Segment, the first rule of marketing

Vanessa Elliott Mercury
4 min readMay 8, 2019


WhatsApp marketing, the importance of a segment based strategy.

“No wise entrepreneur tries to sell his product to everyone”

From Philip Kotler

🤔 What does the marketing guru want to tell us with this strong statement?

There is no single way to sell a product, and no product follows a sales process that is the same as another. One of the usual problems that a company must face planning its marketing strategy is the choice of Target.

But what is the Target really?

This term is suitable for different interpretations, the most common defines the target as the ultimate goal of the corporate strategy.
Here, however, we are talking about the audience in which the company tries to breaks in, and in this context, target means choosing a niche of people to whom the company turns.

To define this target, however, we need a previous action, that’s we need segmentation.
Segmenting the audience is the first rule of traditional marketing and has maintained this position also after modern developments in this field. Segmentation allows the company to choose who to contact, to which customers sell its products and with what strategy to do it. It’s important to set the target because each customer segment has its own “tastes” and to satisfy them, we need to set different communication strategies, branding, price, etc.

There are different approaches to market coverage 👇

  1. Mass approach (opposed to segmentation): consider the market as homogeneous aggregate and propose a standard offer for an undifferentiated audience
  2. Multi-segment: the audience is divided into more or less wide segments, especially depending on the company’s possibilities in terms of marketing budgets
  3. Niche segments: niche means a portion of the market that is usually less than 5% of the target field. The goal is to offer specific products for customers that are more interesting and more likely to buy the product. Therefore, we try to identify the “tastes” and anticipate the demand.
  4. Marketing 1 to 1 (hypersegmentation): this is the maximum level of offer customization. The company manages to serve each user by offering a customized product according to its specific needs.

The first point is workable only for large companies that have enough capital to extend communication anywhere and through any channel (but in reality the companies that can afford this are really a few…).
The last point would be the dream of any company: know your audience as well as to make personalized marketing! 💣100% conversion rate to the target with zero wasted resources: to tell the truth, in the real market this seems like an utopic hypothesis that is even more unrealizable than the first, at least if we refer to a national/international scale market (certainly the owner of the small village store will get to know every customer of his store, but it will also be the same that doesn’t have a great need for digital tools, and therefore we leave these rare cases outside today’s studio…).

At this point, we just have to focus on the intermediate points. A company that wants to establish itself on the local market and at the same time open up to wider markets, cannot do it without finding the right segments to turn to, to increase the success rank by identifying which segments are the most profitable.

Why are we telling you this? What does it have to do with Mercury? 🤔

In the article of our blog Spam zone! The worst case we explained the importance of using WhatsApp Marketing only with a known audience, without starting aggressive and undifferentiated marketing policies. But in reality, it is a rule that applies to any marketing strategy, regardless of the tool you are using.

WhatsApp APIs don’t work, Mercury is useless without a basic segmentation strategy. The marketing done on WhatsApp is effective only if we know with whom we are communicating: we don’t need extremely personalized communication, but must be segmented according to the features of our target audience.
In this way, our business messages will achieve the goal, and the consumer will perceive that added value which for our company means a better positioning than the competitors.

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Vanessa Elliott Mercury

Co-founder and Business Developer at, WhatsApp integration project for businesses. Innovative technologies enthusiast and web content author.