Odd Ones Out Battle Mage Secrets | Splinterlands #370

3 min readJul 22, 2024


This week’s battle mage secrets focuses on the Odd Ones Out Ruleset.

Ruleset Details

The Odd Ones Out ruleset in Splinterlands limits players to using only monsters with odd mana costs (e.g., mana cost of 1, 3, 5, etc.). This can be quite challenging because it restricts half of the available monster pool (292 monsters out of 574 monsters are available for selection). This ruleset forces players to look at cards they might not usually use, offering a fresh perspective on their deck. The success of this ruleset heavily depends on the mana cap and the combined rulesets. For example, with a ruleset like Equalizer, which favors healing, players might lean towards splinters that have odd-mana healers. The choice of summoner can also play a critical role, especially if the summoner can boost the effectiveness of the chosen monsters.

Battle — Full Battle History

Battle Details

  • Mana Cap: 31
  • Ruleset(s): Up Close & Personal, Odd Ones Out, Equal Opportunity

Line-up Details

  • Tyrus Paladium: +1 armor to all friendly monsters.
  • Silvershield Paladin: low-mana cap tank with high armor and shield abilities.
  • Crystal Werewolf: low-mana cap melee support damage with high health in relation to its low cost.
  • Drybone Barbarian & Imperial Knight: primary melee damage with high melee damage, high health and armor.
  • Feral Spirit + Silvershield Bard: low-mana cap melee support damage.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

With so many rulesets in the game, it took a while to find a battle where the Odd Ones Out ruleset featured. The battle featured was played on my alt account and I came up against a higher levelled opponent. The battle was played out fairly evenly and it came down to the opposition having a higher levelled Drybone Barbarian and Imperial Knight. If I had a couple of extra cards at a higher level, I would have clinched victory.

Do You Like the Odd Ones Out Ruleset? Why or Why Not?

The Odd Ones Out ruleset can be quite polarizing among players, for those with a limited collection, the Odd Ones Out ruleset can be frustrating. The restriction to odd-mana monsters can significantly limit options, making it difficult to field a competitive team. This is particularly challenging in low-mana battles, where every monster’s contribution is crucial. If a player’s collection lacks strong odd-mana monsters, they may find themselves at a disadvantage right from the start.

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Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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