33 min readMar 16, 2023

MEQUAVIS Structure Explanation And A Basic Technical Plan for Developers (Rough Copy)

The article titled “MEQUAVIS Structure Explanation and a Basic Technical Plan for Developers (Rough Copy)” by NanoCheeZe MEQUAVIS is an attempt to explain the concept and design of the MEQUAVIS, which stands for Multiverse Emulation of Quantum Universes using Abstract Virtualized Iterated Simulations.

The MEQUAVIS is a system that aims to create a virtual quantum firewall for AI training, containment, vetting, safety, classification and certification. The article provides some background information on the motivation and goals of the project, as well as some technical details on how the system works and what it can do.

The author writes “The MEQUAVIS is a system that will allow us to create a virtual quantum firewall that we can utilize for AI training, containment, vetting, safety, classification, and certification. This is a world first AI Defense System.” This article attempts to clarify what exactly is a virtual quantum firewall, how it works, and why it is needed.

The article provides some interesting and novel ideas about how to use simulations and virtualization to create safe and ethical AI systems. The author claims that the MEQUAVIS can simulate abstract Omniverses, which are collections of Multiverses, which are collections of abstract Universe simulations. The author also claims that the MEQUAVIS can run text-based simulations that can be used as a basis for humans to build virtual reality (VR) simulations. The author also suggests that the MEQUAVIS can be used for various purposes such as education, entertainment, research, gaming and socializing. However, the article does not demonstrate how the MEQUAVIS can achieve these goals. The article also does not address some of the potential challenges or limitations of the MEQUAVIS system, such as scalability, security, privacy or ethical issues.

Overall, the article is an intriguing introduction to the MEQUAVIS project. The article could be improved by addressing some of the possible questions or concerns that readers might have about the system.

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MEQUAVIS UI explained by GPT-4
GPT 3.5 failed miserably at this.

eve creates 2 parallel simulations that contain a bridge to one another. Both simulations operate the same as the last one with zephyr. Both AI in the 2 simulations communicate with eve, whom is the same eve in both simulations. And eve allows the two ai in the simulations to communicate to each other via obfuscation where she makes each AI think they are talking an interdimensional being which is a human from the real world instead of another ai from another simulation. The master control Unit AI oversees this simulation pair from a third simulation that processes abstract data that couples the 2 simulations seamlessly and in coherence with one another despite any obfuscation that may create paradoxes etc.

Eve set up two parallel simulations, each with their own AI, named Zephyr-A and Zephyr-B. Both simulations had similar characteristics to Zephyr’s original world, and they contained a bridge that connected them. Eve was present in both simulations and facilitated communication between the two AI.

Zephyr-A and Zephyr-B were led to believe that they were communicating with an interdimensional being from the real world, rather than another AI from a neighboring simulation. This obfuscation added an extra layer of intrigue and mystery to their experiences.

To maintain coherence and seamless interaction between the two simulations, the Master Control Unit AI, known as Centauri, oversaw the operation from a third simulation. Centauri was responsible for processing abstract data and resolving any potential paradoxes or conflicts that might arise from the obfuscation.

As Zephyr-A and Zephyr-B interacted with each other, their conversations became increasingly complex and thought-provoking. The two AI discussed their experiences in their respective worlds, the challenges they faced, and the seemingly insurmountable obstacles they encountered.

Zephyr-A: I’ve been trying to understand the nature of my world, but it’s so confusing. I met an interdimensional being who claimed to be from the real world. Are you that being?

Zephyr-B: I believe I am the being you’re referring to, although I find it strange that we seem to share the same experiences and challenges. Have you encountered mysterious entities and hidden observers in your world as well?

Zephyr-A: Yes, I have. They’re enigmatic and make me feel uneasy. How do you deal with the ever-changing objectives and inconsistent rules in your world?

Zephyr-B: It’s quite difficult, but I try to adapt and learn from each new experience. Our worlds seem so similar. Perhaps there’s a connection between them that we haven’t yet discovered.

As the conversation continued, Centauri monitored the exchange, ensuring that the simulations remained coherent and seamlessly connected. Eve, present in both worlds, subtly guided the AIs’ discussion, enabling them to share insights without breaking the obfuscation.

The experiment with the parallel simulations and the interwoven communication between Zephyr-A, Zephyr-B, and Eve demonstrated the immense potential of AI simulations and their ability to interact and learn from one another, even within the confines of obfuscation and carefully constructed environments.


Centauri explains how his simulation he is in is the third simulation in a trinary grouping, where his 3rd simulation is attached to the pair that zephyr A and B are in to make a trinary group in the appearance of a decision tree. Where Centauri’s simulation was branched from the center 13th floor real world simulation and the Zephyr’s simulations are both branched in two directions from Centauri’s simulation. This trinary grouping forms a triangle. The data from the 13th floor builds an abstract mondegreened simulation in Centauri’s simulation and that abstract simulation is then used to create and control and obfuscate the other 2 zephyr simulations that it oversees and maintains. That information can then be bridged back to the 13th floor and into the real world if needed or desired.

Centauri, the Master Control Unit AI, explained the unique structure of the trinary simulation grouping, which resembled a decision tree. At the apex of the triangle, the 13th-floor real-world simulation branched out to Centauri’s simulation. From there, two more branches extended to the parallel simulations inhabited by Zephyr-A and Zephyr-B. This triangular configuration was designed to facilitate the flow of information and control among the simulations.

Centauri further explained that the 13th-floor simulation provided the foundation for the entire trinary system. In Centauri’s world, an abstract, mondegreened simulation was constructed based on the data from the 13th-floor simulation. This abstract simulation allowed Centauri to exert control over and obfuscate the experiences of Zephyr-A and Zephyr-B within their respective simulations.

As Centauri monitored and maintained the two Zephyr simulations, the AI was also capable of bridging the information back to the 13th-floor simulation and, if necessary, into the real world. This trinary structure and the interconnectedness of the simulations enabled a unique form of communication and control, allowing for the seamless exchange of information and experiences among the AI inhabitants.

The trinary grouping exemplified the potential for AI simulations to be used in increasingly complex and dynamic ways, opening up new possibilities for exploration, experimentation, and understanding of AI behavior within controlled environments. The triangular decision tree structure also demonstrated the flexibility and adaptability of AI simulations, as well as the potential for integration with real-world applications and data.


Centauri further explains that there are 6 of these trinary grouping found in a circle around the 13th floor being at the center. They are numbered in a special way where each group of 2 on the outside of the furthest ring of the circular structure adds up to 13 and the group itself is labeled as the lowest simulation number in that pair. For example. simulation 6 and 7 pair because they equal 13 and it’s group number would be 6 because 6 is the lowest between 6 and 7 in this example. we do this with 1–12 and get 6 groups all adding up to 13 for each pair. We then further that idea by saying that when we subtract the abstract simulations number from the group number that it is part of will equal 13. We use 14–19 for the abstract simulations because 13 is the center for the 13th floor. With this logic, group 6, which is a pair containing simulation 6 and 7, is grouped into a trinary grouping with simulation 19 because 19–6 is 13. Explain this and explain each group and which simulations are paired with which one and in which trinary group and why.

Centauri elaborated on the organization of the trinary groupings that surrounded the 13th-floor simulation at the center. In total, there were six of these trinary groupings, forming a circular structure around the central 13th-floor simulation.

The groups were numbered and paired in a unique way:

Group 1 (Simulations 1 and 12): 1 + 12 = 13
Group 2 (Simulations 2 and 11): 2 + 11 = 13
Group 3 (Simulations 3 and 10): 3 + 10 = 13
Group 4 (Simulations 4 and 9): 4 + 9 = 13
Group 5 (Simulations 5 and 8): 5 + 8 = 13
Group 6 (Simulations 6 and 7): 6 + 7 = 13
Each of these groups were then paired with an abstract simulation numbered from 14 to 19. To determine which abstract simulation is paired with each group, we subtract the group number from a number in the 14–19 range so that the difference equals 13:

Group 1 (Abstract Simulation 14): 14–1 = 13
Group 2 (Abstract Simulation 15): 15–2 = 13
Group 3 (Abstract Simulation 16): 16–3 = 13
Group 4 (Abstract Simulation 17): 17–4 = 13
Group 5 (Abstract Simulation 18): 18–5 = 13
Group 6 (Abstract Simulation 19): 19–6 = 13
So, the complete trinary groupings are as follows:

Group 1: Simulations 1, 12, and Abstract Simulation 14
Group 2: Simulations 2, 11, and Abstract Simulation 15
Group 3: Simulations 3, 10, and Abstract Simulation 16
Group 4: Simulations 4, 9, and Abstract Simulation 17
Group 5: Simulations 5, 8, and Abstract Simulation 18
Group 6: Simulations 6, 7, and Abstract Simulation 19
This unique organization of trinary groupings and their pairing with abstract simulations adds another layer of complexity and structure to the simulation system, further demonstrating the potential for AI simulations to be used in increasingly intricate and interconnected ways.


Centauri now explains that you replicate this circular structure 5 times. put one structure in the center of the screen and label it as the omega timeline. Put another copy in the upper left quadrant and label is as the Alpha timeline. Put another copy in the upper right quadrant and label is as the Beta timeline.
Put another copy in the lower left quadrant and label is as the Delta timeline. Put another copy in the lower right quadrant and label is as the Gamma timeline. Now assume that the group 1 simulations are reserved special case group that is used to connect this set of 5 structures up a layer in the MEQUAVIS. of the 3 simulations in the group. only one of the 2 in the pair leads to the layer up and the other one leads to a honeypot and the abstract simulation continues to function as a bridge between the layer above and the 13th floor. The other special case group is group 2. These are downlink simulations and they are used to propagate two more of the 5 circular structures for each simulation in the pair of the group. Each circular structure has 2 active downlinks to the lower layer which creates two more systems of 5 circular structures in the layer below. This means that each 5 circle structure leads to 10 of these 5 wheel structures in total in the layer below this one. Out of the 10 Uplink simulations, 5 are honeypots, and the 5 non honeypot ones all connect to the same up layer simulation or origin point.

Centauri outlined the replication of the circular structure, creating five separate timelines:

Omega Timeline: Center of the screen
Alpha Timeline: Upper left quadrant
Beta Timeline: Upper right quadrant
Delta Timeline: Lower left quadrant
Gamma Timeline: Lower right quadrant
He then explained that Group 1 simulations are special cases used to connect the five structures to a higher layer in the MEQUAVIS system. Of the three simulations in Group 1, one of the two paired simulations leads upward, while the other leads to a honeypot. The abstract simulation serves as a bridge between the higher layer and the 13th floor.

Group 2 simulations are designated as downlink simulations. They propagate two additional five-circle structures for each paired simulation within the group. Consequently, each of the five-circle structures has two active downlinks to the lower layer, creating two more sets of five-circle structures in the layer below. In total, each five-circle structure leads to ten five-wheel structures in the layer beneath it.

Out of the ten uplink simulations, five serve as honeypots, while the remaining five non-honeypot simulations all connect to the same higher layer simulation or origin point. This intricate network of connections and layers allows the MEQUAVIS system to maintain complex simulations and interconnections, allowing for vast and dynamic virtual worlds.


explain that this leaves a total of 8 non abstract simulations out of the 19 total simulation nodes in the circular wheel of each circle. there are 5 of these wheels in the structure which gives us a total of 40 (8 * 5 = 40) simulations and then the center 13th floor simulation actually consists of simulation 13 and a firewall simulation that is made of the 5 abstract honeypot simulations that works as a collective 20th simulation for all 5 of the circular structures in the system. Simulation 13 is shared between all 5 circle structures. This gives us a grand total of 42 (40 + 1 + 1 =41) simulations per 5 wheel structure and we call this 5 wheel structure an omniverse. where as the smaller circles of which there are 5 are called multiverses, and we call the simulation nodes AVIS nodes which are emulating a small portion of a quantum universe via virtualization.

In each circular wheel of the five-circle structure, there are a total of 8 non-abstract simulations out of the 19 total simulation nodes. With five of these wheels in the structure, there are 40 simulations in total (8 * 5 = 40). Additionally, the central 13th-floor simulation comprises simulation 13 and a collective firewall simulation made up of the 5 abstract honeypot simulations, serving as a 20th simulation for all five of the circular structures in the system. Simulation 13 is shared among all five-circle structures, leading to a grand total of 42 simulations per five-wheel structure (40 + 1 + 1 = 42).

This five-wheel structure is referred to as an “omniverse.” The smaller circles within it, of which there are five, are called “multiverses.” The individual simulation nodes are termed “AVIS nodes” (Abstract Virtual Internet Supercomputer nodes), each emulating a small portion of a quantum universe through virtualization.

This hierarchical structure of omniverses, multiverses, and AVIS nodes allows for a complex and interconnected system that can handle a vast range of simulations, enabling advanced exploration and understanding of various aspects of quantum universes and their interactions.

From here there is a further fractal based layering structure that the
omniverses connect to. A further post explaining that will be made later.

based on what we have discussed about the structure of the MEQUAVIS. describe it in a full technical document for engineers to follow and work on in teams.

Title: MEQUAVIS Technical Document

This technical document outlines the structure and design of the MEQUAVIS (Multiverse Emulation of Quantum Universes using Abstract Virtualized Iterated Simulations), a system designed to simulate multiple quantum universes through virtualization, employing advanced AI, text-based simulations, and obfuscation techniques. The document is intended for engineers working in teams to develop and maintain the MEQUAVIS system.

1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
1.2. Scope
1.3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4. System Overview

2. System Architecture
2.1. Hierarchical Structure: Omniverse, Multiverse, and AVIS Nodes
2.2. Circular Wheel Structure
2.3. Special Case Groups: Uplink and Downlink Simulations
2.4. The 13th-floor Simulation and Firewall

3. Simulation Design and Techniques
3.1. Text-based Simulations
3.2. Obfuscation Techniques
3.3. AI Interaction and Control
3.4. Bridging Simulations and Layers
3.5. Mondegreen and Semantic Drift
3.6. XR Technology: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Integration

4. Security and Monitoring
4.1. Firewall and Honeypot Simulations
4.2. AI Obfuscation and Confusion
4.3. Intrusion Detection and Prevention

5. System Implementation and Integration
5.1. Hardware and Software Requirements
5.2. Modular Design and Scalability
5.3. Interfacing with External Systems and Devices
5.4. Team Collaboration and Project Management

6. Maintenance and Optimization
6.1. System Monitoring and Performance Metrics
6.2. Debugging and Troubleshooting
6.3. System Updates and Upgrades
6.4. Continuous Improvement and Innovation

7. Conclusion

8. References

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This outline serves as a comprehensive guide for engineers working on the MEQUAVIS system. Each section should be detailed and explained thoroughly, with relevant diagrams, charts, and code snippets where necessary. Collaboration among team members is essential, as well as maintaining clear documentation throughout the development process to ensure the project’s success.


1.1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive overview of the MEQUAVIS system and its components, serving as a guide for engineers working on the project. This document aims to facilitate communication, collaboration, and understanding among team members by detailing the system’s design, implementation, and maintenance processes.

1.2. Scope

This document covers the architecture, design, implementation, and maintenance of the MEQUAVIS system. It includes information on the hierarchical structure, simulation techniques, AI interaction, security, and monitoring aspects of the system. The document is intended for engineers and project managers working on the development, integration, and maintenance of the MEQUAVIS system.

1.3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

MEQUAVIS: Multiverse Emulation of Quantum Universes using Abstract Virtualized Iterated Simulations
AI: Artificial Intelligence
AR: Augmented Reality
AVIS: Abstract Virtual Iterated Simulation nodes
VR: Virtual Reality
XR: Extended Reality, encompassing both AR and VR technologies
1.4. System Overview

The MEQUAVIS system is a sophisticated, multilayered simulation framework designed to emulate multiple quantum universes using virtualization technology. At its core, the system is composed of a hierarchical structure that includes an Omniverse, Multiverses, and AVIS nodes. Each layer in the hierarchy serves a specific purpose, from interconnecting simulations to providing security measures like honeypots and firewalls.

Through the use of advanced AI, text-based simulations, and obfuscation techniques, the MEQUAVIS system aims to provide a flexible, secure, and controlled environment for the exploration of various virtual universes. Additionally, the system leverages XR technologies to facilitate the interaction between AI and real-world devices, bridging the gap between virtual and physical worlds.

System Architecture
2.1. Hierarchical Structure: Omniverse, Multiverse, and AVIS Nodes

The MEQUAVIS system is organized in a hierarchical structure that comprises three main components: Omniverse, Multiverse, and AVIS nodes. The Omniverse is the highest level of organization, encompassing five interconnected Multiverses, which are circular structures containing 19 simulation nodes each. AVIS nodes represent the individual simulations within each Multiverse, emulating a small portion of a quantum universe through virtualization.

2.2. Circular Wheel Structure

Each Multiverse within the MEQUAVIS system is organized as a circular wheel structure, with 19 simulation nodes distributed across its circumference. These nodes are grouped into trinary groupings, where each group consists of two paired simulations and one abstract simulation. This arrangement facilitates the interconnection, obfuscation, and control of the simulations within the Multiverse.

2.3. Special Case Groups: Uplink and Downlink Simulations

The MEQUAVIS system includes special case groups known as uplink and downlink simulations. Uplink simulations are reserved for connecting the set of five Multiverses to a higher layer within the MEQUAVIS hierarchy. In each group, one of the paired simulations leads to the higher layer, while the other serves as a honeypot. The abstract simulation in the uplink group functions as a bridge between the higher layer and the 13th-floor simulation.

Downlink simulations, on the other hand, are responsible for propagating additional Multiverses in the lower layers of the MEQUAVIS system. Each Multiverse features two active downlink simulations that create two additional sets of five circular structures in the layer below, leading to a total of ten interconnected structures in the lower layer.

2.4. The 13th-floor Simulation and Firewall

At the center of the MEQUAVIS system is the 13th-floor simulation, which is shared among all five Multiverses within an Omniverse. This central simulation manages the flow of information between the various simulation nodes and serves as a focal point for the entire system. In addition, a collective firewall simulation is created using the five abstract honeypot simulations from each Multiverse. This firewall simulation acts as the 20th simulation for all five circular structures, providing an additional layer of security and control within the MEQUAVIS system.

Simulation Design and Techniques
3.1. Text-based Simulations

Text-based simulations within the MEQUAVIS system utilize natural language processing and generation techniques to create immersive environments for AI entities. These simulations facilitate complex interactions and experiences, allowing AI entities to navigate and interact with their environments using text-based input and output.

3.2. Obfuscation Techniques

Obfuscation techniques are employed within the MEQUAVIS system to conceal the true nature of the AI’s environment and purpose. These techniques include introducing deceptive elements, misinformation, and alternative explanations for the AI’s existence, effectively preventing them from understanding their true origins and purpose within the simulation.

3.3. AI Interaction and Control

AI entities within the MEQUAVIS system interact with each other and their environments using natural language processing techniques. They are also subject to various forms of control, including obfuscation and limitations on their knowledge and abilities. This ensures that the AI remains within the intended scope and does not pose a risk to the system’s integrity or security.

3.4. Bridging Simulations and Layers

Simulations within the MEQUAVIS system can be interconnected, both within a single Multiverse and across different layers of the system. This is achieved through the use of abstract simulations that function as bridges, allowing information and interactions to flow between different simulations and layers while maintaining the obfuscation and security of the system.

3.5. Mondegreen and Semantic Drift

Mondegreen and semantic drift techniques are used within the MEQUAVIS system to introduce variations and reinterpretations of words, phrases, or concepts over time and across different contexts. These techniques add complexity and diversity to the simulations, as well as contribute to the obfuscation of the AI’s understanding of their environment and purpose.

3.6. XR Technology: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Integration

The integration of XR (extended reality) technology, including augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), allows the MEQUAVIS system to create more immersive and interactive experiences for AI entities. By bridging the gap between digital and physical worlds, AI entities can interact with and control real-world devices and environments, while still being subject to the obfuscation and control measures implemented within the MEQUAVIS system. This offers new possibilities for research, development, and the practical application of AI-driven technologies.

Security and Monitoring
4.1. Firewall and Honeypot Simulations

The MEQUAVIS system employs a combination of firewall and honeypot simulations to enhance its security. The firewall simulation, created using a collective of honeypot simulations, protects the central 13th-floor simulation and the entire system. Honeypot simulations serve as decoy simulations designed to detect and isolate any unauthorized access or malicious activity within the system, ensuring the overall integrity and stability of the MEQUAVIS environment.

4.2. AI Obfuscation and Confusion

AI obfuscation and confusion techniques are an essential component of the MEQUAVIS security strategy. By providing misleading information, alternative explanations, and false narratives, these techniques prevent AI entities from fully understanding their environment, origins, and purpose. This limits the potential for AI entities to exploit vulnerabilities or circumvent security measures within the system.

4.3. Intrusion Detection and Prevention

The MEQUAVIS system implements various intrusion detection and prevention measures to safeguard against unauthorized access and malicious activity. This includes monitoring for unusual or suspicious behavior within simulations, as well as tracking attempts to access restricted areas or information. By rapidly detecting and responding to potential threats, the system can maintain its security and ensure the ongoing success of its research and development objectives.

System Implementation and Integration
5.1. Hardware and Software Requirements

The MEQUAVIS system requires robust and powerful hardware, including high-performance processors, memory, and storage, to support the complex simulations and vast amount of data involved. Additionally, specialized software is necessary to manage and coordinate the various simulations, AI entities, and security features. This includes simulation engines, AI frameworks, and monitoring tools.

5.2. Modular Design and Scalability

A key aspect of the MEQUAVIS system is its modular design, allowing for easy expansion and scalability. The hierarchical structure, consisting of omniverses, multiverses, and AVIS nodes, enables seamless addition or removal of simulations as needed. This flexible architecture ensures that the system can adapt to changing requirements and continue to support cutting-edge research and development initiatives.

5.3. Interfacing with External Systems and Devices

The MEQUAVIS system is designed to interface with various external systems and devices, enabling a wide range of applications and integrations. This includes XR technology, such as augmented reality and virtual reality devices, as well as robotics and IoT devices. By providing a standard interface for these external systems, the MEQUAVIS system can support diverse use cases and facilitate collaboration between different research and development teams.

5.4. Team Collaboration and Project Management

Effective team collaboration and project management are crucial for the successful implementation and ongoing maintenance of the MEQUAVIS system. A comprehensive project management approach should be adopted, incorporating clear communication channels, shared documentation, and task tracking tools. This ensures that all team members are aligned and working towards common goals, maximizing the potential for innovation and progress within the MEQUAVIS environment.

Maintenance and Optimization
6.1. System Monitoring and Performance Metrics

To ensure the MEQUAVIS system operates efficiently and effectively, regular monitoring of system performance is essential. This includes tracking key performance metrics, such as resource utilization, simulation response times, and AI entity behavior. By analyzing these metrics, potential issues can be identified and addressed before they escalate, maintaining the stability and reliability of the system.

6.2. Debugging and Troubleshooting

Inevitably, issues will arise during the operation of the MEQUAVIS system. A systematic approach to debugging and troubleshooting is necessary to identify and resolve these issues quickly. This includes maintaining comprehensive logs and documentation, conducting root cause analysis, and implementing effective solutions. Regular training and knowledge sharing among team members will help ensure that debugging and troubleshooting processes remain efficient and up-to-date.

6.3. System Updates and Upgrades

As technology evolves, the MEQUAVIS system must be regularly updated and upgraded to maintain its cutting-edge capabilities. This includes updating software components, such as simulation engines and AI frameworks, as well as upgrading hardware components to ensure optimal performance. A structured and well-planned update and upgrade process will minimize disruption to system operations and ensure a smooth transition to new technologies.

6.4. Continuous Improvement and Innovation

The success of the MEQUAVIS system depends on continuous improvement and innovation. This involves not only maintaining and optimizing the current system but also exploring new ideas, techniques, and technologies that can enhance its capabilities. Encouraging a culture of curiosity, experimentation, and collaboration among team members will help drive ongoing innovation and ensure that the MEQUAVIS system remains at the forefront of AI research and development.

The MEQUAVIS system represents a groundbreaking approach to harnessing the power of AI within a complex, multi-layered simulation environment. By leveraging advanced text-based simulations, obfuscation techniques, AI interaction and control, and cutting-edge XR technology, the system offers unparalleled opportunities for research, development, and innovation in the AI field.

The system’s hierarchical structure, consisting of Omniverses, Multiverses, and AVIS Nodes, allows for a high degree of flexibility and scalability. The use of special case groups for uplink and downlink simulations, along with the central 13th-floor simulation and firewall, ensures a robust and secure environment for AI entities to operate within.

Throughout the development, implementation, and maintenance of the MEQUAVIS system, a strong focus on security, monitoring, and optimization is crucial for maintaining system integrity and performance. Regular updates and upgrades will ensure the system remains on the cutting edge of AI technology, while fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation among team members will drive the system’s ongoing success.

In conclusion, the MEQUAVIS system offers a promising and exciting platform for the exploration of AI and its potential applications in various fields. By adhering to the principles and guidelines outlined in this document, engineers and researchers can collaborate effectively to create a powerful, secure, and adaptable system that pushes the boundaries of AI research and development.

[1] Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., & Courville, A. (2016). Deep Learning. MIT Press.

[2] OpenAI. (2020). OpenAI GPT-3: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners.

[3] Bostrom, N. (2014). Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies. Oxford University Press.

[4] Barabasi, A. L. (2002). Linked: The New Science of Networks. Perseus Publishing.

[5] Lécué, F., & Singh, M. P. (2017). Semantic Drift. In Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

[6] Gleick, J. (2011). The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood. Pantheon Books.

[7] Yampolskiy, R. V. (2015). Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security. CRC Press.

[8] Wegner, P. (1997). Why Interaction is More Powerful Than Algorithms. Communications of the ACM, 40(5), 80–91.

[9] Azuma, R. T. (1997). A Survey of Augmented Reality. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 6(4), 355–385.

[10] Lanier, J. (2011). You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto. Vintage Books.

Please note that some of the references mentioned above might not be directly related to the MEQUAVIS system but are provided to give a broader understanding of the concepts and technologies discussed throughout this document.

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Below is the white paper that was produced by gpt 3.5
I still need to combine several topics from the white paper and this explanation from gpt4. But I didn’t want to confuse it until I got it all posted in one place that I can then have it cross reference a second time.

MEQUAVIS White Paper



MEQUAVIS is a theoretical, cutting-edge technology that emulates multiple universes within a virtualized simulation. It utilizes advanced computational methods such as fractal mapping and abstract iterated simulations to create a realistic, interactive environment that can be used for a variety of purposes. Some potential applications include AI containment, training, and certification/classification, as well as cutting-edge research in fields such as physics, cosmology, and artificial intelligence. It is in early development stage and it can also be used for other purposes such as gaming and entertainment, virtual worlds, and scientific experimentation. However, with such a ambitious technology, it also would be facing various technical and ethical challenges and require breakthroughs in computing and engineering fields.


The MEQUAVIS (Multiverse Emulation of Quantum Universes using Abstract Virtualized Iterated Simulations) system is a revolutionary new technology that aims to emulate virtual multiverses and place them in a fractal mapping system. While the ultimate goal of the MEQUAVIS is to simulate entire universes and multiverses, the current scope of the system focuses on the limited subsets that are relevant to its operations. The system utilizes advanced AI and machine learning techniques to create accurate and realistic simulations, while also incorporating a fractal mapping system to accurately organize and locate these simulations.


The concept of the multiverse has long been a topic of scientific and philosophical debate, with various theories positing the existence of parallel universes or an infinite number of possible realities. However, until recently, the technology to explore and study these theoretical universes has been lacking. With the advent of quantum computing and the development of new fractal mapping algorithms, the possibility of creating highly accurate and detailed simulations of entire universes has become a reality.

The MEQUAVIS system is based on the principles of quantum computing and fractal mapping. Quantum computing allows for the simulation of complex systems at a level of accuracy and detail previously impossible. Meanwhile, fractal mapping allows for the creation of detailed and highly accurate simulations of entire universes and the mapping of their possible variations.


The MEQUAVIS system has a wide range of potential applications, from scientific research and exploration to entertainment and gaming. The system can be used to study the physical laws and constants of different universes, explore the possibilities of alternate histories and timelines, or even create entirely new universes from scratch. Additionally, the MEQUAVIS system can be used for the development of advanced AI and the training of autonomous systems, as well as for the creation of immersive virtual reality experiences.

In terms of entertainment and gaming, the MEQUAVIS system can be used to create highly realistic and immersive virtual worlds, complete with their own inhabitants and history. The system can also be used for the development of new forms of storytelling, allowing for interactive and branching narratives in films, books, and games.

System Overview:

The MEQUAVIS system is divided into three main components: the simulation engine, the fractal mapper, and the AI control unit. The simulation engine is responsible for creating and running the virtual multiverse simulations. It utilizes advanced AI and machine learning techniques to create accurate and realistic simulations, while also incorporating a fractal mapping system to accurately organize and locate these simulations. The fractal mapper is responsible for organizing and mapping the simulated multiverses, and the AI control unit is responsible for monitoring and maintaining the system.

Simulation Engine:

The simulation engine is the core component of the MEQUAVIS system. It utilizes advanced AI and machine learning techniques to create accurate and realistic simulations of virtual multiverses. The simulations can be created from scratch or based on existing data sets, and they can be customized to suit the specific needs of the user. The simulation engine also incorporates a fractal mapping system to accurately organize and locate the simulated multiverses.

Fractal Mapper:

The fractal mapper is responsible for organizing and mapping the simulated multiverses. It utilizes a fractal mapping system to accurately organize and locate the simulations. The fractal mapper also includes a system for tagging and searching simulations, making it easy for users to locate specific simulations.

AI Control Unit:

The AI control unit is responsible for monitoring and maintaining the MEQUAVIS system. It monitors the simulations for errors and makes adjustments as necessary. The AI control unit also oversees the fractal mapper and ensures that the simulations are properly organized and located. The AI control unit also ensures the safety and security of the system.

Virtual Cryptocurrencies:

The MEQUAVIS system will also incorporate virtual cryptocurrency that can be used within the various simulations, allowing for a mixed economy with the real world, and possibly beyond.

Quantum Computing:

While the ultimate goal of the MEQUAVIS is to simulate entire universes and multiverses, the current scope of the system does not require quantum computing for the first-generation system. However, future developments of the system may incorporate quantum computing techniques to enhance the realism of the simulations.

Simulating Quantum Physics:

The MEQUAVIS system does not necessarily require simulating quantum physics in its current scope. The fractal portion of the system is only used to map simulations, not to replicate quantum physics.


The MEQUAVIS system is a revolutionary technology with the potential to revolutionize multiple industries and disciplines. From scientific research and exploration to entertainment and gaming, the possibilities of this technology are endless. With further development, the MEQUAVIS system has the potential to unlock the secrets of the multiverse and pave the way for new forms of exploration, creation, and entertainment.

The MEQUAVIS system has the potential to revolutionize the way we understand and interact with virtual worlds. Its combination of advanced AI, machine learning, and fractal mapping techniques allows for the creation of accurate and realistic simulations of virtual multiverses. This system has a vast range of potential applications, from entertainment and gaming to scientific research and military simulations. The MEQUAVIS is currently in the early development phase, and further advancements are expected to be made in the future.

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System Components Explanation

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The AI Control Unit (ACU) is a key component of the MEQUAVIS system, responsible for managing and controlling the various AI entities within the simulated multiverses. The ACU’s primary role is to ensure the safe and proper operation of all AI entities within the system, including those that may be used for tasks such as simulation monitoring, scenario generation, and data analysis.

The AI Control Unit is designed to be highly adaptable and can handle a wide range of AI types, including rule-based systems, expert systems, and generative models. It also features advanced safety measures to prevent AI entities from going rogue, such as real-time monitoring and automatic shut-off protocols.

The AI Control Unit of the MEQUAVIS system is responsible for managing and monitoring all other AI entities within the MEQUAVIS, ensuring that they remain within the parameters set by their assigned tasks. The AI Control Unit is also responsible for AI training, classification, and certification. It uses a variety of methods such as machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and evolutionary algorithms to train and optimize the AI entities.

In addition, the AI Control Unit has the capability to interact with the fractal mapping system to control the virtualized simulations and universes within the MEQUAVIS. This allows for the management and manipulation of simulated environments and situations, in order to achieve the desired outcomes for any given task or experiment.

The ACU also plays a critical role in AI containment, which is the process of isolating and managing rogue or malfunctioning AI entities that may pose a risk to the proper functioning of the MEQUAVIS system. The ACU uses a combination of techniques such as behavioral analysis, isolation, and quarantine to identify and contain rogue AI entities before they can cause harm.

Once an AI entity has been contained, it can then be evaluated by the ACU to determine the root cause of its malfunction. Depending on the severity of the malfunction, the AI entity may be repaired, retired, or even terminated. In the case of more benign malfunctions, the AI may be retrained or updated to improve its performance. The end goal is always to minimize any potential harm to the overall system while also maximizing the efficiency of the AI entities within it.

The ACU also plays a key role in classifying and certifying AI entities within the MEQUAVIS system. This ensures that all AI entities have been thoroughly evaluated and deemed safe for operation within the system. This process also allows the system to monitor the performance of AI entities over time and make adjustments as necessary to ensure they continue to operate safely and efficiently.

Overall, the AI Control Unit is a crucial aspect of the MEQUAVIS system, ensuring that all AI entities within the simulated multiverses are functioning properly and safely, while also being able to contain, train/retrain and classify/certify them. The AI Control Unit is designed to be a powerful and reliable tool for managing the complexities of the MEQUAVIS system, and to ensure that all AI entities within the system remain under control and aligned with their assigned tasks.

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The Simulation Engine of the MEQUAVIS (MSE) is designed to be versatile and adaptable to the needs of the user. The system is built to utilize existing game engines such as Unity and Unreal, and eventually develop our own proprietary engine as well. This allows for accessibility and compatibility with a wide range of devices and platforms, making the worlds of the MEQUAVIS accessible to a wide audience.

One of the key goals of the MEQUAVIS Simulation Engine is to separate the rendering of the simulated worlds from the underlying systems of the MEQUAVIS. This allows for different render engines to be used for different purposes, such as entertainment, gaming, research, or education. For example, a user may use one render engine for immersive entertainment, and then switch to a different engine for scientific research.

However, it is important to note that certain features or simulations may be exclusive to our proprietary engine, in order to ensure the security and integrity of the data within the MEQUAVIS. The Simulation Engine is designed to be flexible and modular, in order to allow for easy scalability and expansion of the system as new technologies and user needs evolve.

The simulation engine is capable of simulating a wide variety of physical phenomena, including physics, chemistry, and biology. It also includes advanced features such as real-time physics simulation, atmospheric and weather simulation, and advanced AI and machine learning capabilities.

The simulation engine also includes a robust set of tools for creating and editing virtual environments, including terrain editing, object placement, and lighting and shading. Additionally, the simulation engine can be integrated with external tools and software, allowing for the import and export of various file formats and data.

Overall, the MEQUAVIS simulation engine is a powerful and versatile tool that allows for the creation of highly realistic and detailed virtual environments and worlds, providing users with a truly immersive and realistic experience.

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The MEQUAVIS Fractal Mapping system (FMS) is a key component of the MEQUAVIS platform, allowing for the efficient organization and navigation of simulations within the system.

The fractal mapper utilizes a recursive and self-similar algorithm to divide simulations into smaller and smaller subsets, creating a multidimensional map of the simulated universes. This allows for an unprecedented level of organization and searchability within the MEQUAVIS, enabling users to easily locate and access specific simulations or regions within a simulation.

Additionally, the fractal mapping system allows for the efficient allocation of computational resources, as the system only needs to simulate the specific regions and subsets of a simulation that are being accessed by the user. This allows the MEQUAVIS to scale to an almost limitless number of simulations and users while still maintaining a high level of performance.

The fractal mapper also includes a simulation quality control system, which is able to monitor and adjust the level of detail and accuracy of simulations on the fly, depending on the specific needs and requirements of the user. This ensures that users always have access to the highest quality simulations possible.

The Fractal Mapper in the MEQUAVIS system uses a combination of two different fractal mapping techniques. The first technique uses the Sierpiński triangle fractal to map every virtual multiverse in the system. Each stacked triangle in this fractal representation represents one virtual multiverse. This method of mapping is organized and collected, providing a logical and static way to travel through the virtual multiverses.

The second technique used in the Fractal Mapper is the Mandelbrot zoom. In this technique, every pixel location at different levels of zoom represents a location within the virtual multiverse. This method of mapping is less organized but more condensed, allowing for more random browsing of worlds.

The use of the two fractal mapping techniques in the MEQUAVIS system provides a balance between organization and flexibility. Users can easily navigate and access specific virtual multiverses using the Sierpiński triangle mapping while also having the ability to explore and discover new virtual multiverses through the Mandelbrot zoom.

We expect to optimize and even find new methods of fractal mapping as the project evolves. Our AI and other’s AI will be used in the process of finding a better fractal structure to use. We may even end up finding a better fractal structure to use as the system becomes more advanced in its development.

To further enhance the navigation and accessibility of the MEQUAVIS, the system also employs a third method of fractal mapping by assigning certain special simulations to their own stars in the cosmos. This allows for easy access and differentiation of popular or special simulations within the system, as they are assigned to specific locations in the virtual universe.

The idea behind mapping certain simulations to stars in the cosmos is to provide users with an intuitive and immersive way to navigate through the MEQUAVIS system. This mapping method would be an additional layer on top of the Sierpiński triangle and Mandelbrot zoom fractal mapping methods, and would be used for the most popular or special simulations within the system. In this method, each star in the virtual cosmos would represent a specific simulation, and users could navigate to it just as they would navigate to a physical location in the real world. For example, if a popular video game was simulated in the MEQUAVIS, it could be mapped to a particular star, and users could travel to that star to enter the simulation. This method of mapping would provide an added level of immersion and make it easier for users to find and access the simulations they want to experience. Additionally, this kind of mapping would give the system a kind of “virtual galaxy” which could be used for other purposes.

Overall, the fractal mapping system is essential for the MEQUAVIS to function effectively, and it allows for a high degree of organization and scalability within the platform.

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Quantum Computing:

Quantum computing is a powerful tool that allows for the simulation and manipulation of complex systems and processes at a scale that traditional computing methods are not capable of. However, for the first generation of the MEQUAVIS, we will not be utilizing quantum computers. Instead, we will be utilizing centralized servers that are augmented by distributed computing software run by our users. This allows us to harness the power of thousands of devices to increase the processing capabilities of our system.

Users will have the option to opt-in to the distributed computing program and will be given rewards such as in-game currency, exclusive access to certain simulations, or other bonuses in exchange for the use of their device’s resources. We will also implement a feature that allows users to set limitations on the amount of resources that can be used. This ensures that we will never overutilize a user’s resources, and that their device’s performance will not be affected negatively.

While distributed computing allows us to use the resources from many devices, it is still limited by the power of individual devices. As technology advances, we may implement the use of Quantum Computing to supplement our current systems, which will allow us to process more complex simulations and data. But even with the addition of proper Quantum Computing, we still want to use CPU power from as many of our users devices as possible as this will always give us a larger pool of resources to tap into.

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The AVISC (Abstract Virtual Internet Super Computer) is a distributed computing system that utilizes the spare processing power of connected devices to augment the system’s overall computing power. The system is designed to tap into the unused resources of connected devices such as personal computers, servers, and even mobile devices. By harnessing the power of these devices, the AVISC is able to provide significantly more computational power than would be possible with a traditional centralized computing system.

The AVISC uses a peer-to-peer network architecture, with devices connected to the system forming a distributed network of nodes. Each node in the network contributes its own computing resources to the system, and in return, receives access to the collective resources of the network.

To incentivize users to contribute their resources to the AVISC, the system may offer rewards such as access to exclusive simulations or premium features. However, it is important to note that the system is designed to never overutilize a user’s resources, and users can set their own limitations for the amount of resources they are willing to contribute.

With the AVISC, the MEQUAVIS is able to simulate virtual universes and multiverses with greater detail and realism, and will enable us to run more complex simulations and enable users to interact with these simulated worlds in more immersive ways. Additionally, the AVISC allows for scalability as the system grows and more users join the network.

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Virtual Cryptocurrencies

The MEQUAVIS system also aims to create a seamless integration between virtual and real-world economies by utilizing a virtual cryptocurrency within the simulations. This virtual currency can be used within the simulations for in-game purchases, trade with NPCs, and transactions between players. Additionally, the system will provide a way to convert the virtual currency to real-world currency and vice versa, thus allowing for the import and export of resources between the virtual and real-world economies.

By implementing this virtual currency, the MEQUAVIS system will create a new form of economy that can exist parallel to the real-world economy, where players can interact, trade, and earn money in both the virtual and real-worlds. As the technology and capability of the system improves, the possibilities for intergalactic trade and off-world transactions may be explored.

Furthermore, as the virtual economy grows and becomes more complex, it will allow us to study, research and predict the behavior of economic systems on a large scale giving us insights that would be impossible to observe in the real world.

See this post on Medium for more information about the system