Reanimated 3 in React Native: What React Native Developers Should Know?

5 min readJun 27, 2022


The introduction of Reanimated came as a boon to React Native developers, both freelance and on-site. It allows developers to create smooth animation. Did we mention it provides gesture-based interactions running on the UI threads?

We all know React Native is one of the most popular cross-platform frameworks for good reasons. On the other hand, many articles talk about its irrelevancy in web development. And that is not true because React Native is growing like never before. According to Stack Overflow Survey, React Native holds 6th rank among other frameworks.

But do you know what drives the growth of React Native? It is constant improvements and updates. Today, we will talk about Reanimated 3, a recent update. Whether you are a professional React Native app development company or a business owner, you should know what Reanimated 3 has to offer. Let us dig deeper into this latest update.

  • Reanimated 3: Everything React Native developers need to know

Reanimated 3 is version 3.0 of Reanimated library. With every update in React Native, developers need to make changes or rewrite the existing code. But you do not worry about this with Reanimated 3. This is because it does not require many changes API-wise.

Another good thing for top React Native app development companies is that Reanimated 3 is compatible with the latest React Native architecture, “Fabric.”

The collaboration of Fabric with Reanimated can take the future of animation to the next level. But it also brings challenges for the core team, as maintaining versions that work with old and new architectures is not easy. If you are curious to know more about Reanimated 3, read below.

  • Reanimated 3 vs. Reanimated 2

Reanimated 3 is the upgraded version of Reanimated 2. So, the former is likely to have new features and improvements. Below are the top differences between Reanimated 3 and Reanimated 2 that make the lives of on-site freelance React Native developers easier.

  • No support for legacy Reanimated 1 API

Yes, the new version of Reanimated library will not support the legacy Reanimated 1 API. It could be a crucial change for many React Native developers.

Version 3.0 does not involve writing or maintaining the code of the previous Reanimated 1 API. After all, many libraries are using it. Unlike Reanimated 3, the team did not alter the implementation of the old version for Reanimated 2. The reason was to ensure compatibility. As a result, upgrading to 2.0 was smooth and did not require rewriting code.

However, the old API and implementation will not be compatible with Reanimated 3. It might be problematic for React Native developers. Do not worry! The team is working to resolve these issues.

  • It will not ship with Android pre-built binaries

Another thing that makes Reanimated 3 unique is its ability to ship with ready-to-use binaries for Android. That means a React Native app development company has to compile the C++ code of Reanimated 3 from the source when creating an Android app. It is similar to the build behaviour on iOS. But if you want to upgrade your app on Android, it requires additional setup.

  • It supports the Fabric architecture

The highlight of this latest release is that it supports the new React Native architecture, “Fabric.” Additionally, it is compatible with the old architecture. Thanks to this feature, you can upgrade to version 3.0 even if you do not use Fabric. If you are looking for Fabric implementation, the Layout Animation feature is not yet available for the latest release.

Note:* If you want to use Reanimated with Fabric, you must use React Native 0.69. React Native developers may expect Reanimated 3 compatibility with Fabric soon.

Now, you know the improvements and new features of Reanimated 3. It is the right time to get into when and how to switch to version 3.0.

  • When is the right time to upgrade to Reanimated 3?

If the dependencies of your app do not use Reanimated 1 API, it is best to switch to the new version at the earliest. Compared to Reanimated 2, version 3.0 does not bring many changes. But switching now will help you leverage the future benefits, including compatibility with the new React Native architecture.

If you are one of the top React Native app development companies and rely on code using Reanimate 1 API, you have two options.

  • Firstly, you need to replace the dependencies using it and upgrade its versions.
  • Secondly, you may refactor the code to the latest API.
  • How to upgrade to Reanimated 3?

Whether you are a full-time or freelance React Native developer, you can upgrade to the latest version with ease. Here is a step-by-step guide you may follow.

  • Use “yarn do” to upgrade the package version. For example, yarn upgradereact-native-reanimated@next.
  • If you want to create an Android app, it is crucial to install and configure NDK. In most cases, people have already installed NDK because of requirements by other community packages. If you do not have it, follow the guidelines using the Android developers portal.
  • Lastly, if you want to use Reanimated with Fabric, make sure you use version 0.69 of React Native.

In closing

Reanimated 3 is more beneficial than its previous version. While now the differences between Reanimated 2 and 3 are not significant, they will be in the coming future. If you are a React Native developer or an enterprise, upgrade to Reanimated 3 following these easy steps. In the long run, you will reap countless benefits.

If you want more such React Native updates, visit SoftProdigy. We have a team of experts offering the latest information in the field. You may also hire a React Native developer to meet your development needs.


  • What is reanimated library?

Reanimated is a React Native library that helps developers to build smooth animations and interactions for iOS and Android.

  • What is Reanimated 3?

Reanimated 3 is version 3.0 of the popular Reanimated library of React Native. It is the first version that will support Fabric architecture while offering several new features.

