Beam mainnet now available to game developers

Merit Circle
5 min readAug 18, 2023


We are thrilled to announce that the Beam network is now available for use by the first wave of game developers. After a brief period as a testnet, the transition to mainnet is now underway, allowing a select number of developers to start deploying on the blockchain. The full launch with permissionless validation of the network and public availability will take place after this initial release.

In this initial phase, the Beam network will be operating under a Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus method, enhanced with the Snowman protocol. This set up also entrusts a selected group of reputable authorities to authenticate deploying smart contracts, thereby safeguarding the blockchain’s integrity.

Contract deployers must be whitelisted through a four of eight multisig. Once whitelisted, deployment is autonomous. Any significant change to the network will also require approval from the multisig. Note, however, that neither the node operators nor the multisig signers will have custody of any user’s assets on Beam.

This modus operandi has been put into practice for this developer preview mode to allow for easy amendments of any network settings in order for it to function optimally. The nodes required to run the network will be provided by Ava Labs and Merit Circle (operated through the purpose trust structure). Concluding this period of experimentation, Beam will transition to a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus method, allowing everyone to become a node operator, or to delegate to existing nodes.

Beam testnet

| Beam testnet | Settings |
| Network name | Beam Testnet |
| RPC URL | |
| Chain ID | 13337 |
| MC | MC |
| Block explorer URL | |

Beam mainnet

| Beam mainnet | Settings |
| Network name | Beam Mainnet |
| RPC URL | |
| Chain ID | 4337 |
| MC | MC |
| Block explorer URL | |

Permissioned builders on Beam

Given the novelty of the Beam network, and this early stage of exploration and implementation, we are collaborating with a select few to populate the network. Various products such as the Bridge, AMM and Sphere will be brought to you by a number of contributors to the Merit Circle Ecosystem including teams such as the games building on Beam.

Powered by the Beam SDK

The Beam SDK is a server-side SDK. It’s built on the OpenAPI spec, and the SDK clients are generated based on those models. For the Beam testnet (Fuji) we have a node SDK, and a C# SDK at this moment. Additional clients may be created as needed, for instance through partnerships with game studios.

Managing user accounts on Beam involves more than just tracking game progress. Thanks to what we call “smart accounts”, we don’t have to enforce an authentication mechanism. As the game developer, you simply send Beam the unique ID used by that player in the system, Beam handles the rest and returns the information about their on-chain account.

As a gamer, that means you can play games without dealing with wallets or signing transactions. This functionality is powered by the Openfort contracts.

The SDK will be subject to continuing development, and more and more methods are expected to be documented as they’re released. Since Beam is a network catered towards gamers and game developers, it’s paramount that game developers, like the first game deployers Raini, have the tools, documentation and technology needed to seamlessly integrate blockchain elements into their games.

As the first official game deploying on the network, we are closely working together with Raini to:

  • Bridge Raini’s existing NFTs to Beam
  • Grant every Lords of the Light player a custom smart contract account that allows for on-chain transactions
  • Prepare everything for the tournament with Blumint that is happening in September, 2023

Products enriching the network

There will be a variety of tools available for those interested in utilizing the network. At this moment these tools will mainly be concentrated on those partners first deploying on Beam.

One should understand that certain products such as Sphere will not have a functional front-end yet. Any game that will be integrating with the Beam network and operating a marketplace or have any form of NFT-trading will utilize the Sphere back-end. We do, however, understand the importance of in-game marketing, which is why our SDK is focused on handling these operations simple and easily

Again, the current state of the network is meant for developers to roam around the network and get familiar with everything. We advise individuals to wait until public availability to experiment with everything on-chain.

Merely the first step

It’s important to understand that this is merely the first step in realizing the Beam network. The mechanism of consensus allows us to operate more freely and adjust wherever necessary as we envision the required amendments to the network’s settings. As with any network that is seeing the light for the first time, it will require polishing.

As mentioned previously, the version of the mainnet that will be made available to the wider public will be a Proof of Stake (PoS) network. This amendment will require installing certain parameters that will be a permanent feature of the network. To get this right, we want to see the chain live, and know what specifications it requires before making this transition.

When we do incorporate the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus method, however, more information on delegation will be made publicly available, including tutorials on how to set up your own node, or delegate your tokens to existing nodes. Considering Beam will be the first subnet on Avalanche to embrace the PoS consensus method, we are working closely with the Ava Labs team to ensure a smooth transition.

Interested in building on Beam? Head over to

Want to learn more about Beam?


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Merit Circle

Merit Circle is redefining the gaming landscape. The newsletter is operated by Merit Circle Ventures (Merit Circle Squared Limited) and Orange Pill Ltd.