Another New Token | Splinterlands #354

4 min readMar 28, 2024


What is the end game with splinterlands? This question has been swimming around in my head for the past month and further exacerbated by the latest changes that will be introduced on April 2nd 2024. These changes will introduce a new reward shop and a new token (another one?) that players will earn to use in the reward shop. I am all for new changes and accepting all change, but isn’t the ecosystem already complicated enough and now there is another token being thrown into the mix? In last week’s post, I discussed showcasing splinterlands to a friend. Now imagine, I go back to the same friend and tell him that there is another new token in the mix for splinterlands.

Regardless of how awesome splinterlands tokenomics is and the flywheel mechanics, there are now four tokens in the game.

  • DEC — stablecoin.
  • SPS — governance token.
  • Vouchers — tokens to govern purchases of new sets, promos etc.
  • Glint — reward shop token.

Just across the pond on Inleo, the Inleo team are going in the opposite direction and is closing Cub, Polycub, xPolycub and vexPolycub and redirecting everything to the Leo token. It will take a lot of effort to get this process wrapped up but by the end, there will be one token. People like simplicity as it’s easier to explain, and onboard users. Then again — I am just a player in the splinterlands ecosystem, and I do try to onboard new players to bring onto the game. Nonetheless, to come back to the question — what is the end game for splinterlands?


  1. Announce the new splinterlands edition set.
  2. Release a new edition set.
  3. New edition set automatically enters modern.
  4. Previous new generation is relegated to wild.
  5. Rinse, Repeat.

Later this year when the new splinterlands edition is announced and released, the Chaos Legion set will move into wild. Now no one is forced to buy modern edition cards, but if you want to earn more glint tokens and the potential to earn more SPS (due to modern having fewer players than wild), then you will need to always have the latest edition. Now I am not saying that players in wild are being punished, but the current ecosystem is not rewarding players who have been with the game for long and have older edition sets. However, if you want to continue to be playing splinterlands for the long term it will require a consistent and continuous investment into the game and its ecosystem. This is what Magic The Gathering has achieved consistently for many decades, and it looks like splinterlands wants to emulate this game loop and system.

Jungles of Thece Land Update and SPS 100k Target


A small change to my Land harvesting process — I am harvesting once a week now and I do it as I am writing my weekly splinterlands update post. Frustratingly the entire crypto ecosystem has had a massive recovery after Bitcoin touched 60k and it is now past 70k, but this recovery hasn’t spilled over into the splinterlands ecosystem, with many of its tokens having not moved much the past week and this hurts the ROI for my two land plots with APR and Payback periods decreasing.

Land Overview

  • Total Spent: $267.524
  • Amount Regained: $4.40 (213,608 SPS post-tax) (+$0.02)
  • Payback Period: 11.86 years (0.75 years)
  • Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 8.43% (-0.57%)

Based on the current price of SPS ($0.0206)

SPS Staked

  • SPS Staked: 59680.94 (+341.82 SPS)
  • Progress to 100k target: 59.68% (+0.24%)

Are you new to splinterlands and want to learn to play the game? Check out my Ultimate Guide to Splinterlands: A Collection of Articles and Guides. If you enjoy reading my splinterlands content, please follow and support me by signing up to playing splinterlands through my affiliate link:

Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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