Meredith Cummings
Meredith Cummings

I am a Teaching Assistant Professor of Journalism and Communication at Lehigh University and freelance multimedia journalist based in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. I am a feminist, Southern storyteller and reporter that doggedly looks at the world with a critical eye.

Although news reporting is my first love, I also enjoy writing editorials, opinion pieces and first-person essays, a craft I’ve honed after years of reporting almost every beat, across media. To that end, I serve as Vice President of the National Society of News Columnists. I also write book reviews for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – and on Medium for. various publications – and am a contract freelancer for The New York Times.

Early in my career I was the only woman/only person under 40 on an editorial board and it taught me how to thoughtfully be heard. I am reluctantly resilient. I am a survivor of postpartum depression and a maternal mortality near miss, as well as a direct hit from a tornado. I have lost loved ones to gun violence. Since childhood I have lived with Type 1 diabetes. As a single mom, I raised an autistic child. These experiences have made me an empathetic reporter, a stronger person and someone who doesn’t waste time.

My blog on Medium and my newsletter were both awarded first place in each respective category in 2023 by the National Federation of Press Women.​

I believe in the nuances of stories; the gray area between the shouting sides that so often get attention. To explore those gray areas in my own profession, I completed a one-year 10,000 mile journey to chronicle journalism in America, which earned awards from the Society of Professional Journalists and the National Federation of Press Women, among others.

Please buy me a coffee or get in touch if you want to chat!

Medium member since March 2022
Connect with Meredith Cummings
Meredith Cummings

Meredith Cummings

Muppety. Freelance journalist, Teaching Assistant Journalism Professor at Lehigh University, Essayist, Book reviewer