3 min readJul 15, 2023

Region outline: Kolrig

Kolrig is a land of magic and mystery, where the forces of light and darkness are constantly at war. The region is divided into several zones, each with its own history, culture, and challenges. The people of Kolrig are mostly humans, but there are also elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and other races living in harmony or conflict.

The most prominent town in Kolrig is Moone, a small but prosperous settlement near the center of the region. Moone was founded by a group of pilgrims who were guided by the god Lumina, the lord of light and life. Lumina blessed the land and the people with his divine power, and taught them how to use magic for good. The town is surrounded by a wooden wall made from the trees of the forest, and has a simple but elegant architecture. The people of Moone are devout followers of Lumina, and celebrate his festivals with joy and gratitude. They are also friendly and welcoming to travelers and strangers, as long as they respect their beliefs and customs.

To the northwest of Moone lies Phil's swamp, a murky and fetid area that is home to Phil, a mysterious and powerful hermit. Phil is an old man who has lived in the swamp for centuries, and has become one with it. He can control the plants and animals of the swamp, and can sense any intruders or threats. Phil is not evil, but he is very protective of his domain, and will not tolerate anyone who tries to harm or exploit it. He is also very curious and knowledgeable about magic, and will sometimes help or hinder adventurers who seek his wisdom or his secrets.

To the northeast of Moone is the lair of Vlarin, a fearsome dragon who rules over a large territory. Vlarin is a red dragon who loves gold, fire, and destruction. He has amassed a huge hoard of treasure in his lair, which he guards with his fiery breath and his loyal minions. Vlarin's presence has corrupted the forest around his lair, turning it into a barren and scorched wasteland. The dragon is feared and hated by most people in Kolrig, who have suffered from his raids and attacks. Only a few brave or foolish adventurers dare to challenge him or try to steal his treasure.

To the east of Moone is the enlightened forest, a beautiful and serene area that is sacred to Lumina. The forest is filled with light and life, and has many wonders and secrets. In the center of the forest is the shrine to Lumina, a magnificent temple that radiates divine energy. The shrine is guarded by priests and paladins of Lumina, who maintain the peace and order in the forest. The shrine is also a place of pilgrimage for many faithful followers of Lumina, who come to pray, meditate, or seek guidance from their god.

To the south and southwest of Moone are the corrupted lands, a dark and twisted area that is tainted by Nox, the god of darkness and evil. Nox is the opposite of Lumina, and seeks to destroy everything that he created. Nox's power has warped the land and the creatures that live in it, making them monstrous and hostile. The corrupted lands are full of dangers and horrors, such as undead, demons, cultists, and other abominations. In the heart of the corrupted lands is the shrine to Nox, a sinister temple that emits dark energy. The shrine is guarded by priests and warriors of Nox, who spread his influence and chaos in Kolrig. The shrine is also a place of worship for many followers of Nox, who come to offer sacrifices, perform rituals, or receive blessings from their god.

To the west of Moone is the forest of the Lizard Wizard, a strange and whimsical area that is ruled by the Lizard Wizard, a reptilian wizard who loves magic and mischief. The Lizard Wizard is an eccentric and unpredictable character who enjoys playing tricks on people and manipulating them for fun. He has a vast knowledge of magic and lore, but he rarely shares it with anyone unless they amuse him or serve his interests. He has also created many magical creatures and artifacts in his forest, some helpful and some harmful. The forest of the Lizard Wizard is a place of adventure and mystery for those who dare to enter it.


Writer and gamer with a passion for all things Dungeons & Dragons and video games. Sharing stories and personal thoughts on related topics.