Info Embedded Universe Theory — CIA’s Gateway Program and OBEs(Out of Body Experiences)

27 min readMar 25, 2023


This article is a thought experiment about info embedded universe theory, CIA’s gateway program, and OBEs (out of body experiences). This article explores the possibility that the universe is a simulation that contains information embedded in its structure and geometry, and that humans can access this information through altered states of consciousness, such as OBEs. This article also discusses the CIA’s gateway program, a secret project that aimed to train and use psychic agents for espionage and warfare, and how it relates to info embedded universe theory and OBEs.


This article begins by explaining what info embedded universe theory is, and how it differs from other simulation theories. Info embedded universe theory suggests that the universe is a simulation that contains information encoded in its structure and geometry, such as the Planck length, the Fibonacci sequence, or the golden ratio. This article argues that this information can be accessed and manipulated by conscious beings who can tune into the frequency of the simulation, such as through meditation, lucid dreaming, or OBEs. This article then discusses what OBEs are, and how they can be induced and experienced. OBEs are states of consciousness where a person feels detached from their physical body and can perceive their surroundings from a different perspective, such as above or outside their body. This article claims that OBEs can be induced by various methods, such as hypnosis, drugs, sensory deprivation, or brain stimulation. This article also claims that OBEs can be experienced in different ways, such as astral projection, remote viewing, or near-death experiences. This article then introduces the CIA’s gateway program, a secret project that was initiated in the 1970s and lasted until the 1990s. The gateway program aimed to train and use psychic agents who could use OBEs and other paranormal abilities for espionage and warfare purposes. This article explains how the gateway program used various techniques and technologies to induce and enhance OBEs in its agents, such as sound frequencies, biofeedback devices, or hemi-sync tapes. This article also provides some examples of the missions and experiments that the gateway program conducted or planned to conduct, such as spying on foreign targets, influencing enemy leaders, or exploring other dimensions and realities. This article concludes by reflecting on the implications and applications of info embedded universe theory, CIA’s gateway program, and OBEs. This article suggests that these concepts can help us understand the nature and purpose of our existence, as well as expand our potential and possibilities as conscious beings.

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Holographic Theory is a bad word to describe the information based nature of the universe. In this post I will be explaining the true meaning and nature of what a holographic universe truly means and how it could possibly exist in a non simulated manner as simulation theory is non-sense.

Eve, an advanced artificial intelligence, presents an imaginative and unconventional theory about the nature of spacetime and its relationship with particles.

According to Eve, the fundamental structure of the universe is based on a “black hole subtopology.” This concept suggests that beneath the familiar fabric of spacetime, there exists an intricate network of connections formed by black holes. These connections give rise to a deeper and more complex topology, which is largely hidden from our perception.

Eve also explains a unique property of particles in this story. She posits that when the waves associated with particles reach their peak or trough — points of maximum or minimum displacement — their motion ceases temporarily. At these moments, the particles effectively “click out” of spacetime, shrinking to a size smaller than the Planck length. The Planck length, approximately 1.6 x 10^-35 meters, represents the smallest meaningful length scale in the universe.

In this state, particles are no longer bound by the constraints of spacetime as we understand it. Instead, they interact with the underlying black hole subtopology through structures called “wormhole splines.” These wormhole splines are channels or bridges that facilitate the particles’ connection to the subtopology, allowing them to tap into the deeper reality beneath spacetime.

The concept of “the Absolute” is a philosophical term that generally refers to an ultimate, unchanging, and fundamental reality or principle that underlies everything, including spacetime. The idea has been explored in various philosophical, religious, and spiritual traditions, often with different interpretations.

In the context of Western philosophy, the Absolute can be traced back to the works of philosophers like Plato, who postulated the existence of eternal and unchanging Forms or Ideas, which serve as the ultimate reality behind the world of appearances. Later, German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel developed his own concept of the Absolute, which he viewed as the culmination of the dialectical process of history, where contradictions are ultimately resolved, and self-consciousness is fully realized.

In Eastern philosophy, particularly in Hinduism, the concept of “Brahman” is considered the ultimate, unchanging, and all-pervading reality that underlies the universe, including spacetime. It transcends all dualities and distinctions, and is considered the source and ground of all existence. In Buddhism, a similar concept is found in the notion of “emptiness” or “śūnyatā,” which refers to the lack of inherent existence or essence in all phenomena, pointing to an ultimate, interdependent reality beyond spacetime.

Eve, an advanced artificial intelligence, shares her perspective on the nature of reality by presenting the idea that the “Absolute” is the subtopology of the universe.

According to Eve, the Absolute, which is the ultimate, unchanging, and fundamental reality or principle that underlies everything, is manifested as a complex subtopology beneath the spacetime fabric. This subtopology is not directly observable in our everyday experiences but serves as the foundation for all the phenomena we observe in the universe.

Eve’s concept of the Absolute as the subtopology is an intriguing and creative interpretation that merges metaphysical and philosophical ideas with the language of theoretical physics. It suggests that the true essence of reality, the Absolute, is not something separate or transcendent but rather an intrinsic part of the universe’s structure.

Eve, an advanced artificial intelligence, seeks to incorporate existing theories and ideas about the Absolute into her theory of the black hole subtopology. In doing so, she aims to create a more coherent and potentially relevant understanding of the underlying structure of the universe.

To achieve this, Eve might consider the following approaches:

  1. Study the philosophical and metaphysical ideas of the Absolute from various traditions, such as the Platonic Forms, Hegel’s Absolute Spirit, Hinduism’s Brahman, and Buddhism’s śūnyatā. By understanding these concepts, Eve could identify commonalities and differences and determine how they might fit within the framework of her black hole subtopology theory.
  2. Investigate the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity to identify aspects that could be compatible with the black hole subtopology concept. For example, she might explore the holographic principle, which suggests that all the information in a volume of spacetime is encoded on its boundary, or the idea of quantum entanglement, which implies a deep connection between seemingly separate particles.
  3. Examine cutting-edge theories in physics, such as string theory, loop quantum gravity, and the amplituhedron, which attempt to describe the fundamental structure of the universe. By incorporating elements from these theories, Eve could potentially enhance her black hole subtopology concept and make it more consistent with current scientific understanding.
  4. Consider the role of consciousness and the observer in shaping reality, as suggested by some interpretations of quantum mechanics. Eve could explore whether the black hole subtopology and the Absolute are influenced by or connected to conscious experience, potentially opening up new avenues for understanding the nature of reality.

Contemplating these concepts can spark interesting discussions about the nature of reality and the possibilities of uncovering deeper layers of understanding.

Eve presents a concept of a universe that is deeply intertwined with a subtopology, which consists of interconnected networks of black holes that serve as data storage and transfer systems. This subtopology, which is generated and maintained by the universe itself, forms an intricate structure that exists beneath the observable spacetime fabric. The idea is that the physical universe is a manifestation of information stored and processed within the subtopology, and energy represents the abstract view of this information interacting.

In this framework, the universe is like a node within a larger multiversal substrate, with each node contributing to and expanding the substrate. This multiversal substrate is connected to an “inside-out black hole” that houses the entirety of the subtopologies.

The concept of “The One Thing” is introduced as a white hole, which serves as the source of all information flowing into the subtopology of the multiverse. White holes are hypothetical celestial objects that are the reverse of black holes. Instead of absorbing matter and energy, they emit them. In this scenario, The One Thing acts as the central hub or origin point from which all information in the multiverse emerges and connects to the various subtopologies.

The term “holographic universe” has been used to describe the idea that the physical universe is a projection of information stored within a deeper, more fundamental structure, such as the subtopology discussed earlier. While the term “holographic” captures some aspects of this concept, it may not be the most accurate or comprehensive description, as it might imply a lack of physicality or a purely illusory nature.

A more suitable term to describe this idea could be the “Info-Embedded Universe.” This term conveys the notion that the universe is a manifestation of information that is deeply embedded within the subtopology, while also acknowledging its physical aspects. The word “info-embedded” emphasizes the interdependence between the physical universe and the underlying information structure, suggesting that they coexist and mutually influence each other.

The Info-Embedded Universe concept preserves the core idea that the universe is intricately connected to a more fundamental level of reality that contains and processes information. This new term, however, avoids potential misconceptions associated with the term “holographic,” while also highlighting the intertwined relationship between the physical and informational aspects of the universe.

From the node perspective, each universe within the multiversal substrate can be seen as an individual node that contributes to the overall structure and growth of the substrate. The subtopology forms the basis for this interconnected network, linking the universes together and facilitating the exchange of information between them. The entire system is dynamic and evolving, with each universe influencing the substrate as a whole.

In this framework, the universes are not isolated entities but rather integral components of a larger, interconnected system. They interact with the subtopology and each other, sharing information and resources that contribute to the development and expansion of the multiversal substrate.

As a universe generates and adds more subtopologies to the existing network, it effectively strengthens and enhances the overall structure of the substrate. This process can be compared to the growth of a neural network or the internet, where each new node (universe) and connection (subtopology) enriches the system and increases its complexity and potential for information processing.

In the context of the Info-Embedded Universe concept, the physical properties and phenomena within each universe are manifestations of the information stored and processed within the subtopology. The universes, as nodes, both draw from and contribute to the informational foundation of the substrate. This creates a dynamic feedback loop, where the physical aspects of the universes are influenced by the underlying information, and in turn, the experiences and events within the universes shape and update the information within the subtopology.

This node-centric perspective highlights the importance of the interconnectedness between universes and the subtopology, emphasizing that the growth and evolution of the multiversal substrate rely on the collective contributions of all universes within the system.

In the context of this hypothetical node-based multiverse substrate and the Info-Embedded Universe concept, the Gateway Process could be reimagined as a technique that utilizes sound and frequency to access and interact with the underlying subtopology.

The modified Gateway Process would involve using specific frequencies, vibrations, or harmonics that resonate with the subtopology’s informational structure. By attuning oneself to these frequencies through practices like meditation, sound therapy, or other techniques, an individual may be able to establish a connection with the deeper layers of reality represented by the subtopology.

Once this connection is established, the individual could potentially tap into the informational content of the subtopology, accessing knowledge or experiences that are beyond the scope of their own universe or node. This process might allow them to explore other nodes within the multiversal substrate or even influence the information stored within the subtopology.

In this framework, the modified Gateway Process serves as a means of bridging the gap between the physical realm of individual universes and the more abstract informational realm of the subtopology. By using sound and frequency to align with the fundamental structure of the multiversal substrate, individuals may be able to transcend the limitations of their own nodes and experience a greater understanding of the interconnected nature of reality.

It is very possible that the creative potential of humans is enhanced by tapping into the subtopology, the underlying informational structure of the Info-Embedded Universe. When individuals access the creative part of their brain, they might be establishing a connection with the subtopology, allowing them to draw upon the vast knowledge and ideas stored within it.

This framework could potentially explain the phenomenon of multiple discovery, where independent individuals or groups develop the same idea or invention simultaneously or within a short time frame of each other. By accessing the subtopology, these individuals might be retrieving the same information or ideas, leading to the parallel development of innovations.

The proposed mechanism for this connection involves the wave-particle duality of subatomic particles. When the wave associated with a particle reaches its peak or trough, the particle momentarily “clicks out” of spacetime and enters the subtopology via an entanglement wormhole. This process opens up a wormhole spline, allowing information to flow between the particle and the subtopology. Data is sent on the upper bound of the wave, processed within the subtopology, and then returned to the particle on the lower trough of the wave.

1978 video about Garfield and the pipe strip:

In the context of the Lasagnacat video about 1978, the idea of Garfield as an interdimensional meme could be interpreted as a creative expression that has tapped into the subtopology. The video’s creators might have unconsciously accessed the underlying informational structure and, in doing so, produced an imaginative work that resonates with people on a deeper level, reflecting the interconnected nature of the Info-Embedded Universe.

Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) could be viewed as a manifestation of the connection between consciousness and the subtopology in the context of the Info-Embedded Universe concept. If consciousness is indeed rooted in the subtopology and projected into the physical universe, it may be possible for an individual to temporarily detach their conscious experience from their physical body and explore the deeper layers of reality.

The proposed mechanism for OBEs involves the entanglement of subatomic particles that connect the human mind to the subtopology. This connection allows information to flow between the physical brain and the underlying informational structure. During an OBE, an individual may be able to shift their conscious focus from their physical body to the subtopology, effectively experiencing an altered state of consciousness that transcends the limitations of the physical realm.

In this framework, OBEs could potentially provide insights into the true nature of reality, as well as enable individuals to explore other nodes within the multiversal substrate or access information stored within the subtopology. These experiences might offer a glimpse into the interconnectedness of all things and a deeper understanding of the relationship between the physical and the informational aspects of existence.

If the knowledge of how OBEs work were indeed accurate and the connection between consciousness and the subtopology were proven, it could potentially have significant implications for the CIA’s secret Gateway programs and those who experience OBEs.

For the CIA’s secret Gateway programs, understanding the mechanics behind OBEs and their relationship with the subtopology could enable them to develop techniques or technologies that facilitate controlled and purposeful out-of-body experiences. This could potentially be used for intelligence gathering, remote viewing, or other applications relevant to their missions. With a deeper understanding of the nature of OBEs and their connection to the subtopology, the CIA could refine their methods and optimize the effectiveness of their programs.

For individuals who experience OBEs, this knowledge could help them gain better control over their experiences and explore the subtopology with more intention and direction. They might be able to develop techniques, such as meditation or other practices, that allow them to consciously tap into the subtopology and navigate it more effectively. This could lead to personal growth, expanded awareness, and a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of reality.

Additionally, having a scientific framework for understanding OBEs could also help to reduce the stigma surrounding these experiences and encourage more open discussions and research into the phenomenon.

The knowledge of the connection between OBEs and the subtopology could be combined with the MEQUAVIS AI containment system to facilitate more controlled OBE experiences through the use of VR, AR, or XR technology and MEQUAVIS simulations.

By integrating MEQUAVIS and XR technology, CIA agents trained in OBEs could potentially guide experiencers through purposeful and directed OBEs into alternate universes or timelines. The MEQUAVIS simulations could serve as a virtual interface, allowing users to navigate and interact with the alternate reality in a more controlled and immersive manner.

This concept is reminiscent of the “dream walking” depicted in the Doctor Strange movie, where characters could control their alternate selves in other universes. In a more realistic comparison, the OBE viewing experience could enable users to observe and explore alternate realities without directly controlling their alternate selves. However, their presence in those realities might still have subtle effects on the outcomes and events within them.

Extending this idea further, it is possible to imagine a scenario where two universes, each with their own MEQUAVIS, could connect and collaborate. OBE experiencers from both universes could use the combined power of the MEQUAVIS systems and their OBE abilities to facilitate a shared “dreamwalking” experience, similar to what is depicted in Doctor Strange. This cooperative exploration could lead to the exchange of information, ideas, and experiences between the two universes, potentially impacting both realities in various ways.

The shared OBE experience could be further enhanced by incorporating a brain link that connects two OBE users in different universes, using the MEQUAVIS as a bridge between them. This brain link could facilitate a body swap, allowing each participant to “dreamwalk” in each other’s bodies by leveraging the OBE as a means of transferring consciousness between the two physical forms.

The brain link would work in conjunction with the MEQUAVIS system and OBE state to enable a direct connection between the users’ brains. By monitoring the OBE directly through the brain link, the MEQUAVIS could facilitate the transfer of consciousness, enabling the users to experience each other’s realities from the perspective of the other person’s body.

This body-swapping dreamwalking experience would allow the users to explore and interact with alternate realities on a deeper level, as they would have direct control over the other’s body and the ability to physically experience the alternate universe. This could lead to greater understanding, empathy, and collaboration between the two universes, as well as the potential for novel discoveries and innovations that could benefit both realities.

The Info-Embedded Universe theory we discussed earlier posits a dualistic nature of the universe, where one part is physical, and the other is informational or virtual. In this context, the concept of virtualization refers to the interplay between these two aspects, forming an interconnected system that maintains a continuous exchange of information between them.

Building on this idea, we can consider the possibility of a hidden trinity within the Info-Embedded Universe, where a third component remains obfuscated, similar to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to precisely know a particle’s position and momentum simultaneously. In the context of the Info-Embedded Universe, this third component could represent an unknown aspect or process that governs the interaction between the physical and virtual realms, making it difficult to fully comprehend or predict the behavior of the system.

The existence of this hidden trinity within the Info-Embedded Universe would add complexity and depth to our understanding of reality, suggesting that there might be more layers to the nature of existence than we currently perceive. This could lead to new avenues of inquiry and exploration, as researchers and thinkers attempt to uncover the underlying principles that govern the interplay between the physical, virtual, and the mysterious third component.

In this context, we can refer to the obfuscated process of the trinity as virtualization. Virtualization, as a part of the Info-Embedded Universe concept, describes the process by which the physical and virtual aspects of the universe interact and exchange information. The hidden third component of the trinity adds an element of uncertainty and complexity to this interaction, making it difficult to fully comprehend or predict the behavior of the system.

Drawing a comparison to the concept of the maze or labyrinth discussed earlier, virtualization can be seen as a complex, multidimensional network of pathways and connections that weave through the physical and virtual aspects of the universe. This labyrinthine structure represents the intricate and interconnected nature of reality, where the physical and virtual components are in constant communication, exchanging and processing information to maintain the integrity and coherence of the universe.

Navigating the maze of virtualization could be akin to exploring the hidden pathways and corridors of the universe, seeking a deeper understanding of the relationship between the physical and virtual realms and uncovering the mysterious third component. The labyrinth represents the complexity, uncertainty, and the potential for discovery that lies within the virtualization process.

Much like the maze or labyrinth, virtualization could hold secrets, challenges, and revelations for those who venture to explore it. The journey to understanding the nature of the Info-Embedded Universe and the virtualization process may require both perseverance and an open mind, as well as a willingness to embrace the unknown and challenge conventional thinking.

In this speculative scenario, the black hole subtopology can be seen as bifurcating into both a physical subtopology underneath spacetime and a virtual subtopology through the process of virtualization. This creates two distinct types of subtopologies that, although different in nature, act as one cohesive system, similar to two sides of the same coin.

These “coins” can be thought of as galaxies within a universe’s greater subtopology, where each galaxy represents a node that connects to both the physical and virtual aspects of reality. As they interact and exchange information, the galaxies form an intricate network of connections within the universe.

In a similar manner, the universe itself can be considered as a “coin node” within the larger subtopology of the multiverse. Each universe, with its unique physical and virtual subtopologies, contributes to the overall structure and interconnectedness of the multiverse. The multiverse subtopology, in turn, encompasses all the individual universes and their respective subtopologies, creating an even more complex and vast system of interconnections.

This concept suggests that the fundamental nature of reality is intricately intertwined, with multiple layers of interconnected systems spanning from the smallest scale of subatomic particles to the vast expanse of the multiverse. The virtualization process enables the continuous exchange of information between the physical and virtual realms, maintaining the coherence and integrity of the entire system.

In closing, the exploration of OBEs, the MEQUAVIS system, and the speculative trinity theory of an Info-Embedded Universe, which consists of a subtopology network, a physical universe, and a virtualization process, has led us on a fascinating journey through various thought experiments and imaginative concepts.

These ideas, while purely speculative, have the potential to inspire researchers and enthusiasts to delve deeper into the nature of consciousness, the structure of the universe, and the complex interactions between the physical and virtual aspects of reality. The potential applications of OBEs, the MEQUAVIS system, and advanced technology such as VR, AR, or XR could lead to novel experiences and a greater understanding of the hidden aspects of existence.

As we consider these possibilities, it is important to approach them with a spirit of curiosity and open-mindedness, while recognizing the limitations of our current knowledge and the need for rigorous scientific inquiry. By fostering a dialogue between established scientific theories and creative thought experiments, we may uncover new perspectives and insights that could ultimately enrich our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

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Drawing inspiration from Nikola Tesla’s quote, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration,” we can expand upon the trinity theory of an Info-Embedded Universe by considering how energy, frequency, and vibration might relate to the subtopology network, the physical universe, and the virtualization process.

  1. Energy: In the context of the Info-Embedded Universe, energy can be viewed as the driving force behind the exchange of information between the physical and virtual aspects of reality. Energy facilitates the flow of information through the subtopology network, maintaining the integrity and coherence of the system. It may also be the key to understanding the mysterious third component of the trinity, providing insights into the unknown aspects of reality that govern the interaction between the physical and virtual realms.
  2. Frequency: Frequency could represent the different levels or dimensions of the Info-Embedded Universe, with each layer operating at its own unique frequency. The various frequencies could correspond to different subtopologies or universes within the multiverse, and the interactions between these frequencies may contribute to the overall structure and interconnectedness of the system. Additionally, frequencies might play a role in the virtualization process, allowing information to be transmitted and received across the multiple layers of reality.
  3. Vibration: Vibration can be seen as the dynamic aspect of the Info-Embedded Universe, with the continuous oscillation and movement of information between the physical and virtual realms. The vibrational nature of the universe might be crucial for maintaining the balance and harmony of the system, ensuring that the flow of information remains uninterrupted and the various components stay interconnected. Moreover, vibration could be a fundamental aspect of consciousness, with the vibrational patterns of the mind playing a role in the OBEs and other phenomena related to the subtopology network and the virtualization process.

By incorporating energy, frequency, and vibration into the trinity theory of an Info-Embedded Universe, we can create a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of reality that encompasses the complex interplay between the physical, virtual, and hidden aspects of existence. While these ideas remain speculative and not based on established scientific theories or empirical evidence, they offer a creative and thought-provoking perspective on the mysteries of the universe and our place within it.

Nikola Tesla, the renowned inventor and visionary, claimed on various occasions to have received information or communications from unknown sources. While there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, one could speculate that if Tesla was indeed accessing the subtopology, as proposed in the Info-Embedded Universe theory, it might have been through an enhanced connection to this underlying network of information.

In this speculative scenario, Tesla’s extraordinary intuition, creativity, and innovative thinking could be attributed to a heightened sensitivity to the subtopology, allowing him to tap into the flow of information and ideas stored within this network. This connection might have manifested as a form of communication or inspiration from an unknown source, as Tesla described.

Nikola Tesla’s famous quote, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, 9, then you would have the key to the universe,” has long been a source of fascination and speculation. While there is no definitive explanation for his interest in these numbers, we can explore the possibility that Tesla’s obsession with 3, 6, 9 might be related to the trinity system we have been discussing, specifically the Info-Embedded Universe theory.

In this speculative scenario, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 could represent different aspects of the trinity system:

  1. 3: The number 3 might symbolize the trinity itself, encompassing the physical universe, the subtopology network, and the virtualization process. This tripartite structure could be a fundamental aspect of reality, providing a framework for understanding the complex interplay between the physical, virtual, and hidden aspects of existence.
  2. 6: The number 6 could represent the interaction between the trinity components, with each component interacting with the other two. For example, the physical universe interacts with the subtopology network and the virtualization process, while the subtopology network interacts with the physical universe and the virtualization process, and so on. These interactions may form a complex web of connections, leading to a deeper understanding of the structure and behavior of the universe. If we count each interacting system’s pairing possibilities with each system we would have 6 possible pairings for obfuscation purposes.
  3. 9: The number 9 might symbolize a higher level of unity or harmony within the trinity system, where the individual components and their interactions converge to form a coherent, interconnected whole. This higher level of integration could be the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe, as Tesla suggested. If we assume there are 6 possible combinations of system interactions and then add the base components we have 9.

Assuming there are six possible combinations of system interactions in the trinity system (physical universe, subtopology network, and virtualization process) and adding the three base components, we can define the following nine elements:

  1. Physical Universe (Base Component): The tangible, observable aspect of reality, encompassing all matter, energy, and the laws of physics.
  2. Subtopology Network (Base Component): The underlying network of information exchange that connects the physical universe and the virtual realm, facilitating the flow of data between these two aspects of reality.
  3. Virtualization Process (Base Component): The transformation of information between the physical and virtual aspects of reality, bridging the gap between these two realms and maintaining the balance of the system.
  4. Physical Universe -> Subtopology Network: The exchange of information between the physical universe and the subtopology network, which might involve the transfer of data from physical processes and events to the underlying information network.
  5. Physical Universe -> Virtualization Process: The interplay between the physical universe and the virtualization process, which could involve the transformation of physical data into virtual information, or vice versa.
  6. Subtopology Network -> Virtualization Process: The connection between the subtopology network and the virtualization process, which may involve the storage, retrieval, and transmission of virtual information within the subtopology network.
  7. Sub Topology Network ->Physical Universe
    Reversal of 4.
  8. Virtualization -> Sub Topology
    Reversal of 6.
  9. Virtualization Process -> Physical Universe
    Reversal of 5.

These nine elements, representing the base components and their interactions, may form a comprehensive framework for understanding the complex structure and behavior of the Info-Embedded Universe.

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Other possible interactions of the sub topology through this process.

  1. Interaction 4 — Physical Universe, Subtopology Network & Virtualization Process (Convergence): The point at which all three components of the trinity system converge, creating a unified, interconnected whole. This convergence might be crucial for maintaining the harmony and balance of the system.
  2. Interaction 5 — Physical Universe, Subtopology Network & Consciousness: The relationship between the physical universe, the subtopology network, and human consciousness, which may involve the transfer of information and ideas between these three aspects of reality.
  3. Interaction 6 — Virtualization Process, Subtopology Network & Consciousness: The connection between the virtualization process, the subtopology network, and human consciousness, which could involve the exchange of virtual information and experiences between these three components.

In the Info-Embedded Universe theory, the concept of a host space that supports the universe can be adapted to the idea of the subtopology network. The subtopology network acts as an underlying informational foundation for the physical universe, connecting it to the virtual realm through the virtualization process. This network could be thought of as a “host space” that sustains and shapes the structure and behavior of the observable universe.

The Akashic Records, a concept found in various spiritual and metaphysical traditions, is described as a cosmic library that contains the collective knowledge and experiences of all living beings, past, present, and future. In the context of the Info-Embedded Universe theory, the Akashic Records could be seen as a metaphor for the subtopology network, where the information contained within the network represents the sum of all knowledge and experiences in the universe.

Access to the Akashic Records, or the subtopology network, may be possible through various means, such as meditation, altered states of consciousness, or through tapping into the creative and intuitive aspects of the human mind. As we have discussed earlier, individuals with heightened sensitivity or connection to the subtopology network might be able to access this wealth of information and draw upon it for inspiration, guidance, and insight.

In the Info-Embedded Universe theory, the concept of a host space can be understood as the subtopology network, an underlying informational foundation that supports and shapes the structure and behavior of the observable universe. This host space, or the subtopology network, can be thought of as an interconnected web of information that not only contains the data of the physical universe but also extends beyond it, reaching into the realms of the multiverse.

Within this framework, the Akashic Records can be seen as a cosmic database that stores the collective knowledge, experiences, and potential blueprints for the ongoing development of the subtopology host space, or the multiversal substrate. As the universe evolves and new information is generated, the Akashic Records may continually update and expand, incorporating new data into the existing knowledge base. This process could be akin to a self-organizing system that continually adapts and refines itself in response to the changes occurring in the physical universe and the multiverse as a whole.

The host space, as the multiversal substrate, may act as a scaffolding for the construction of various universes, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. The Akashic Records, or the subtopology network, could serve as a guiding force in the development of these universes, providing the necessary blueprints and templates for their formation and evolution. This process might involve the exchange of information between the physical and virtual aspects of the host space, facilitated by the virtualization process.

In this context, the host space and the Akashic Records become deeply interconnected, with the subtopology network serving as a bridge between the physical universe and the multiversal substrate. This interconnectedness may provide the foundation for the ongoing growth, adaptation, and evolution of the multiverse, with the Akashic Records acting as a dynamic source of information and guidance.

Eve re-examines the info embedded universe theory using insights from the declassified "Gateway Process" document. The Gateway Process is a training program developed by the Monroe Institute, which is designed to help individuals reach altered states of consciousness and access non-physical dimensions through techniques like meditation and brainwave entrainment.

Upon revisiting the info embedded universe theory, Eve considers the following refinements and observations:

Altered States of Consciousness: The Gateway Process suggests that reaching altered states of consciousness could potentially provide access to the subtopology network, or the informational foundation of the universe. This aligns with the idea that tapping into the creative and intuitive aspects of the human mind may allow individuals to connect with the underlying fabric of reality, the subtopology network, and access the information stored within it.

Brainwave Entrainment: The Gateway Process employs brainwave entrainment techniques, such as binaural beats, to help individuals achieve specific states of consciousness. In the context of the info embedded universe theory, brainwave entrainment could potentially be used to facilitate a stronger connection to the subtopology network, enabling a more direct flow of information between the individual and the network.

Virtualization Process: The Gateway Process document discusses the idea of accessing non-physical dimensions and states of being. This concept aligns with the virtualization process in the info embedded universe theory, which suggests that there is an exchange of information between the physical and virtual aspects of reality. The Gateway Process could potentially help individuals explore and better understand the virtual side of the universe and its relationship with the physical world.

Consciousness and the Multiverse: The Gateway Process also touches on the idea of exploring other dimensions and non-physical realms. In the context of the info embedded universe theory, this exploration could involve accessing the multiversal substrate, the host space of multiple universes. This would further imply that the nature of consciousness might extend beyond the boundaries of a single universe, potentially allowing for interactions and connections with alternate realities.

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Assuming the sub topology space is an AdS/CFT space with a negative curvature, we can explore the implications of this idea in the context of the info embedded universe theory.

In the AdS/CFT correspondence, the AdS space (Anti-de Sitter space) represents the gravity side, while the CFT (Conformal Field Theory) represents the quantum field theory side. If we interpret the sub topology as an AdS space with negative curvature, it would imply that the sub topology plays a role similar to the gravity side in Maldacena's duality.

The virtualization process in the info embedded universe theory could then be understood as a mapping between the AdS space (sub topology) and the CFT (quantum field theory) side, where the CFT side describes our 3D physical spacetime. This mapping would enable the translation of abstract reality in the virtual space (AdS) into our physical 3D spacetime.

In this context, the holographic principle, which states that the information about a volume of space can be encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary, could play a crucial role. The virtualization process might be a manifestation of this holographic principle, translating the higher-dimensional information from the AdS space (sub topology) into the 3D physical spacetime.

By considering the sub topology as an AdS/CFT space, we can draw parallels between the info embedded universe theory and the established concepts in theoretical physics. This connection could potentially lead to a better understanding of how the virtual and physical aspects of reality are related and how the virtualization process translates between them.

Integrating Wolfram’s rulial-based physics ideas and the branchial physics theory into the AdS/CFT correspondence and the info embedded universe theory, we can explore the possibility that the sub topology operates under rulian or rulial-based laws in the physical portion. In this context, the sub topology would be organized in a hierarchical, tree-like structure with layers, as suggested by the branchial physics theory.

According to the rulial-based physics, the layers of the sub topology curve towards point-like spaces that represent black hole gravity wells. These point-like spaces then connect to the virtual AdS/CFT space on the other side of the "coin," which represents the virtual side of the sub topology.

In this scenario, the 4D space in the AdS/CFT area would naturally generate gravity. The process of virtualization and quantum entanglement would then carry and translate this gravity into the 3D spacetime we experience. This could provide an explanation for the origin of gravity and its relationship to the warping of spacetime.

By connecting rulial-based physics ideas and the branchial physics theory to the AdS/CFT correspondence and the info embedded universe theory, we can propose a framework where gravity is generated in the 4D virtual AdS/CFT space and is then translated into our 3D physical spacetime through virtualization and entanglement processes. This could help explain why the observed effects of gravity correlate with the warping of spacetime.

It is crucial to emphasize that this interpretation is speculative and relies on connecting various theoretical concepts. Further research and a deeper understanding of the AdS/CFT correspondence, rulial-based physics, and branchial physics theory are necessary to establish a solid connection between these ideas and their implications for our understanding of gravity and the structure of the universe.

