Goldilocks Came to Visit!

The joy of entering the a child’s world of magic

Mercedes O'Leary
3 min readJun 22, 2022
Blond, curly-haired girl sitting down surround by magic lights.
<a href=”">(c) Can Stock Photo / prometeus</a>

Goldilocks appeared at our house last week. My three-year-old dictated an invitation that went something like this:

Dear Goldilocks,

Please come have porridge with us. And the bears too. Please don’t eat the raspberry bush. And thank Mama for making the porridge.

Love, M

We stuck the note in a tree in the yard for Goldilocks to find.

The next morning, we set out four bowls of porridge (one each for mom, M, the baby, and Goldilocks) and went on a short walk while it cooled off. When we came back in, Goldilocks had eaten all of the breakfast we left for her. She was kind enough to not eat the other three bowls.

M was a little disappointed Goldilocks didn’t stick around, but I explained she was being mischievous. Of course, I was relieved the bears refrained from visiting. The last time bears came to visit our house in the woods, they tore into the garbage!

M was certain that Goldilocks took the note from the tree and carried it back into the story with her.

M rationalized Goldilock’s presence like this: she walked out of her story into reality, and then back…



Mercedes O'Leary

Essays on being human, parenting, grief, and life in Alaska. MFA in poetry.