State Lines

1 min readMar 31, 2019


How do we learn how to undo our understanding?

Piece apart and together again ideals
grounded in the stitches of a fabric of invisible cloth
Like the Emperor, I feel naked
Bruised and blackened
Walking through a street of faceless people
Eyes the only thing left
Fixated on the gaps in my skin

I thought I understood
Where the state lines met
And knew that the borders were mine to cross only when I had all my luggage
Instead I slipped under the fence line
Baggage in hand
And now the damage is done
The scrapes are there
Marking my skin
For all to see

Now, I drop my bags
They were never mine to carry.
I will slip back under
I will never look back
I will never speak a word
I will never
I will never
I will never

