How does a music record label function?

Mervin Preethi
3 min readFeb 11, 2023


A Record Label is a crucial part of survival in the music industry. Each artist comes under one (or more) record labels, starting from Adele to Harry Styles. In an ideal setting, the importance of a music record label goes unnoticed, but let’s dive deeper into the understanding of how a music record label functions and why is it relevant in 2023.

A Music Record Label is an organization that primarily deals with the trademark and copyright of an album/song of an artist, among the other crucial tasks done. Record labels act as a foundation for multiple artists, bands in particular (who hasn't heard about One Direction!?). It acts as a platform to fetch talent, providing monetary and non-monetary resources, music production, and distribution to a wider audience.

A music record label typically consists of a team of professionals who handle various aspects of the music production process, including marketing, promotion, distribution, and legal representation. In the early stages of an artist’s career, the label may offer support in the form of financial backing, recording time, and access to recording studios, producers, and engineers. As the artist gains popularity, the label may provide additional resources such as tour support, merchandise production, and digital distribution.

The music production process starts with the discovery of new talent. Record labels have a team of talent scouts who are constantly on the lookout for new artists who have the potential to become successful. They listen to demos, attend concerts, and scour the internet to find the next big thing. Once they have identified a promising artist, they offer them a recording contract, which outlines the terms of the relationship between the label and the artist.

The recording contract typically covers the length of the relationship between the label and the artist, the recording budget, the rights and responsibilities of each party, and the royalty structure. The royalty structure is a key aspect of the contract, as it determines how the artist will be compensated for their work. In most cases, artists receive a portion of the revenue generated by the sales of their music, which is known as mechanical royalty.

Once an artist has signed a recording contract, the label provides the necessary resources for the artist to produce their music. This may include recording time in a professional studio, access to top-notch producers and engineers, and funding for the production of the album. The label then works with the artist to promote their music and increase their visibility in the industry. This may involve coordinating interviews, organizing concerts, and creating a strong online presence through social media and digital marketing campaigns.

Once the album has been produced and promoted, the label then focuses on distribution. They work with distributors to get the music into stores and make it available for purchase online. The label also manages the licensing of the music for use in movies, television shows, and commercials, which generates additional revenue for the artist.

Music record labels play a crucial role in the success of an artist’s career, but artists need to understand the terms of their contract and the responsibilities of the label. Some artists may feel that they are giving up too much control over their careers by signing with a label, but the resources and support provided by the label can be invaluable in helping artists reach new heights in their careers.

Music record labels is an integral part of the music industry, as they provide a platform for artists to showcase their talent, promote their music and distribute it to a wider audience. They play a key role in the success of an artist’s career, but artists need to understand the terms of their contract and the responsibilities of the label. By working together, artists and labels can create successful, long-lasting careers in the music industry.



Mervin Preethi

A Journalism Psychology English major, trying to tune her passion for writing. Count me in if it has Dogs, Music, and Food.