Pinnedmert polat ☁️ ☸️🐳🐧inDevops Türkiye☁️ 🐧 🐳 ☸️Pushing Docker Images to GitHub’s Registry: Manual and Automated MethodsIntroductionApr 17Apr 17
mert polat ☁️ ☸️🐳🐧inDevops Türkiye☁️ 🐧 🐳 ☸️Creating a Private GKE Cluster and Bastion VM with TerraformIn this article, we will walk through creating a private Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster and a bastion VM using Terraform. This…Jul 2Jul 2
mert polat ☁️ ☸️🐳🐧inDevops Türkiye☁️ 🐧 🐳 ☸️Docker Commands: What Are They For and How to Use Them?Docker is a platform used to distribute and run software quickly and consistently. It isolates dependencies and infrastructure by running…May 8May 8
mert polat ☁️ ☸️🐳🐧inTurk Telekom Bulut TeknolojileriGitlab Runner Installation StepsGitlab Runner Installation Steps GitLab Runner Installation — Setting Up GitLab Runner on System with Bash ScriptApr 24Apr 24
mert polat ☁️ ☸️🐳🐧inDevops Türkiye☁️ 🐧 🐳 ☸️How to Resolve GCP Public Key SSH Error?A user encountered a “public key” error while trying to access a virtual machine (VM) on the Google Cloud Platform. In this article, we…Mar 12Mar 12
mert polat ☁️ ☸️🐳🐧inTurk Telekom Bulut TeknolojileriFile Sharing Between Linux Operating Systems: Mounting with NFS and SambaIn a Linux operating system, how can we mount another system with a Linux operating system? It is essential to ensure that there is a…Jan 13Jan 13
mert polat ☁️ ☸️🐳🐧inTurk Telekom Bulut TeknolojileriGitlab Version UpgradeThis guide describes the upgrade from 16.3.2 to 16.4.1, but it can be applied to any version.Dec 12, 2023Dec 12, 2023
mert polat ☁️ ☸️🐳🐧inTurk Telekom Bulut TeknolojileriLonghorn Version Upgrade with RancherThe upgrade process for Longhorn includes the following steps:Dec 3, 2023Dec 3, 2023
mert polat ☁️ ☸️🐳🐧Gitlab Version UpgradeBu Rehberde 16.3.2'den 16.4.1'e geçiş anlatılmıştır fakat her sürüm için uygulanabilir.Oct 5, 2023Oct 5, 2023
mert polat ☁️ ☸️🐳🐧Otonom Araçlar ve Ulaşım: Robotaksi Otonom Araç Yarışması DeneyimiUlaşım sektörü, teknolojinin hızla gelişmesiyle birlikte büyük bir dönüşüm yaşıyor. Bu dönüşümün önemli bir parçası olan otonom araçlar…Sep 1, 2023Sep 1, 2023