5 Quick Workout Fixes for Faster Muscle Growth

Merry Dian
2 min readJul 19, 2017


Are you having difficulty finding a training routine that works for you? Read this guide to full body workouts and splits to see if a 3, 4 or even a 5-day split might be the muscle building routine that you need!

Have you tried every workout program on the planet yet still can’t seem to build muscle? It’s possible you could be using a program ill-suited to your goals, but chances are it’s your execution that’s making muscle growth challenging.

Here are five changes you can make to your program right now to starting packing on muscle.

1. Slow down your tempo on assistance exercises

Many of us are competitive and want to do everything as fast as possible. But with assistance exercises like Dumbbell Rows and Bicep Curls, it’s important to control the movement if your goal is muscle growth. Time under tension is crucial for adding size.

A group of Canadian researchers published a study in 2011 that found athletes who lifted weight slowly to failure (six seconds up, six seconds down) had greater increases in protein synthesis than those who lifted quickly (one up, one down).

So next time you’re in the gym, perform your secondary exercises more slowly. Try performing them for at least three or four seconds on the negative portion of the lift. Your muscles are going to burn, but you’ll get much better results.

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