone hovers over an area:

This code will display an alert box with the alt text of the area when someone hovers over it.

How to Make a Clickable Map for Website: Easy Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Make A Clickable Map?

You can use tools like Google Maps API or Mapbox. These tools allow you to create interactive maps.

What Tools Are Best For Clickable Maps?

Google Maps API and Mapbox are top choices. They offer robust features for creating interactive maps.

Can I Use A Clickable Map For Ecommerce?

Yes, clickable maps can enhance user navigation. They help users find locations easily.

Are Clickable Maps Mobile-friendly?

Most clickable map tools are mobile-friendly. Ensure your design is responsive to different devices.


Now you know how to make a clickable map for a website! It’s a great way to make your site more interactive and help visitors find what they are looking for. Don’t forget to check out if you are interested in buying or selling a website. Happy mapping!

