22 Reasons Why Forgotten Runes Wizard Cult Will Make Magic in 2022

5 min readDec 31, 2021


  1. Community. The community is the best. Whether you are a crypto OG or a newbie, a 10-year-old or a Grandma, it’s all love and good vibes. And it’s so much fun in the discord.
  2. “Lore Not Floor.” Stories underpin what it means to be human. In the Universe, each wizard writes their own story on the blockchain. Then collectively the community will world-build. And on top of that a community-owned media empire will arise.
  3. Floor. This may seem incompatible with the above, but it is ownership that is the rocket fuel for web3 and also to spur creative energy. Wizards is still marginally underground and greatly undervalued and quickly on its way to blue chip. Here’s a chart comparing the floor against all other major NFT projects in the last 90 days:

4. Web3 Disney. In web 2, Stan Lee creates and sells Marvel to Disney, then comics and movies are made, then they sell it all to you for crazy profits, then sue you for making fan fiction. With Forgotten Runes, the wizards are the building blocks, then lore, then fan fiction, then comics, tv, movies, video games and more with profits going to the fans. To hear this explained in detail you can listen to Gfunk explain what they are doing with superheroes where FRWC is owning fantasy: https://www.proof.xyz/punks-comic/

5. Fantasy Genre. If NFTs are digital ownership, FRWC will digitally own the fantasy genre. Think Tolkien, Game of Thrones, Dungeons & Dragons all rolled into one in the Metaverse.

6. Comics and TV Show. They are working on comics and a series animated by @TitmouseIn to be pitched to Netflix. The community’s lore will be incorporated in each. https://www.forgottenrunes.com/posts/titmouse

7. Video Game. FRWC has partnered with a AAA game studio with titles like Elder Scrolls Online, Diablo, Overwatch, World of Warcraft, and Far Cry on their resume. Will be a “create-to-earn” MMO containing a massive NFT economy inside. https://bisonic.io/announcement-release/

8. D&D Game. In addition to the digital game, the community has been organizing online D&D games where you can play as your character.

9. Forgotten Souls. In their first creative airdrop. 1,112 eternal flames were airdropped which you could then use to “burn” your wizard into a Forgotten Soul (liches, zombies, spectres, ghouls, etc). Or your wizard could be turned into an “undesireable” like a pile of ash or a jelly donut. A nerve-racking and exhilerating experience. https://opensea.io/collection/forgottensouls
Here’s a sample vid:

10. Forgotten Ponies. What began as a joke that everyone would get a pony for Christmas became a reality as ponies were airdropped to the community with amazing steeds for the wizards to ride. (Or a nice $5k+ holiday gift). https://opensea.io/collection/forgottenrunesponies

11. Forgotten Warriors. While “wizards are for everyone” is a core principle, warrior drop is coming soon and may be a cheaper entry point for folks.

12. Land Sale. Also upcoming. Opportunity to own a piece of the runiverse in the video game and hopefully a share of the economy. Whitelist here: https://runiverse.world

13. Coinbase NFT Market. Forgotten Runes has been confirmed as a featured project for the upcoming Coinbase launch (Q1?) that has over 3M people on the waitlist.

14. Proof of Milk. The community is branching out into creative sub-communities and guilds like the Milk Guild and the Wolfpack.

15. IRL Fun. Asides from the online conversations, the community is massively creative, not only creating art, stories and music, but everything from wizard themed hoodies, christmas cookies, halloween decorations and everything in between.

16. IRL Lore. In addition to wizard lore. There are legendary stories happening in the community. From degens burning wizards into ultrarares or ultrarares into a red rose. To people trading their 1:1’s to buy a house for their family.

17. Diamond Hands. I’m not sure what the stats are but this is not general a community of flippers. People love their wizards, the community and the vision.

18. Metaverse Integration. You can already use your wizard to walk around Worldwide Webb Land and soon will have 3D models to walk around Sandbox and other metaverses. Your pet familiars will join as well!

19. Wizard Wednesday. Every Wednesday the founding team does a transparent Twitter Spaces about updates. Community members jump in with questions and amazing lore readings.

20. Philosopher King Founders. Not only is the founding team talented, experienced and credible, but they are deep thinkers and communicators. They are the perfect leaders for this community. Here is a riff from the latest Wizard Wednesday (credit @ZayLaSoul):

21. Identity. The art is such that owners truly identify with their wizards as both PFP’s and also their avatars in the metaverse.

22. !magic

