Fourier Transform Visualization with MATLAB: Part — 1

Mert Alperen Beşer
7 min readNov 19, 2022

I was learning about some basic robotics and dealing with the planar manipulandum then remember that there are some cool representations around for Animated Fourier Transform Visualizations then decided to make one with Matlab since there are few examples with it. The Fourier transform visualizations series will consist of 2 parts.

In the first part, we are going to make simple visualizations that consist of Fourier circles, and moving harmonics with signal drawing animation for 1D signal.

For the second part, we are going to draw shapes with the Fourier transform. In this article, I am not going to explain what Fourier transforms deeply otherwise you can understand what basically Fourier transform does.

What is Fourier Transform?

Fourier transform takes any time-dependent signal and represents this signal in terms of sinusoids basically.

This theorem is the heart of signal theory and our communication systems. Let us be thankful just one second for French mathematician Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier who develop this theorem. In addition, you may hear both Fourier…



Mert Alperen Beşer

Bioengineering and Optics, MSc Student @Unigenova. BSc Electronics and Comm. Eng @itu1773. Passionate about physics. Engage 👉