Diary Entry #9: The Amerikan Brexit Intensifies

D.A.C.S., A.D.O.S., and Growing EthnoFascism / EthnoNationalism in Black Amerika

2 min readFeb 6, 2019

D.A.C.S = Descendants of Chattel Slavery

A.D.O.S = American Descendants Of Slavery

This A.D.O.S. / D.A.C.S. shit is super fascist and ignores colonialism on a whole. How? Let’s see.

Ethnonationalism is not for Black people. It only benefits the bourgeoisie of the First World... Not even chattel slaves of Latin Amerika benefit from this ahistorical nonsense.

Do y'all not realize how often our ancestors were traded between the Caribbean and Amerika? Y'all get stuck doing ancestral research and wonder why...? Chances are your ancestor was from a plantation in Haiti and was fucking sold to Amerikans for doing voodoo, or vice versa.

AND THERE ARE LITERALLY STILL SLAVES IN AFRIKA AND THE MIDDLE EAST. DO Y'ALL NOT KNOW ABOUT THE ARAB SLAVE TRADE? IT HAS EXISTED SINCE 900 A.D. DO YOU KNOW WHAT "ZANJ" MEANS? GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST BUDDY. Genocides upon genocides for being Black, millions dead in the Kongo at Leopold's hands, and yall think you deserve more? 🤦🏾‍♀️

What's funny is that most of these proponents of this ADOS, DACS stuff don't even know if their family came to Amerika as immigrants or slaves. Yall haven't even tried to trace your ancestry.

It's also fucking asinine because there were nonBlack people who were chattel slaves in Amerika. And no I'm not referring to whites.

It came up around the same time as that Marianne Williamson's bullshit reparations which is pretty much just funding into an "education system" that doesn't benefit niggas anyway. The hoteps continue to keep inventing shit thst fucks over more n more Black people.

Hoteps and the alt right have had a public, open alliance since 2016. So it makes sense their ideas are becoming this nauseatingly popular now that we have the richest prez in Amerikan history, Trump, white nationalist Bannon's "blunt object'".


Yall really need to learn how to navigate the plethora of new fascist spaces forming right before our eyes. Read history.

I swear its like they're trying to cover every base of every audience to get us entranced..... Im watching my friends turn to opinions i havent seen them say since childhood when they knew no better. This is fucking depressing.

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Transwoman from Wai'tu kubuli ( Dominica ) :: Too Left for Cool :: Writing Fourth-World Strategy :: https://www.patreon.com/MerriCatherine