5 Reasons to Join a SACCO in 2023

Mercy Maiyo
4 min readJun 27, 2023


Image by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

SACCOs have been popular financial institutions for decades, and their popularity continues to soar in 2023.

These Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations have gained recognition as a reliable means of managing personal finances and achieving long-term financial goals.

If you’ve been thinking about taking control of your financial future, joining SACCO in 2023 might be the game-changing move you’ve been waiting for.

Read on for five compelling reasons why joining SACCO is a decision you’d not want to miss.

1. Access to Affordable Loans

SACCOs are renowned for their ability to provide their members with affordable loans.

Unlike traditional banks that may charge high-interest rates, SACCOs operate on a cooperative principle, aiming to benefit their members rather than maximizing profits.

This cooperative structure allows SACCOs to offer loans at lower interest rates, making them an attractive option for individuals in need of financial assistance.

When you join a SACCO, you become part of a community of members who contribute their savings to form a shared pool of funds. These pooled funds are then used to provide loans to members.

Since SACCOs aren’t profit-driven entities, they focus on providing loans at competitive interest rates that are often more favorable than those offered by commercial banks.

2. Improvement of Saving Culture

Let’s face it — saving money isn’t always easy. It can be tempting to indulge in immediate gratification or impulsive spending.

However, joining SACCO in 2023 can be a powerful catalyst in transforming your saving habits and instilling a sense of discipline in managing your finances.

SACCOs are designed to make saving money a seamless and rewarding experience. As a member, you can contribute to your savings account regularly.

That can be done through automated deductions from your salary or setting up recurring transfers from your bank account. The convenience and simplicity of these saving mechanisms help inculcate a habit of consistent saving.

Moreover, SACCOs often offer attractive incentives for saving. They may provide competitive interest rates on your savings, encouraging you to deposit more funds into your account.

Some SACCOs even offer rewards or bonuses for members who reach specific saving milestones. These incentives make saving more appealing and add a sense of achievement and fulfillment as you see your savings grow.

3. High Returns on Savings

Unlike traditional banks that often offer meager interest rates on savings accounts, SACCOs strive to maximize the benefits for their members.

They do this by offering competitive interest rates on savings, allowing your money to grow faster and work harder for you.

Earning high returns on your savings can be a game-changer for your financial journey. It provides several tangible benefits and opens up new possibilities:

  • Accelerated progress towards your financial goals: With higher returns, you can reach your savings targets faster, whether for a down payment on a house, funding your children’s education, or achieving financial independence.
  • Enhanced financial security: High returns on savings create a cushion of financial security. It gives you peace of mind knowing that your money is not just sitting idle but actively growing, ready to support you in times of need.
  • Increased opportunities for wealth creation: SACCOs’ higher returns on savings can serve as a stepping stone towards wealth creation. The additional funds generated from your savings can be reinvested or utilized for further investment opportunities, such as stocks, real estate, or starting your own business.

4. Access to Better Investment Opportunities

Joining SACCO in 2023 enhances savings and opens doors to better investment opportunities.

SACCOs go beyond traditional savings accounts, offering their members a range of investment options to grow their wealth.

SACCOs often have investment committees or professionals who carefully analyze and select lucrative investment avenues.

These opportunities may include investment in stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, or even small businesses.

By pooling members’ funds and leveraging their collective strength, SACCOs can access investments that might be challenging for individuals to pursue independently.

5. SACCOs are Better than Chamas (informal savings groups)

Unlike Chamas, which operate informally, SACCOs are registered and regulated financial institutions. They operate under a clear legal framework, providing stability and accountability.

That means your savings and investments within a SACCO are protected by established regulations and oversight, offering you a sense of security and peace of mind.

SACCOs have professional management teams dedicated to ensuring the smooth operation and growth of the organization.

These teams have the expertise to manage financial operations effectively, analyze investment opportunities, and navigate complex financial landscapes.

In contrast, Chamas often rely on group members’ collective knowledge and decision-making, which may need more expertise and experience from financial professionals.

SACCOs provide various financial products and services beyond simple savings accounts. They offer affordable loans, investment options, insurance plans, and financial education programs.

By joining SACCO, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of financial tools that can help you achieve your goals and navigate various financial challenges.

Chamas, on the other hand, may be limited in their offerings, primarily focusing on informal savings and contributions.


Joining SACCO in 2023 opens up possibilities for your financial well-being.

SACCOs offer affordable loans, foster a culture of saving, provide high returns on savings, grant access to better investment opportunities, and outshine Chamas regarding stability and financial services.

But there’s more to SACCOs than meets the eye.

Becoming a SACCO member makes you part of a thriving community of like-minded individuals.

You join forces with people committed to their financial growth, eager to support one another and share valuable insights and experiences.

The sense of belonging and camaraderie within a SACCO creates an environment that propels you towards your financial goals with unwavering support.



Mercy Maiyo

I help small business owners weave their story into an engaging copy. Visit my website mercymaiyo.com to learn more about the writing services I offer