4 min readAug 25, 2023


We heart Ryoshi but Ryoshi doesn’t matter

I am Mephisto, and I do not matter. Maybe I am just a seller of shoes or a provider of bargains? One day soon I will be gone like my predecessors and we will again be faced with the soul looking gaze into the void of nothing. What will you pull from said void? We are the cult of the Black Shiba

We are decentralized however we are not chaos

The purpose of decentralization is so that there is no single individual, entity or group that has upon its own power, chosen or forced the ability to make or take away the mission. This is what it means.

Decentralization does not mean an implied lack of responsibility. If you hold 1% the supply then you are 1% dev. You must carry your weight in the way that you see best. Does this require consensus and following some nanny? No it does not, do whatever you want actually!

However, history has shown is if we all somewhat agree to follow an agreed upon framework or commandments per se, then all of our efforts will bear much fruit.

Take for example a collection of settlers in a new frontier town. They have all came together at similar times to each build their new life and support and trade with and protect each other. They will probably follow some agreed upon social framework like don’t kill and steal and it’s probably likely that there are certain foundation projects they all work together toward. This is the cult of the Black Shiba

Do you feel better now dev?

I certainly do after 7 coffee.

I certainly do after 7 coffee.

Now back to our discussion, because this morning a new town and for now I am yer sheriff, I Mephisto propose the follow tenets for which we shall all follow to bring the Black Shiba home again

1. as those who have come before have said “Osaka is Osaka”. There is nothing else, there is no connected, associated or partnered projects. Any rumors of this or that is just skem boys. Never buy any coin except Osaka.

2. Nobody is in charge. I am a writer of mediums and a poster of action adventure gifs. I don’t even know how OSAK went in coingecko and Binance. Likely other devs. The point is that if you are saying DEV WEN, then I Mephisto say back to you WEN DEV.

3. Basic human politeness always reigns. Good speech, good conduct and quality memes. Toxic bois get sent to the detox smoothie swimming pool

4. Stickers. The devs have made physical stickers with QR codes. We think this is a great idea and sets a fantastic grass roots foundation. Please visit the git and follow instructions on how to print and spam yer city streets

5. Hot Chip. I feel better is the official anthem of the Black Shiba. We gently suggest you study this video and song and be prepared for a quiz on Tuesday. Also whenever we can help out Hot Chip and their causes we will

6. As cult of the Black Shiba members we need to be able to identify each other in order to participate in guild raids. If you meet a suspected guild member on the streets you simply ask them if they have ever visited Osaka. They should reply with either “no I have not, but have you seen the Gilco man” and maybe show a picture of our lord. Or if they have actually visited Osaka, then they indicate this and talk again about the Gilco man and his lore

7. This is not a cult of no selling or sell shaming. If you want to sell then sell and enjoy staying poor. The supply is distributed enough that no individual or entity can drastically help or hurt the price. We run in waves

8. Tech. As of now there is no tech. It is just a coin as most coins are. If a dev develops an idea that brings tech (and no new coins) then the other devs can consider to support

9. We do not know Ryoshi, Ryoshi is not among us, she has not been heard from in years, however as of time of publishing, she has 50% the supply and much of the LP in her deploy wallet. We are not sure if that stays there forever or she wakes and burn or she pulls a vitalik. Regardless, one cannot have ultimate strength without an Achilles heel of vulnerability. This is our bet

I feel better

