Entry from a Mermaid Who’s Not Actually a Mermaid But Just Go With It!

Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes
2 min readJul 20, 2023


Hello Friends,

It’s 1 AM here in the good old place that is my phone, and I am tossing and turning with excitement because this is my first-ever blog post!

I’m Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes. At least, that is what I want to call myself starting now. My real name is May, and it means ‘baby monkey’ in Arabic… did you know that? Okay, maybe you didn’t.

The thing is, I’ve liked mermaids ever since I was like, I don’t know when. But when I watched The Little Mermaid, I fell in love with Ariel and that was that. I wanted to be just like her, and this is my chance to do that.

I don’t want to be an actual mermaid… don’t get me wrong. But I want to be exactly like who Ariel is on the inside. I want to express what I’m feeling vocally, I want to shout how beautiful life is from the rooftops, and I want to help someone feeling down get back up again… that’s one of my wishes in the world, to make someone, at least one person feel a bit better, and a little more beautiful. If I can make that happen, I would truly feel happy.

So, yeah, I don’t want to be a mermaid (maybe that’s not exactly true), but I do hope that by being Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes, by allowing myself to be who I am, say what I want & express how I feel publicly about anything and everything, I can help someone do the very same thing.

Because when we are who we are, isn’t that the best experience in the world?

Isn’t being comfortable in our own skin and loving the way our soul was made, isn’t that the kind of feeling we want forever?

If you want that, to be who you are without any doubt, go ahead! I’m rooting for you. I’m trying to do the very same thing by launching this blog, and by writing whatever I feel on it. It’s a promise to myself to be who I am, like Ariel is.

So if you want to join me in the world of authenticity, I hope you stick around! You won’t regret it.

Otherwise, I hope you have a wonderful day.

Now, I’ll be hitting the hay.

See ya.


Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes



Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes

A girl who wants to write and show her heart to the world: May, or Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes.