What Audrey Said: An Entry by Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes.

Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes
2 min readFeb 29, 2024


Photo by Chris Nemeth on Unsplash

Hello Friends,

I’m reading a story about love right now, and I can’t help but be filled with excessive warmth. I haven’t felt like that in a long time. I love stories that make me feel safe, secure, and provide a temporary, eternal escape from the world.

The story I’m reading is a WEBTOON comic, and it’s about romance. Before that, I was reading a story that was all about liberty, inspiration, being a hero, and I realized that’s what I love about stories. I love the ones that give you hope. It’s why I started reading in the first place, and I guess it’s why I started writing in the first place.

I still don’t know my exact purpose in writing — I realize that now. While I know I want to become a writer and I want to inspire people with words, and I know it’s my absolute passion, I still don’t completely know what I want to do with that.

There are obviously reasons I’m already aware of; no one has a passion without knowing why they have it, after all. However, I think the more you practice a passion, the more you discover what you want to do with it, and that’s where the mystery lies.

I want to be a hero in writing. I know that’s a big ambition to make, but I truly want to make the world a better place with writing. I want stories that will make someone feel better, and I want words that will make someone melt, and help someone out of a foreign darkness.

If you’ve ever struggled in life, I’m sorry. It’s not easy to struggle, and it’s especially not easy when you’re stuck in the present moment of it.

If you ever need to talk, I’m here. I know we don’t know each other, dear reader, I know we’re both on opposite ends of the screen. But if you ever need to talk, pour your heart out, please do so in the comments. I want to listen. I want you to know I’m here.

And in case you haven’t been told today, you are beautiful, you are worthy, and you are enough. As Audrey Hepburn once said, “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” I want you to know, dear reader… you are never alone.

You are special, and you are loved. Please know that.

I love you so much, and I hope you have a great day.


Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes



Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes

A girl who wants to write and show her heart to the world: May, or Mermaid with Sea-Green Eyes.