Emotions Are Your Ally

Who Told You Not To Trust Your Emotions?

Merlyn Reena
3 min readMar 7, 2023

“Stop being so emotional”, everyone seems to say. Humans are emotional creatures and if you take the emotions out of the humans, there won’t be compassion, there won’t be a helping hand, there won’t be any sharing, and most important of all, there won’t be love.

The things we chase after, we chase for our emotional satisfaction. Going after things that boost your ego may make you feel superior in some kind of way, but it’s never satisfying. Emotional intimacy, love, warmth, and satisfaction are what we are really after.

We all want to be loved, supported, and validated. Moreover, emotions are like our inner compass guiding us on the right path to go. If you’re going the wrong way, you feel something wrong on the inside.

If something is right, you feel bliss, joy, and peace on the inside. If you’re confused, it indicates that things are not clear and you just need to keep moving through the haze to figure things out.

An emotion is an indication of what you are going through. You don’t need to be overwhelmed or subdued by them. If you feel pain, get up and go outside and start talking to new people to get a different perspective.

If you feel bored, go join a baking class. You’ve got to respond to emotions with the right actions. God uses emotions to speak to us and lead us in the way we ought to go.

So, next time you feel a strong emotion, don’t shrug it off. Investigate why you feel the way you feel and start taking the right action steps. If no one has told you this, please understand today that you should not be avoiding your feelings.

If you feel pain, don’t avoid your pain. Instead, find out why you feel the pain, the underlying cause, and what it’s trying to tell you. Oprah says, “Feelings are your GPS.”

You don’t need to seek God in a burning bush no more, he speaks in a still, small voice on the inside of you. That voice telling you something’s not right is God.

That voice telling you to do the right thing no matter how hard or lonely it gets is God. Your desires are from God, moving you in a direction pleasing to him. Ever felt a burning desire inspiring you to do inspired work?

That’s God leading you in the direction you ought to go in. The world needs people who have come alive, who have found their calling, and oozing inspiration. But, what they don’t get is that desires are divine and the fact that you even have a desire in the first place is spiritual.

That’s why we have so many uninspired, lustreless people walking like zombies aimlessly all around us. Because your desires are really not yours, it’s from the Divine. Desires seek a medium to manifest and that medium is you.

No idea is original. It just so happened that you were receptive to it and you took it and ran with it. So, next time you’re hit with a lightning desire or struck with an idea, don’t take it lightly.

Follow the inspiration and it will lead you to the life of your dreams. This is why it’s so important to have a journal where you jot down all these ideas and creative inspirations.

Or record it on your phone so that you can go back and revisit it when you have the time. Remember that if you don’t take action on those ideas, they will not wait for you, they will go and knock on someone who is willing to act upon it.

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