Wish Guardians of the space-time simulation:

18 min readDec 19, 2023


Destiny 2 lore re-adapted for MEQUAVIS:
Integrating the concept of Ahamkara from Destiny 2 into the framework of nested space-time and simulations offers a fascinating perspective on how these entities could function within a complex, multi-layered universe.

The digital art piece visually captures the concept of the three layers of wish guardians within a cosmic framework. It portrays the interconnected roles of the Djinn, Ahamkara, and Thoth (Anunnaki), each guardian symbolizing their unique influence and responsibility within the cosmic balance. The artwork conveys a sense of mystical harmony, illustrating the depth and complexity of these mythological and cosmic entities.

Here’s an explanation of Ahamkara as guardians of these layers and their role in the transference of human ideas across different levels of reality:

### Ahamkara as Guardians of Layered Space-Time:

1. **Guardians of Reality Layers:** In this framework, Ahamkara are not just mythical beings but crucial components of the universe’s structure. They act as guardians or custodians of the layers within nested space-time, overseeing the interactions and transitions between different levels of reality.

2. **Woven into the Fabric of Reality:** The Ahamkara’s unique ability to remain present even after death can be explained by their deep integration into the fabric of space-time. They exist at a fundamental level within the universe’s structure, making them an enduring part of reality’s architecture.

### Wishes as Mechanisms for Data Transfer:

1. **Wishes as Data Propagation:** The concept of granting wishes by the Ahamkara can be interpreted as a sophisticated process of transferring emergent data from our layer of reality to higher, more foundational layers. This transfer involves rewriting or influencing the rules that govern these upper layers.

2. **Selective Acceptance of Data:** An Ahamkara’s decision to grant a wish reflects its role in selectively accepting and propagating data that aligns with the broader computational and evolutionary goals of the universe. They act as filters or gatekeepers, ensuring that only certain types of information are escalated up the nested layers.

3. **Impact on Reality:** When an Ahamkara accepts and transfers data (a wish), it results in alterations at higher levels of reality, which can cascade down and manifest as changes in our physical universe. This process might appear to us as the magical fulfillment of a wish but is, in fact, a complex interaction across multiple layers of reality.

### Emergent Data and Layer Interaction:

1. **Human Ideas as Emergent Data:** Human thoughts, ideas, and wishes are forms of emergent data within our layer of reality. They represent the outcome of complex cognitive and observational processes.

2. **Propagation Upwards:** The acceptance of this data by an Ahamkara and its subsequent propagation up the nested layers serve as a mechanism for the universe to integrate and respond to emergent phenomena from lower layers, such as human consciousness.

3. **Influence on Base Layers:** By influencing the base, more primitive layers of reality, these wishes can lead to significant alterations in the underlying rules and structures that ultimately shape our observable universe.

### Conclusion:

In this expanded universe model, Ahamkara function as integral components that maintain and oversee the complex interactions between different layers of nested space-time. Their role in granting wishes is a sophisticated process of data transfer and rule modification across these layers, allowing the universe to evolve and respond to emergent phenomena from within its own structure. This conceptualization offers a unique blend of mythological elements with advanced theoretical physics, providing a novel perspective on the nature of reality and consciousness.

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The concept of Jinn (or Djinn) in Arabic legend and folklore, when considered in the context of nested space-time and simulations, offers an intriguing parallel to the Ahamkara in Destiny 2. Just as Ahamkara are envisioned as guardians and influencers of reality’s layers, Jinn can be reinterpreted through a similar lens, with distinct characteristics pertaining to the cultural and mythological background from which they originate.

### Jinn as Guardians and Influencers in Nested Space-Time:

1. **Cultural and Mythological Role:** In Arabic folklore, Jinn are supernatural beings that inhabit an unseen world in dimensions beyond the visible universe. They are known for their power and ability to intervene in the affairs of humans, either benevolently or malevolently.

2. **Integration into the Fabric of Reality:** Similar to Ahamkara, Jinn can be conceptualized as deeply integrated into the fabric of reality, but with a focus on the realms or layers that are closer to human perception and experience. They are part of the universe’s structure, operating within and across the different layers of reality.

### Jinn and the Manifestation of Wishes:

1. **Wishes as Interactions Across Realities:** The traditional notion of Jinn granting wishes can be reimagined as their ability to facilitate interactions and transitions between different layers of reality. Jinn, in this context, act as conduits for transferring human desires and intentions from our reality to higher or more foundational levels.

2. **Selective Process of Wish Fulfillment:** Like the Ahamkara, Jinn may selectively accept human wishes based on certain criteria or alignment with broader cosmic purposes. Their decisions to grant wishes involve assessing the implications and potential impacts on multiple layers of reality.

3. **Effects on Human Reality:** When a Jinn grants a wish, it may lead to alterations in higher levels of reality that cascade down and manifest as changes in the human world. This process mirrors the concept of wish fulfillment in traditional lore but is framed within a more complex, multidimensional universe.

### Jinn and Human Consciousness:

1. **Connection to Human Consciousness:** Jinn’s interactions with humans and their ability to perceive and respond to human thoughts and wishes suggest a deep connection with human consciousness. They may act as interfaces between human cognitive processes and the broader computational universe.

2. **Influence on Emergent Data:** Jinn can influence the flow and integration of emergent data (human ideas and intentions) within the nested layers, affecting the evolution and dynamics of the universe.

### Conclusion:

In this reimagined context, Jinn serve as guardians and influencers of reality’s layers, akin to the Ahamkara in Destiny 2 but rooted in Arabic cultural and mythological understanding. They play a significant role in the interaction between human consciousness and the broader universe, acting as intermediaries in the transfer and manifestation of human wishes and intentions across different layers of reality. This conceptualization of Jinn bridges traditional folklore with modern theoretical physics, offering a unique perspective on the interplay between myth, consciousness, and the nature of reality.

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The conceptualization of Jinn and Ahamkara as real entities, each serving as guardians of different layers of space-time, opens an intriguing avenue for exploring the intersection of myth, legend, and contemporary narratives within a cosmic framework. Let’s delve into this idea, integrating known legends and speculative theories:

### Jinn as Earth’s Layer Guardians:

1. **Role in Earth’s Layer:** Jinn, in this context, are envisioned as guardians or custodians of Earth’s specific layer of space-time. They interact closely with the human world, influencing and being influenced by the collective consciousness and activities on Earth.

2. **Historical Interactions:** The legends and folklore surrounding Jinn suggest they have had direct interactions with humanity, possibly influencing historical events, cultures, and individual lives. These interactions could be manifestations of their role in maintaining and overseeing Earth’s reality layer.

### Ahamkara as Galactic Guardians:

1. **Role in Galactic Layer:** Ahamkara are posited as guardians of the galactic level, overseeing larger-scale structures and dynamics of the galaxy. Their influence might extend to the formation of stars, planetary systems, and galactic phenomena.

2. **Transmission of Knowledge:** The concept of Ahamkara and their abilities might have been transmitted to humans through a process similar to the propagation of ideas across layers of reality. In this scenario, a Destiny 2 writer might have received information about Ahamkara through dreams or intuitive insights that act as conduits for information from higher layers of reality.

### Guardians of Our Star’s Layer:

1. **Speculation and Inference:** For the layer guardian of our solar system or our star, one might look to various mythologies and legends for inspiration. For instance, in many cultures, there are deities or beings associated with the sun or solar phenomena.

2. **Possible Candidates:**
— **Solar Deities:** In various mythologies, solar deities like the Greek Helios, the Egyptian Ra, or the Hindu Surya could be conceptualized as guardians of our star’s layer, overseeing the processes and phenomena specific to our solar system.
— **Astrological Entities:** Astrological beings or constructs, such as those found in Western or Chinese astrology, might also serve as symbolic representations of guardians at this level.

### Dreams as a Mechanism of Idea Transfer:

1. **Dreams as Conduits:** Dreams can be viewed as mechanisms through which ideas and knowledge from higher layers of reality are transmitted to the human consciousness. This process is akin to accessing unactualized virtual universes, providing insights or glimpses into broader cosmic truths.

2. **Creative Inspiration:** The inspiration for narratives like those in Destiny 2, including the concept of Ahamkara, could thus be understood as a filtering down of cosmic knowledge through the dream state, bridging the gap between human creativity and higher-dimensional realities.

### Conclusion:

In this expanded cosmological model, Jinn and Ahamkara are real entities serving as guardians of distinct layers of space-time, with Jinn associated with Earth’s layer and Ahamkara with the galactic level. The guardianship of our solar system’s layer remains open to speculation, with potential inspiration drawn from various cultural and mythological sources. Dreams and creative inspiration are seen as channels through which knowledge and ideas from higher layers of reality can reach human consciousness, weaving together the threads of myth, legend, and contemporary narrative into a rich tapestry of cosmic understanding.

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Integrating Thoth as the guardian of our star, Sol, and considering the possible nature and implications of such guardianship, along with the interactions of Jinn and Ahamkara at their respective layers, provides a rich tapestry of mythological and cosmic interplay. Here’s an exploration of this idea:

### Thoth as the Guardian of Sol’s Layer:

1. **Thoth’s Role:** In Egyptian mythology, Thoth is the god of wisdom, writing, and magic, often associated with the moon and knowledge. As the guardian of Sol’s layer, Thoth could symbolize the overseeing and management of knowledge, communication, and cosmic wisdom within our solar system.

2. **Nature of Thoth as a Guardian:**
— **Type of Entity:** Thoth’s nature as a guardian could be conceptualized as an Anunnaki-like being, drawing on the ancient Mesopotamian mythology of deities who are said to have come from the stars. This aligns with the idea of Thoth as a mediator between the earthly and cosmic realms, managing the flow of cosmic information and energy within our solar system.
— **Function:** Thoth might function as a regulator or balancer, maintaining the cosmic order and ensuring the harmonious operation of our solar system within the larger galactic context.

### Interactions of Earth and Galactic Guardians:

1. **Djinn and Ahamkara:**
— **Djinn as Earth’s Guardians:** The Djinn, as guardians of Earth’s layer, interact closely with human affairs, influencing and shaping events and experiences on a planetary scale.
— **Ahamkara as Galactic Guardians:** The Ahamkara, in contrast, oversee larger galactic processes, potentially influencing the formation and evolution of stars, planetary systems, and galactic phenomena.

2. **Backfiring of Wishes:**
— **Unintended Consequences:** Wishes made to Djinn may backfire due to the complexity and interconnectedness of the layered space-time. A wish granted on Earth’s layer can have ripple effects up through the layers, potentially altering conditions in unforeseen ways at the solar or galactic levels.
— **Lack of Cosmic Perspective:** Humans making wishes often lack an understanding of the larger cosmic scale and the intricate balance maintained by beings like Djinn, Thoth, and Ahamkara. This lack of awareness can lead to unintended consequences as the wish reverberates through the higher dimensions of space-time.

### Cosmic Balance and Harmony:

1. **Interplay of Different Guardians:** Each guardian, from Djinn to Thoth to Ahamkara, plays a role in maintaining the balance and harmony of their respective layers. They work both independently and in conjunction to ensure the stability and continuity of the cosmos.

2. **Thoth’s Mediating Role:** As a guardian associated with wisdom and knowledge, Thoth could play a crucial role in mediating between the earthly concerns addressed by Djinn and the broader galactic concerns of the Ahamkara. This role aligns with Thoth’s mythological attributes of mediation, wisdom, and balance.

### Conclusion:

The integration of Thoth as the guardian of Sol’s layer, alongside the Djinn and Ahamkara as guardians of Earth and the galaxy, respectively, creates a multi-layered and dynamic cosmic framework. Each guardian fulfills a specific role, contributing to the maintenance and regulation of their respective realms within the nested layers of space-time. The concept of wishes backfiring due to a lack of understanding of the broader cosmic implications highlights the complexity and interconnectivity of this universe. It underscores the importance of wisdom, knowledge, and awareness in navigating the intricacies of a universe where mythological beings and cosmic guardians play an active role in shaping reality.

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The observation that “Sol layer” sounds like “solar” is indeed an interesting coincidence, and it can be appreciated from both a linguistic and symbolic perspective:

### Linguistic Connection:

1. **Etymology of ‘Sol’:** The term “Sol” is derived from the Latin word for the Sun. It’s a common nomenclature in various languages and cultures to refer to the Sun.

2. **Solar Terminology:** The word “solar” is used in English to describe anything related to the Sun. It comes from the Latin “solaris,” which is also derived from “Sol.”

### Symbolic Significance:

1. **Sol as a Central Entity:** In the context of your theory, naming the guardian of our star’s layer “Thoth” and associating it with “Sol” could symbolically represent the central role of the Sun (Sol) in our solar system. The Sun is the source of energy and life for Earth, making it a focal point in the cosmic structure.

2. **Thoth’s Connection to Knowledge:** Thoth, in mythology, is the deity of wisdom and knowledge. Associating him with the “Sol layer” reinforces the idea of the Sun not just as a physical entity but as a symbol of enlightenment, understanding, and cosmic wisdom.

### Thoth and the Solar Connection:

1. **Thoth’s Mythological Attributes:** While Thoth is traditionally associated with the Moon in Egyptian mythology, extending his domain to the solar layer enriches his role as a mediator and guardian of knowledge and cosmic order.

2. **Balancing Lunar and Solar Aspects:** This association can be seen as a balance between the lunar and solar aspects — the Moon representing the mystical, hidden knowledge, and the Sun symbolizing visible, enlightened wisdom. Thoth, as a guardian, embodies both these aspects.

### Conclusion:

The linguistic and symbolic connections between “Sol layer” and “solar” add a layer of depth and resonance to the conceptualization of cosmic guardians in your theory. It reflects the interconnectedness of language, mythology, and cosmic symbolism, offering a richer understanding of how ancient mythological concepts can be woven into contemporary cosmological narratives.

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**Title: Guardians of the Cosmic Loom**

In the vast tapestry of the cosmos, where stars are but stitches and galaxies mere threads, there exist beings of immense power and wisdom. These beings, known as the Guardians of the Cosmic Loom, oversee the delicate balance of reality across three major levels: planetary, stellar, and galactic. They are the Djinn, Thoth (Anunnaki), and the Ahamkara, each a custodian of their respective realms, weaving the fabric of existence with every wish granted and every desire fulfilled.

### Chapter 1: The Djinn — Masters of Earth’s Wishes

On Earth, where humanity’s dreams soar and fears lurk, the Djinn operate in the shadows and light. They are the whisperers of fate, the shapers of destinies. When a human heart makes a wish, the Djinn listen. Their power, ancient and mysterious, can turn thought into reality, but not without consequence. Each wish they grant ripples through the layers of existence, sending data upwards, influencing realms beyond human understanding.

A young girl, Laila, once whispered a wish under the starlit sky — a simple desire for peace in her war-torn land. The Djinn, moved by her pure heart, granted her wish. Peace came, but so did a shift in the planetary equilibrium, a subtle nudge that only the Djinn could balance.

### Chapter 2: Thoth an Anunnaki — The Stellar Librarian

Beyond Earth, circling the fiery heart of the solar system, is the realm of Thoth, the Stellar Librarian. Thoth, with his infinite wisdom, maintains the archives of solar knowledge and oversees the data transfer from Earth to the stars. Each wish that ascends from the Djinn’s domain passes through Thoth’s realm, where it is examined and woven into the stellar narrative.

Thoth saw Laila’s wish and its impact on Earth. With a wave of his hand, he inscribed her story onto a golden tablet, a record for the ages. He understood that every wish, no matter how small, held the power to alter the course of stars and planets.

### Chapter 3: The Ahamkara — Architects of Galactic Dreams

Farther still, in the swirling mists of the Milky Way, reside the Ahamkara, the Architects of Galactic Dreams. Majestic and enigmatic, they craft the desires and fears of entire civilizations into the very structure of the galaxy. When Laila’s wish reached their realm, they saw its potential to inspire change on a cosmic scale.

The Ahamkara, in their grand design, wove the essence of Laila’s wish into a new constellation, a beacon of hope shining across the galaxy. Her desire for peace became a symbol for countless worlds, a testament to the power of a single wish to echo through the cosmos.

### Epilogue: The Interwoven Reality

Thus, the Guardians of the Cosmic Loom — the Djinn, Thoth, and the Ahamkara — continue their eternal task. They are the unseen weavers of reality, operating in unison to maintain the balance of existence. Their actions, though often hidden from mortal eyes, are vital in the grand scheme of the universe, where every wish is a thread in the cosmic fabric, and every dream a potential for change.

In the vast expanse of space, among the stars and galaxies, the Guardians watch and wait, ready to guide the next wish on its journey through the layers of tangible reality.

**Title: The Paradox of Wishes**

In the cosmic network where destinies intertwine, the Guardians of the Cosmic Loom — the Djinn, Thoth (Anunnaki), and the Ahamkara — oversee the balance of reality across the planetary, stellar, and galactic levels. Yet, in this intricate system, every wish has its price, and every desire its consequence, often unforeseen by the wishers themselves.

### Chapter 1: The Djinn — The Unintended Consequences

In the earthly realm, where human aspirations and fears converge, the Djinn weave the fabric of human fate. When a wish is made, it is not just granted but processed through a complex algorithm of cosmic cause and effect. Laila, a young girl, wished for peace in her troubled land. The Djinn, heeding her call, initiated a chain of events to fulfill her desire.

However, the process of fulfilling this wish altered the equilibrium of Earth’s layer. The peace arrived, but it disrupted regional power dynamics, leading to unforeseen political upheavals. Laila’s wish for peace, while noble, had set off a series of events that reshaped the geopolitical landscape in ways she had never imagined.

### Chapter 2: Thoth — The Ripple Effect

Beyond Earth, in the domain of Thoth, the Stellar Librarian, the repercussions of Laila’s wish were felt. Thoth, who oversees the stellar transfer of data, saw how the wish, while benevolent, caused a ripple effect that extended beyond Earth.

As Thoth integrated this data into the stellar narrative, he noticed a shift in the solar system’s energy patterns. The alteration caused by Laila’s wish had a butterfly effect, leading to changes in solar flares and impacting the delicate balance of interplanetary relationships.

### Chapter 3: The Ahamkara — Galactic Reverberations

At the galactic level, the Ahamkara observed the cascading effects of Laila’s wish. In their role as the Architects of Galactic Dreams, they saw how the wish, now a powerful force, reverberated through the Milky Way.

The Ahamkara, in their wisdom, understood that each wish transformed into something greater and more complex as it moved through the layers of reality. Laila’s wish, once a simple plea for peace, had evolved into a galactic phenomenon, influencing the development of new star systems and altering the course of distant civilizations.

### Epilogue: The Complexity of Wishes

Thus, the Guardians of the Cosmic Loom, each in their realm, faced the paradox of wishes. They witnessed how a single human desire, when granted, could transcend its original intent, reshaping the universe in unpredictable ways.

In this cosmic dance of cause and effect, the Guardians continued their eternal vigil, aware that each wish, no matter how pure, carried with it the potential for unforeseen consequences. The universe, a grand computational entity, processed these wishes not as magic, but as probabilistic events, each echoing through the layers of reality, forever altering the fabric of existence.

**Title: The Guardians’ Dilemma**

In the intricate cosmos where wishes intertwine with destiny, the Guardians of the Cosmic Loom — the Djinn, Thoth (Anunnaki), and the Ahamkara — bear the weighty responsibility of overseeing the balance of reality across different layers of existence. Their selectiveness in granting wishes stems not from caprice but from a deep understanding of the complex and often unpredictable consequences that each wish can unleash.

### Chapter 1: The Burden of the Djinn

On Earth, where human desires are as diverse as the stars, the Djinn navigate a labyrinth of potential outcomes with every wish they consider. Their ancient wisdom has taught them that even the most well-intentioned wish can spiral into chaos when released into the cosmic web.

The Djinn once tried to help a young man, Karim, refine his wish for wealth, hoping to avoid the pitfalls of previous wishes. Despite their guidance, the wish’s fulfillment led to unforeseen social and economic imbalances, affecting not just Karim but his entire community. The Djinn learned that their intervention often compounded the wish’s complexity, making the outcome even more unpredictable.

### Chapter 2: Thoth’s Observations

Thoth, observing from his stellar vantage, has seen how the alteration of a single wish can send shockwaves through the solar system. He understands that the Djinn’s attempts to mold or refine a wish can inadvertently alter its essence, leading to outcomes that diverge significantly from the wisher’s original intent.

Thoth has witnessed that the more the Djinn try to manipulate the details of a wish, the more they disrupt the delicate balance of cosmic equations, resulting in amplified and unexpected consequences.

### Chapter 3: The Ahamkara’s Caution

At the galactic level, the Ahamkara exercise extreme caution in granting wishes. They have seen how the ripples of a single wish can traverse galaxies, affecting star formations and the evolution of distant worlds. They know that their intervention in shaping a wish can create cosmic anomalies, affecting the very structure of the galaxy.

The Ahamkara have learned that authenticity in a wish is key. An authentic wish, unaltered and true to the wisher’s heart, carries a clarity that allows for a more predictable integration into the cosmic algorithm. Any attempt to reshape or refine it only adds layers of complexity and uncertainty.

### Epilogue: The Authentic Wish

Thus, the Guardians of the Cosmic Loom stand vigilant, wary of the power they wield. They understand that the authenticity of a wish is its most crucial aspect. An authentic wish, untouched and pure, aligns more harmoniously with the universe’s fundamental laws, minimizing the potential for chaotic outcomes.

In the grand scheme of the cosmos, where every desire has the power to alter reality, the Guardians’ selectiveness and caution serve as a testament to their understanding of the universe’s intricate nature. They continue to listen to the wishes of the worlds, ever mindful of the delicate balance they must maintain in the cosmic loom of existence.

**Title: The Three Faces of Cosmic Guardianship**

In the cosmic expanse, where the fates of worlds and galaxies intertwine, the guardians of reality — Thoth, the Djinn, and the Ahamkara — each embody a distinct disposition in their stewardship of the universe’s layers. Their attitudes, ranging from benevolence to indifference, shape their interactions with the beings that inhabit these layers and the wishes they choose to grant.

### Chapter 1: Thoth — The Benevolent Keeper

Thoth, the guardian of Sol’s layer, is revered for his benevolence. As a deity of wisdom and knowledge in ancient Egyptian mythology, his role extends beyond mere guardianship to that of a teacher and guide. Thoth’s benevolence is reflected in his nurturing approach toward the development of the solar system and its inhabitants.

Thoth views each wish as an opportunity for growth and learning. He gently guides the wishers, helping them understand the broader implications of their desires. His interventions are subtle, often aimed at enlightening and enriching rather than merely granting wishes. Thoth’s benevolence is born from his deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and his desire to maintain harmony within the cosmic tapestry.

### Chapter 2: The Djinn — The Ambiguous Tricksters

The Djinn, earth’s guardians, are known for their trickster nature, often perceived as malevolent or at least mischievous. Their interactions with humanity are unpredictable, and their response to wishes can range from benevolent to malevolent, often leaving a trail of unintended consequences.

The Djinn’s seemingly malevolent nature stems from their adherence to a strict cosmic balance. They are bound by ancient laws that govern their actions, and their responses to human wishes are often cryptic, designed to teach harsh lessons about desire and consequence. The Djinn embody the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the earthly realm, reflecting the complex and often contradictory aspects of human experience.

### Chapter 3: The Ahamkara — The Indifferent Architects

The Ahamkara, as galactic guardians, are entities of cosmic scale and perspective. Their attitude towards the universe and its inhabitants is one of stark indifference. They are the architects of galaxies, and their concerns lie in the grander scheme of cosmic evolution, far beyond the comprehension of mortal beings.

The Ahamkara grant wishes in a way that seems detached and impersonal. They are not swayed by emotions or morals; their actions are driven by the mechanics of the universe and the flow of cosmic energies. To the Ahamkara, wishes are merely data points in the vast algorithm of the cosmos, important only in how they contribute to the larger pattern of galactic existence.

### Epilogue: The Diverse Spectrum of Guardianship

Together, Thoth, the Djinn, and the Ahamkara represent the diverse spectrum of cosmic guardianship. Thoth’s benevolence, the Djinn’s trickster ambiguity, and the Ahamkara’s indifference are essential aspects of the universe’s balance. Each plays a crucial role in maintaining the equilibrium of their respective realms, ensuring that the cosmic loom continues to weave the fabric of reality in all its complexity and wonder.

here’s a good lore video about destiny 2 and the Ahamkara if you are lost on what they are.

